The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1979: Someone next door

After leaving Qingyuan, Gu Xintao did not go back to his home directly, but went to the Wuyun Teahouse.

Amidst the flattering voices of the guys nodding and bowing, Gu Xintao walked into Shu Lin's wing with her head high.

I saw that Shu Lin had already drunk a few pots of tea, and seeing her coming, stretched out his hands, Gu Xintao smiled like a swallow, and flew into Shu Lin's arms gracefully.

With a smile, Shu Lin put Gu Xintao in his arms, and lowered his head towards the rosy cherry lips!

Gu Xintao smiled, Qianqiansu held Shu Lin's neck with her hands, and put on her rosy lips: "Brother Lin"

The two of them had grind their ears together for a long time, and they were playing with disheveled clothes. Shu Lin's big palms wandered on Gu Xintao's body. Wherever he went, it was like a fierce fire was lit, and Gu Xintao was hot from head to toe!

Shu Lin's hand fell further and further, and his big hot palm flew away on the thin Xia Chang. Wherever he went, it was like a fire lit, Gu Xintao felt shuddering.

Gu Xintao was shocked when she heard the strangeness on her body. She gasped and struggled to leave Shu Lin's arms, like a frightened little rabbit: "Brother Lin is not the time yet!"

"Oh, when is the time then?" The soft lump in his arms disappeared, Shu Lin's desire was dissatisfied, and her rare thoughts were interrupted by her, and she was very disgusted.

At this moment, squinting a pair of lustful but dangerous eyes, just watching Gu Xintao, whose clothes had already faded on her shoulders, her voice was clearly hoarse and harsh!

Gu Xintao's face was blushing, as if blood was dripping. She stretched out her hand and pulled back the clothes that had faded to her shoulders, her voice trembling with excitement: "Brother Lin, I am here today!"

It was as if a scoop of ice water poured Shu Lin into the heart, and he drank the cold tea in front of him, and the urn let out angrily.

Seeing Shu Lin's displeased look, Gu Xintao felt a little uneasy. This was the second time she had rejected Shu Lin. Shu Lin's displeasure was clearly on paper!

She went up to talk to Shu Lin a little nervously, but Shu Lin ignored her, stood up and said, "I have something to do, let's go now!"

Gu Xintao watched Shu Lin resolutely leave, and her heart was very flustered. She hurried forward to pull Shulin's hand: "Brother Lin, me and me"

Shu Lin didn't speak, but just glanced at Gu Xintao lightly, then flung off her sleeves, and walked away alone!

"Brother Lin, Brother Lin"

Gu Xintao ran after the door in a panic, and wanted to chase them out together. Liu Ying, who was waiting outside, turned his head and cut Gu Xintao fiercely. There was a strong threat in his eyes: "Miss Gu, let's stay away. Don’t let your son-in-law’s face be dull!"

Gu Xintao's footsteps and yelling stopped abruptly, and she could only watch Shu Lin walk away without nostalgia, and never looked back.

Gu Xintao slumped on the ground with a look of despair.

She looked at Fang Xiang when Shu Lin left, and wanted to say something, but after all, she didn't say anything!

Liu Ying was right. If he and Shu Lin had a quarrel outside, not only would he lose the face of the youngest son, but for the rest of his life, the youngest son would not take care of himself!

Gu Xintao felt scared when he thought of this!

Fearful, all the thoughts in this heart turned into resentment!

She has been talking to Sun for so long, why haven't that thing been found yet!

There must be a way, there must be a way!

Gu Xintao got up from the ground and rushed out. Xingchun saw Gu Xintao's panicked look behind her. She was a little scared and hurriedly followed up: "Miss, what's the matter with you? Wait for the slave girl!"

No one saw, the door of the wing next to Gu Xintao opened a gap at the moment. A girl in aquamarine clothes and a maid was standing behind the door, secretly looking and listening to what happened next door. I also saw Shu Lin decisively leave, and also saw a delicate figure leaving.

Lingxi saw that the people in the wing next door had already left, and saw the figure of the girl's house, and then closed the door of the wing, came inside, and said to a woman who was drinking tea gracefully above: "Miss , I see, the person next door is indeed a young man!"

"Oh!" The woman carrying Lingxi has an elegant figure with a straight back. She looks like a blooming daffodil, and her voice is suddenly full of disgust: "Who is that woman?"

Lingxi arched his hands and said: "I have seen it at the mansion of Princess Mingdu. It seems to be a commoner known to Princess Mingdu, named Gu Xintao. I heard that it is the cousin of Princess Anping!

Gu Xiaowan's cousin?

"It's fun, why did you play with this guy!" The girl's voice was very delicate, but between the words, there was a touch of viciousness that could not be ignored: "This boy has a new love again!"

"Miss, what should we do next?" Lingxi said, "Just now, Xiao Shizi left angrily!"

"Huh! I know exactly what he is. It's just that people are rejected, and the fire in my heart is nowhere to be emitted!" The woman who was drinking tea turned around and saw the delicate eyebrows. In the painting, the eyes are beautiful, but because of the fierceness at the moment, people can't bear to look straight!

Looking closely at that person, she was indeed the concubine of Song Mansion——Song Qingshi!

"Miss, look, do you want that woman?" Lingxi wiped his neck.

Master Song Qing laughed: "Lingxi, this is no fun! That girl is waiting to fly on the branch and become a phoenix!"

"But" Lingxi frowned and said: "Now, Ming prince and the master are now discussing your relationship with the youngest son, how can an innocent peasant girl make her dirty your eyes!"

"No hurry, this person is to be removed, but it is not done like this!" Master Song Qing said with a vicious smile: "It doesn't matter how this boy used to play, but now I am discussing marriage with him, and he is still playing outside. That's stealing! What is the end of this stealing? I don’t dare to do anything to him, but Gu Xintao, it’s cheaper to kill her! Didn’t she still want to use her body to flatter her? ?"

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