The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1978: The authenticity of regret

When Xingchun heard it, she knelt down in the carriage and said, "Thank you, Miss, thank you!"

The days passed quietly, Gu Xintao occasionally came to Qingyuan to narrate the affection of his sisters, his aunts and nephews were deeply affectionate, there was nothing else, no other actions. Seeing Gu Xiaowan's enthusiasm for herself day by day, this Gu Xintao heart , Don't mention how happy it is!

On this day, in order to express her love for Gu Xiaowan, Gu Xintao specially followed Gu Fangxi to the kitchen to help Gu Fangxi get rid of.

The two people started chatting when they were young, and the more they talked, the happier they became. Gu Fangxi's guard against Gu Xintao gradually disappeared. Gu Fangxi would say whatever Gu Xintao asked!

Gu Xintao hadn't met Gu Xiaowan for so many years, and what she asked the most was about their leaving Liujiazhen and coming to Beijing.

"Auntie, you left Liujia Town and live in Qingyuan when you arrive in the capital? Who owns this house? Did Xiao Wan rent it?" Gu Xintao asked curiously.

Gu Fangxi said, "Yes, boss Li of Jinfulou rented it for Xiaowan in advance. As soon as we arrived in the capital, boss Li tidied everything up, and we moved in after we put our things in! "

"That Uncle Li, is the boss Li who opened Jinfu Tower in Liujia Town?"

"Yeah, if it wasn't for him to help us in the capital, we came here, afraid that we don't understand anything, and we will be confused for a long time!"

"Aunty, where did the big brother Qin Yizhi go? Why haven't I seen him for so long?" Gu Xintao finally picked a good day and asked, "Why is Big Brother Qin not at home all the time?"

The corners of Gu Fangxi's smiling mouth suddenly stiffened, and her cooking hand suddenly paused. It was just a flash of divine skill, and she returned to business as usual. Gu Xintao only talked to herself without noticing.

"After so many years, do you still remember him?" Gu Fangxi asked with a smile.

Who doesn't remember such a banished person?

If I said that before, Gu Xintao thought in his mind and in his heart, but now, when he meets Shu Lin's long handsome, handsome, and noble person, Qin Yizhi can't count this stinky skin. !

If it weren’t for looking for Qin Yizhi, she wouldn’t ask: “Yes, I’ve seen that big brother Qin in the early years. He has such a good relationship with Xiaowan. The two of them are like a conjoined body. Why are they separated now? I have been here for so long and stayed in the garden for a long time last time, but I didn't find Brother Qin!"

Gu Fang smiled happily: "That kid has something to do, so he can be busy on weekdays!"

Gu Xintao saw Gu Fangxi's momentary hesitation in his eyes, overjoyed in his heart, but did not dare to show it at all on his face: "What? What is Brother Qin doing recently? Do you not even come back?"

"This, this" Gu Fangxi didn't know what to say, and the smile on his face solidified. After Gu Xintao's repeated questioning, he had no choice but to say: "That's your sister's business. I'm my aunt. It’s not good to ask! I’ve only heard Xiaowan talk about it occasionally, saying that Qin Yizhi is doing things far away. I don’t know exactly where it is. If you want to ask, you can ask Xiaowan. This aunt can't say anything!"

Gu Fangxi's words are rather helpless and evasive. How could Gu Xintao ask Gu Xiaowan? Everything on Gu Fangxi's face has been explained clearly!

She didn't ask any more, and said unintentionally, "Oh, aunt, I just asked casually!" is already happy in my heart!

It seems that what the outside said about Qin Yizhi being kicked away by Gu Xiaowan is the truth!

I don't know where exactly Qin Yizhi has gone, but I heard that the princess has not found it after looking for it for a long time!

Thinking of this, Gu Xintao suddenly realized that Princess Mingdu could not find Qin Yizhi, because she was afraid that Qin Yizhi's appearance would be discovered, so she described the appearance of that person to Princess Mingdu. , Totally different from Qin Yizhi!

Gu Xintao regretted it again. It would have been better to know that he should have described the person's appearance to the Mingdu Princess. According to the current portrait, I am afraid that I will not find Qin Yizhi himself in ten thousand years!

However, Gu Xiaowan and their group were the only people who had seen Qin Yizhi himself at that time. Qin Yizhi was sent away by Gu Xiaowan again, who knows where that person is.

After Gu Xintao's hand, he immediately thought of a good way.

When Gu Fangxi was cooking, he looked at Gu Xintao calmly, seeing the smile at the corner of her mouth made people feel unsure, and this heart sank again and again!

Gu's Dafang, is this repentance fake?

Gu Xiaowan heard Zuo talk about the things in the kitchen, and smiled coldly, "I'm afraid I will be framed by Brother Yizhi!"

Zuo just started to hear Gu Xintao's question about Qin Yizhi's whereabouts secretly in the kitchen. She felt very uncomfortable. What kind of attitude Gu Xintao had towards her master at that time, she knew very well!

Now, in the early days outside, the girl who passed by Gu Xintao kicked the master away and let it go. Isn't she going to do anything this time?

The girl has already said in the hall that she already has someone who she admires in her heart. Is this Gu Xintao going to make a fuss about the girl's matter?

Seeing Gu Xiaowan's indifferent appearance, Zuo knew that the girl was unmoved.

If the enemy doesn't move, I won't move. Soldiers come to cover up the water and soil. Girls always pay attention to whether they do things personally.

However, when she saw this, she felt a little aggrieved!

This time the girl was reciting the affection of the flesh and blood, and let go of the Gu's big room. On the surface, the Gu's big room was here to confess, but in fact, she came to inquire about the girl!

How can such a villain be let go!

If this Gu Xintao had another moth, this time I would die without a place to be buried!

Those people from Ruixian County are coming these few days. Thinking of the wonderful scenes they described at that time, Zuo was blushing!

A girl who has not been out of the pavilion is so shameless!

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