The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1947: Save life with children

Song Qin's eyes looked like a sharp blade, and Liu Nianrou shook involuntarily when he swept his eyes like a knife.

The scene began to get busy. Liu Nianrou didn't know how she got out of Huangruye's yard. She was already scared and a layer of sweat broke out on her back. When the wind blew, she shivered with cold!

Huang Ruyi fainted unexpectedly, and also fainted at the moment when she just reached out her hand, what was going on?

How could she be so good that she fainted just when she stretched out her hand?

But at that time, she obviously didn't meet her!

Liu Nianrou was sure that she hadn't touched Huang Ruye. She had just touched her clothes at the time, and she didn't exert any effort! Huang Ru is going to fall back, what's up with her?

Maybe, she just wanted to frame herself?

When Liu Nianrou thought of this, she was so scared as a sieve. Why didn't she expect it? Huang Ru was deliberately tripping herself, trying to get rid of herself! If she has a good friend today, I am afraid that Fang Zhengxing will not let him go!

Thinking of Fang Zhengxing now, she is already quite impatient, and that young, beautiful and prominent Huang Ruye has become his flesh and blood, the treasure in his palm!

She had already seen Fang Zhengxing’s viciousness and viciousness a long time ago. Back then, she deliberately put other blind medicines in Lu Wenxin’s medicine instead. He knew it clearly, but he didn’t say anything, and she was gentle. Treat yourself.

This made her more courageous, anyway, he didn't like Lu Wenxin, so except for Lu Wenxin, he let himself be the lady above!

But no one knows that before his front foot has reconciled with Lu Wenxin, he went to marry Huang Ruye on the back foot!

She has worked so hard for so many years, and it turns out that she has made wedding dresses for others! How can she be convinced!

But this made her see that Fang Zhengxing was an extremely selfish, vicious and vicious person. Huang Ru is now useful. If there is anything wrong with her, Fang Zheng will apologize to the Huang family and he will definitely Push yourself out, when the time comes

She hurriedly called Dongxue, her nervous voice was a little unclear: "Go to the door and say that I have something important to find the master! You must let the master come to me first, you must! Go, go!"

Huang Ruye would not let her go, and Fang Zhengxing would not let her go. Thinking that he hadn't married Huang Ruye and warned her coldly, the more Liu Nianrou thought about it, the more cold he felt!

The only thing she can protect herself is the son in her belly! Only this one!

As long as she tells Fang Zhengxing that she is pregnant with his flesh and blood, and when the doctor says it must be his son, Fang Zhengxing will definitely forgive her! She originally wanted to use this child to bring down Huang, but now it is impossible!

Where did you know that Huang Ruye would follow her to this trick!

Liu Nianrou was so scared that she walked around the house anxiously!

There was no news from Huang Ru's side, and Liu Nianrou became scared. Her status in the mansion was getting more and more precarious! The people she had bought before have been subdued by Huang Rui invisibly!

Indeed, those who are not snobbish, follow whoever looks good! Was the maid-in-law of Lu Wenxin's place that she conquered one by one?

Now, she has also become that lonely family, and she has been put under control by Huang Ru!

Liu Nian was so angry that he yelled a few bitches, and then he heard rapid footsteps coming from outside: "Auntie, Master, come"

"Master, are you back?" Liu Nianrou heard Dongxue's voice and ran out hurriedly with excitement, yelling delicately.

But outside, apart from Dongxue standing there with his head hanging down, where are there other people!

"Where is the old man? The old man hasn't come back yet?"

"Master is back, he didn't even listen to the slave and the maidservant and went straight to his wife!" Dongxue wanted to stop Fang Zhengxing, but Fang Zhengxing's eyes at the time wanted to cramp herself: "Master, he still said"

"What else did the master say?" Liu Nianrou saw that Fang Zhengxing had even brought words to herself, rekindling a glimmer of hope!

Dongxue is now too scared to speak. The look in Fang Zhengxing's eyes just now makes him want to break her body into pieces: "Master, master, let him talk"

Dongxue was trembling and couldn't speak a complete sentence!

Liu Nianrou was very angry, angry and anxious, and shouted: "What? You are talking, do you want me to be anxious?"

Dongxue shrank her neck and said: "The master said that if the wife has a long and two shortcomings, he and his aunt will pay for her life!"

"What?" When Liu Nianrou heard this, she took a few steps back in shock, staggering, and about to fall to the ground.

Dongxue saw it, and hurriedly stepped forward to help her: "Madam, don't be like this, don't be like this, you still have a little son in your stomach!"

Liu Nianrou's thoughts were as gray as before, and hope was rekindled by Dongxue's words just now, right! She still has a son, and the master's son in her belly!

Thinking of this, Liu Nianrou hurriedly cheered up: "Go, I'm going to find the master!"

The child in this belly is now her amulet!

"Also, call both Lan Xin and Zhu Yun and let them go together!"

Liu Nianrou thought that she still had two daughters, so she hurried people to shout.

She has two beautiful daughters, and the little son in her belly. With more than ten years of relationship with her master, how can Huang Ru be able to compare?

Although Liu Nianrou shouted so many people, but I don't know why, Liu Nianrou still feels a little confused!

Her legs trembled a bit. If Dongxue hadn't been supporting her all the time, she wouldn't even have the strength to walk!

When the two of them just left the courtyard, they saw that the grandmother Wan from the house was bringing a few people here, rushing fiercely. When they saw Liu Nianrou, they shouted fiercely: "Come here, arrest Aunt Liu !"

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