The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1966: Teach them to learn the rules

In the end, all the dishes that Gu Xiaoyi tried were in everyone's belly. Gu Xiaowan's tongue had long been cultivated. Naturally, after eating one of the dishes, she pointed out the shortcomings to Gu Xiaoyi.

Gu Xiaoyi listened carefully, and Tan Yushu also listened carefully!

Because after eating the dishes made by Gu Xiaoyi, she suddenly discovered that if she would cook some good dishes, she would really surprise someone!

After going back, she let people put her own small kitchen in order. Every day, she spent her time in the small kitchen. Although the kitchen was almost burned for the first time, she still made progress slowly!

These are all things to do, so let’s leave it alone!

As for Huang Ruye, Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun went to Huang Ruye's yard before she finished her confinement.

Huang Ruye heard the next person say that since Liu Nianrou was imprisoned in the small courtyard, Fang Zhengxing did not let the two of them come into contact with Liu Nianrou anymore. It seems that he really intended to keep these two people away from Liu Nianrou!

The Fulitou also invited a teacher to teach Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun to calligraphy and painting, which is very harsh!

Someone also told Liu Nianrou that Liu Nianrou was detained in a small yard, and she was raising her with delicious food. From time to time, a doctor would check her pulse. I heard that her belly was raised very well. Liu Nianrou is not crying now. It seems that I really intend to change my mind and prepare to turn over with this baby!

"Madam, if Liu Nianrou really gave birth to a son, what can I do?"

Song Qin looked at Xiao Yuezi worriedly, and asked Huang Ru, who was raised a lot of white and tender.

"What are you afraid of!" Huang Ruyi flicked the incense ash in his hand: "Master said, if the child is born, he will be fostered under my name! Then Liu Nianrou will jump again, how long will he be able to jump again! The master swears by my father and mother that he will deal with Liu Nianrou. He doesn't have the guts to go back and forth!"

Huang Rushi is not worried about Liu Nianrou at all now. What she is worried about now is another thing: "Is there any news from my mother?"

Song Qin knew what information Huang Ru was asking, and shook his head hurriedly and said, "No, Madam just said that you can rest assured and keep your health!"

Huang Ru twisted her eyebrows, I hope she was worrying too much, but when I think about it, I feel uneasy!

Seeing her frowning face, Song Qin continued: "Madam, even if that thing comes, it will come. You don't have to worry too much! The matter is a foregone conclusion, you think more about it, and be careful of hurting yourself Body!"

When Huang Ruhe heard this, she smashed the censer in her hand to the ground. She looked angry and said angrily: "You told me not to think too much? But I have waited for so many years, and now it’s only half a year. How can you make me? Don't think too much!"

Songqin sighed when he saw Huang Ru's always invisible look, and sighed incomparably.

If that thing is really true, I am afraid that the lady does not know how sad it is! She's been waiting for so many years, but it's just the last point Thinking of what happened that night, Song Qin also hates it! If it wasn't for that person to ruin the lady's innocence, why should she commit herself to marry Fang Zhengxing!

"Madam, the second and third misses are here to please you!" An voice came from outside, and Songqin glanced at Huang Ruye and said, "Let them both come in!"

While speaking, he heard the sound of the door being opened, and a flow of heat poured in, which made Huang Ru feel a little hot.

"Lan Xin, Zhu Yun, please peace with your mother!" After Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun came in, they saluted and greeted them. They knelt down and shouted.

Looking at the hairpin ring on the top of the darkened head, and listening to the voice they called themselves just now, Huang Ruyi always felt like a world away!

Not long ago, they were still sisters in the boudoir, because of the Princess Mingdu, they knew some! Looking at this situation now, I am only three or four years older than them, and I have become their mother!

They are still as pure and pitiful as the flower bones, but what about themselves?

Now that there is no innocence, it is even more dying!

Huang Ru is full of resentment, and his words have become a lot colder, and said coldly: "Get up!"

After Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun thanked them, they got up and stood aside properly, waiting for Huang Ru to admonish!

Fang Zhengxing reminded her yesterday that she had finished her confinement and could supervise these two people to learn the rules! Although Huang Rushi was unwilling in his heart, he had already married into the Fang family, so he could only do it!

"You two have learned a lot of rules these days?" Huang Ruyi drank the best chrysanthemum tea in his hand and asked lazily.

"My mother, my father invited a teacher to teach us piano, chess, calligraphy and calligraphy, but he didn't learn the rules. He only said that the mother was born in a big family, and the rules are strict. Just let us follow the mother's appearance!" Fang Lan Xin said respectfully.

Huang jerked the corner of his mouth as he was drinking tea. This Fang Zhengxing really wore a super big hat for himself!

"Oh? Really? Your father praised me! It's just that I am very curious, how can I start to learn the rules?" Huang asked inexplicably.

Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun look at me, I look at you, and their eyes are full of doubts: "Daughter doesn’t know! Father only said that we two have little knowledge, and my mother is proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. A well-known talented woman, learning from her mother, she will definitely learn a lot!"

Seeing the calmness of the two of them, Huang Ru knows, they definitely don't know anything! Could it be that Fang Zhengxing just wanted them to learn the rules?

Huang Ru is very upset in his heart, and agreed to Fang Zhengxing's things, and now waved his hand and said: "Song Qin, you go teach the two girls, let me see tomorrow!"

When Huang Ru was learning the rules, Song Qin was watching from the sidelines, and naturally he knew a lot. Although Fang Zhengxing said he wanted her to teach, he never said he wanted her to teach by hand. Besides, she really didn’t have that thought. , To teach the concubine's daughter to learn the rules!

Song Qin answered and went down.

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