The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1948: Huang Ru lost her tire

Mother Wan used to be the housekeeper's wife in the mansion. Later, after Liu Nianrou took charge of the power of the Fang Mansion, she let Mother Wan come down and activated the people around her!

Mother Wan was angry at Liu Nianrou. Now that she saw Huang Ru was sick with her qi, this was the best chance to avenge her, so she rushed to catch Liu Nianrou.

Everyone behind him came forward and caught Liu Nianrou in one hand. This sudden incident made Liu Nianrou bewildered!

"Mother Wan, what are you doing? Let go of me, I am the aunt in the house!" Liu Nianrou didn't expect that she would be **** by her subordinates and shouted hurriedly.

I saw Mother Wan's face with a sneer: "Where are your aunts? This time the master might even kill you!"

"What are you talking about?" Liu Nianrou understood what Mother Wan had said, and her heart sank to the bottom immediately: "I don't believe it, I want to see the master, I want to see the master!"

Could it be that Huang Ru is not working?

how is this possible?

She was fine in the morning, but she couldn't say anything!

Seeing Liu Nianrou who was yelling, Mother Wan sneered and said: "Don't worry, we are taking you to see the master!"

Liu Nianrou was arrested and taken to Huang Ruye’s yard. As soon as she entered the house, she smelled a strong **** smell from inside, and Liu Nianrou felt a thud in her heart.

how is this possible!

As she was thinking about it, she saw Fang Zhengxing suddenly come out of the inside without saying anything. She kicked Liu Nianrou’s shoulder with a single kick. There was a sharp pain in Liu Nianrou’s shoulder blades, and she fell back with the force. !

"You bitch, bitch!" After Fang Zhengxing finished kicking, he still felt uncomfortable and stepped forward to kick it again!

Seeing this, Dongxue hurriedly went to protect Liu Nianrou last issue, crying: "Master, don't beat auntie, don't beat auntie!"

Liu Nianrou was also shocked at the moment.

The pots of blood just now made her stunned, and now Fang Zhengxing's behavior made her stunned!

Huang Ru is what happened to her?

Liu Nianrou didn’t care about other things. She just wanted to tell the story about her pregnancy, she saw Fang Zhengxing pointed at Liu Nianrou and yelled: “You bitch, if you finally get pregnant with my child, that’s a son. Ah, after my Fang family finally got there, it was killed by you, you bitch, you bitch, why don't you die! Why don't you die!"

With a "boom", Liu Nianrou only felt that a thunderbolt had rang out on the sunny day, and she immediately knocked her out of her ability to think!

Huang Ru is pregnant?

How is it possible?

Lord, isn't he already taking medicine? How could it be possible that Huang Ru is pregnant?

The first thing Liu Nianrou thought of was, is the medicine useless, so Fang Zhengxing can still have children?

Or does it mean that they were squatting before they got married, so this child was pregnant before they got married?

Liu Nianrou felt a thousand times in her heart, shocked and afraid!

Does Huang Ru really have a body?

how is this possible?

However, looking at Fang Zhengxing's red eyes and angrily wishing to choke himself to death, he believed that the child must be his!

It's just that Liu Nianrou's heart is full of countless confusion, how is it possible?

However, Huang Ru is clearly pregnant with a child!

Liu Nianrou was shocked by what happened now!

Huang Ru had no children, but she did it!

And whether that child is Fang Zhengxing, now anyone can't decide!

Could it be that she could still tell Fang Zhengxing that the child must not belong to him?

Fang Zhengxing had been prescribed medicine by Huang Rushi before she got married. Then Wan Tingchun patted her chest and said that the medicine must work and it would surely kill off children and grandchildren, but how could it be possible?

When Fang Zhengxing saw Liu Nianrou kneeling there and not speaking, his heart was even more angry. He was about to step forward and kick. Dongxue was shocked when he saw this. If the master kicked him, his aunt would be killed. Half of the article is about to be removed, not to mention the child in the belly: "Master, you must not beat the aunt, she is already"

Liu Nianrou hurriedly pulled Dongxue down, and roared, "Shut up, you!"

If Dongxue hadn't finished speaking, she was stuck in her throat.

Liu Nianrou dare not say now, dare not say!

Huang Rushi just had no children, she said that she had a child, and Fang Zhengxing would go crazy and kill herself!

He has already determined that Huang Ru is the child in his stomach, and that he is the eldest son he has been looking forward to. Now that he has no eldest son, how can he expect the son in her stomach!

Fang Zhengxing, who was furious at this moment, was like an angry lion, and could kill her at any time!

She didn't dare to say that she was pregnant, and she didn't dare to plead with Fang Zhengxing. She knew how much Fang Zhengxing was looking forward to having a son. Now it is gone, no more, it is tantamount to killing Fang Zhengxing!

"Master, madam, let the slave and maid give you a word" Song Qin came out of the heavy curtain, and his hands were still stained with blood.

When Fang Zheng heard this, he hurried to Song Qin's side, feeling very sad: "Madam, what is she going to say?"

"Madam said she was sorry for you! She was very sad for not keeping your child, but the madam advises you not to get angry, so as not to hurt your body! Otherwise, she must be sad too!"

Song Qin's words made Fang Zhengxing's heartbroken!

"If so, I'm sorry! I knew this woman was so vicious, I should blast her out of Fang's mansion!" Fang Zhengxing repented.

When Liu Nianrou heard this, she sat on the ground in shock!

Fang Zhengxing turned his head to look at her, and said coldly: "Come here, lock her up for me, let me go!"

Liu Nianrou heard the voice and was asking for Fang Zhengxing. She heard Fang Zhengxing say without any emotion: "It seems that I was too kind to you before, and this made you do one wrong thing after another. I don’t hold the matter, but it means I don’t hold on to the current matter, Liu Nianrou, if it is the damage this time, I will double it and let you return it!"

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