The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1965: Make a dish to surprise someone

"Let's go!" Gu Xiaowan stretched out her arms, and the two of them held their arms and walked outside with a smile!

"Look, this braised pork should be tender and fragrant. You have to put some wine in it to taste it. Look, you should put some soy sauce to color it. Look, this braised pork is cooked. , It looks good, and it tastes good. Come on, you can taste a piece, right?"

As soon as he walked to the door of the kitchen, Gu Fangxi's excited voice came from inside.

Gu Xiaoyi took a mouthful of braised pork, and then nodded: "Well, aunt, really, I think the taste of my own cooking is almost the same as that of yours!"

"My cooking is almost the same as your embroidery. It takes time and effort. Look, this hen soup that has been stewed all morning, and this braised pork, and this steamed fish, tastes all Not bad! Let your sister taste it later and see my Xiao Yi, who can not only embroider, but also cook!"

Gu Fangxi said happily.

Gu Xiaowan was outside, and said, "Okay, then we all come and taste it!"

Gu Xiaoyi didn't expect her sister to actually come, and her hands and feet were a little awkward: "Sister, you are here"

"Xiaowan, Yushu, come and try it. This is what Xiaoyi cooks. I just hit it off. She made it!" Gu Fangxi saw that both Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu came, busy and enthusiastic. Greet them all to eat!

Tan Yushu hurriedly stepped forward, and as expected, there were several dishes on the kitchen chopping board. There were only braised fish. The fried skin on both sides was covered with green onions and red. Chili is very beautiful just by looking at it, and smelling the scent makes it even more tangy.

There is also braised pork, piece by piece, moderately fatty, smelling of meat and sugar, which makes one's index finger move!

There was still golden chicken soup in the bowl, which made people want to drink a big bowl.

"You made these Xiao Yi?" Tan Yushu asked incredulously.

Gu Xiaoyi nodded in embarrassment, and Gu Fangxi proudly said, "Isn't it? This kid has been busy for a day!"

"Xiao Yi, you are too good!" Tan Yushu said enviously: "How are you so good, your hands are too skillful! Embroidery is beautiful, and now, the cooking craftsmanship is so good, it is so enviable! I'm so jealous of you!"

Gu Xiaoyi, who was praised by Tan Yushu, was a little embarrassed. She blushed and said shyly: "Yushu, if you do, you will definitely make it better than me!"

Hearing Gu Xiaoyi's encouragement, Tan Yushu said, "I want to learn this, but I don't know, will the kitchen be burned by me by then!"

Gu Xiaoyi has been with Gu Xiaowan since she was a child. They were all polished from the kitchen. Although she had never been on the stove before, but after watching it for so many years, she has seen how to cook for thousands of times. Yu Xin, the action on this hand is also familiar.

But Tan Yushu is different. She has either grown up in the frontier or in the palace since she was a child. She has never seen this before, so naturally she can't do it!

Gu Xiaowan smiled and said, "Xiao Yi, don't encourage Yushu, otherwise, when she cooks, maybe she will really burn the kitchen!"

"Sister, am I that bad?" Tan Yushu said with Gu Xiaowan making fun of her, stomping her feet and pretending to be annoyed.

"Naturally not! It's just that this cooking is really not suitable for you. However, it is also right for women to learn one or two dishes. If you want to learn, let your aunt teach you two dishes next time. It's also good to make someone amazing!" Gu Xiaowan said with a smile.

Tan Yushu naturally knew this certain person, his face flushed, but he also covered his mouth and smiled: "That's it!"

Everyone laughed again. The princess washed his hands and made soup, and everyone thought it was nothing!

In Gu Xiaowan's case, women learn more in order to increase their survival skills. No one can keep one day, and life will be so embarrassing that no one will starve to death when he wants to do it himself!

As soon as Tan Yushu finished speaking, he gave a "Huh", looked at Gu Xiaoyi curiously and asked: "Xiao Yi, your hand holding the embroidery needle, why do you think so well that you want to take a scoop today?"

Following her words, everyone turned their attention to Gu Xiaoyi.

I saw Gu Xiaoyi seeing everyone looking at her, this face was immediately blushed with shame, and immediately dropped his head, blushing as if it was covered with rouge: "I, this is this."

She stammered, she couldn't even speak a complete sentence!

Gu Xiaoyi blushed, like a child who did something wrong at the moment, holding the veil in his hand, very embarrassed!

When Tan Yushu saw her like this, he was even more afraid that the world would not be chaotic, and said with a smile: "Xiao Yi, you do so much, is it also to surprise someone?"

When Gu Xiaoyi heard this, he suddenly raised his head, like a frightened deer. The panic in his eyes was pitiful, and there was a flash of shyness that people caught: "I am"

Looking at her like that, Tan Yushu and Gu Xiaowan understood very well.

Sure enough, I heard Gu Xiaoyi holding the kerchief and whispering: "Changsheng said that Big Brother Shen is about to celebrate his birthday. I thought, Big Brother Shen helped me so much. He wanted to spend a birthday for Big Brother Shen. Whatever fits, I thought of making a meal for him to taste!"

What are you talking about waiting for Xiao Yi to open up? It seems that this is all effortless. Wouldn't Xiao Yi just open up?

"I just cook a meal, the rest is nothing!" Gu Xiaoyi waved her hand to Gu Xiaowan embarrassedly and said with a panic on her face: "Sister, I just want to thank Big Brother Shen for taking such a long time! Nothing else. !"

Gu Xiaoyi waved her hands hurriedly, her face full of clarity and innocence!

Seeing the panic in Gu Xiaoyi's eyes, they really didn't mean anything else. Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu looked at each other and sighed with emotion. This son of the Shen family has a long way to go to chase his wife!

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