The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1929: No. 1 on the list

Gu Xiaowan's pen fell on the paper that had already been written. A copybook that had been written was destroyed. Gu Xiaowan didn't care at all. She stood up hurriedly and quickly ran from behind the desk to the yard. Gu When Fangxi and Gu Xiaoyi heard the movement, they ran over and stood in the courtyard.

Seeing Kou Haisi running in without seeing fatigue, with a look of joy, she knelt down when she saw Gu Xiaowan's plop: "Congratulations girl, son is in high school!"

High school?

That's it!

Gu Xiaowan's hanging heart finally fell, patted her chest, and hurriedly shouted happily: "Quickly, go and tell Ning'an the good news!"

When Gu Xiaoyi heard his brother's high school, he jumped up: "Sister, I'll call brother!"

After speaking, there is no shadow!

Kou Hai saw that Miss ran away, but he hasn't finished the words after this.

Gu Fangxi put his hands together in excitement, and kept calling Bodhisattva bless, Bodhisattva bless!

The people in the yard became happy when they heard that Gu Ning'an High School had arrived.

In, in!

"Girl, one more thing, the son is not only high school, but also the first place in the exam!"

Kou Hai stretched out his index finger and gestured. This time, Gu Xiaowan's excited voice was a little trembling: "What did you say? I got the first place in the exam?"

"Well, the official who announces the good news soon will come to our house. I am afraid that the girl will be anxious, so I will come back first. I don't have to look for the red list. From the front and back, the first thing I see is the name of the son! I didn't even look at it, so I ran back right away!" Kou Hai smiled.

Gu Ning'an also came over at this moment. He already knew in high school. His hung heart finally fell. He stepped into his sister's yard and heard that he had won the first place exam. He had a calm expression. Followed to be happy.

Gu Xiaowan walked over, patted Gu Ning'an on the shoulder, and said proudly: "Ning'an, sister is proud of you!"

Are you proud?

With so many people in the exam, Ning'an passed the exam, and even the first place in the exam. Starting today, Gu Ning'an's name will surely become a household name!

"Ning'an, you are about to participate in the palace exam soon, so don't be nervous! You are already a leader if you can get the first place! Do you know?" Gu Xiaowan thought of the upcoming palace exam, and hurriedly comforted: "When the time comes, Say what you know!"

Gu Ning'an nodded and looked at her proud face, her face was calm, but her heart was as happy as a flower: "Sister, I know!"

It didn't take long for the officials to announce the good news, and they were busy again.

Gu Xiaowan was very happy today, so he asked Zuo to go to the warehouse and took out several gold ingots. Today, everyone was very happy. Everyone rewarded one gold ingot. The whole Qingyuan was filled with joy!

But at this moment, Gu Xintao is not so good!

Gu Chuanlu sat in the upper position, his face pale.

Today, he put on the list, he specially asked for a day off, saying that he was going home to celebrate.

Everyone in Suiyu Guzhai knows that Gu Chuanlu has a son who also took the exam this year. On weekdays, I heard him say how good his son is, and proudly said that this time his son will pass the exam, and everyone will pass it. The pole fumbled.

He originally went to look at the list happily, but he saw the end from the beginning, and the beginning from the end, where he could see the name of Gu Ziwen!

And there is another name that occupies the first position, which is particularly an eyesore!

The room was quiet, no one spoke, only the sound of firecrackers coming from outside.

Whose high school is this, they will set off a firecracker to announce the good news!

Gu Chuanlu specially bought a very large firecracker, and he hung it high up at the gate before he went to release the list. He waited for him to come back and set off the firecrackers!

I don’t know. I didn’t see Gu Ziwen’s name. I was ridiculed by a few people I met on the road. Now when I get home, the door of other people’s house is covered with red paper, and his firecrackers are still hanging at the gate. In my heart

It's like being stabbed by someone else, angry, uncomfortable, and aggrieved!

He could only secretly bring the firecrackers in again, but also to prevent others from seeing it, how embarrassed it would be!

Seeing that there was no sound in the room right now, Gu Chuanlu's aggrieved and shameful anger came to his mind at this moment, especially seeing Gu Ziwen's indifferent appearance, how proud this son was originally, how angry he is today!


Gu Chuanlu slapped it on the table with a palm, and a few people jumped off!

"Let you study hard if you don't read, if you want to lose your father's face, I will tell others that you will be admitted!" Gu Chuanlu said angrily.

Gu Ziwen snorted coldly: "Who asked you to say that! You are good for yourself, what's up to me!"

"You, you wicked son, I am the one who spoils you too much! Everything follows you, you and you now" Gu Chuanlu was not angry, and went forward to teach Gu Ziwen.

It is rare for Sun to see the father and son quarrel, so he hurried forward to persuade him to fight: "Master, don't be angry, Ziwen didn't pass the exam this time, so I will take the exam next time!

Sun Xi'e didn’t know how important this matter was to Gu Chuanlu. Now it’s not a question that Gu Ziwen can still take the exam in the coming year. Rather, he has already boasted about Haikou with others. How can he explain to those customers who are successful?

When people heard him boast that his son would definitely be admitted to Juren this time, he had some contempt for him, but immediately changed his face.

Gu Chuanlu didn't know why these people changed their faces so quickly. If Ziwen was admitted to Juren, he would be Master Juren, and he would start to become an official!

Regardless of whether the official or the junior official, he served as a errand under Prince Ming to help Prince Ming manage Suiyu Guzhai. That is the person closest to Prince Ming. Princess Mingdu has such a good relationship with Xintao, who doesn’t know. This Gu Ziwen's future career will be smooth!

Who is not on the pole to flatter!

But now it's good, Gu Ziwen didn't even pass the last one!

Where does this put his face?

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