The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1980: Tidy her up

Thinking of Lingxi lying on the wall just now, I heard the ambiguous voice from the wing next door intermittently, Lingxi's face was red!

In the posture just now, you and me, I am afraid that it will be burning with firewood!

However, what is the status of the young lady, and what is the status of the humble peasant girl? Now the relationship between the young lady and Ming Wang's son is about to be discussed, and her dedication at this moment is to slander her young lady!

That Ming Wang Xiaoshizi, the young lady will use something in the future!

Used by a disgusting person, as disgusting as possible!

Lingxi nodded her head: "Miss, what are you going to do!"

"To treat her body in the same way as a human being. The youngest wants to get her body so much that he will not get it for the rest of his life. I just want to see how a filthy body can be obtained. The joy of the youngest son!" Master Song Qing said with a vicious smile, the smile at the corner of his mouth couldn't be stopped!

Nowadays, as long as it is something that is in contact with Xiao Shizi, she doesn't care about it before, but now she has to get rid of everything that is an eye-catcher!

That body, but waiting to marry yourself completely and cleanly!

However, she is a little curious. The woman of the old son of the younger generation was not the top famous prostitute in the brothel Chu Hall, or some famous ladies from the big family. However, the younger son now associates with this humble peasant girl. I feel weird!

Could it be that this young man wanted to use Gu Xintao's hand to deal with Gu Xiaowan?

You know, Princess Mingdu hates Gu Xiaowan!

Last time, because of Gu Xiaowan, she was imprisoned, and I heard that the princess Anping was canonized as Princess Anping, and she became the righteous daughter of the empress dowager, the righteous sister of the emperor. Now, she has jumped past her , Can she not hate, can she not be annoyed?

I'm afraid that Gu Xiaowan's heart is all there after eating at this moment!

Master Song Qing chuckled and drank the tea in front of him: "Princess Mingdu hates Gu Xiaowan so much, why didn't that person kill her last time!"

Speaking of this, Lingxi also began to frown: "That person is now gone without a trace! It's like the world has evaporated!"

Master Song Qing played with the fine blue and white porcelain tea cup in his hand, which was as transparent as transparent, as if gently squeezing it would crush the cup!

"This Jiangnan Sang has never lost his hand! It is strange to ruin his reputation here with Gu Xiaowan!"

"Yes, miss, that person went to the government office in an upright manner and wanted to kill Gu Xiaowan in the government office. Later, someone came, and that person left!"

"Jiangnan Sang martial arts is so powerful, who has he been afraid of in this world? When a few people came, he ran away in fright? How could it be possible!" Song Qingshi still felt that the conclusion that Jiang Nansang was driven away was too far-fetched. !"The slaves and maids also found it impossible, but with so many eyes in the office, Jiang Nansang did run away by himself! The few people who came to rescue Gu Xiaowan looked like martial arts Good foundation! Then Jiang Nansang was afraid that he saw three people and escaped!"

"It's also strange. How could there be someone with a foundation in martial arts next to an ordinary peasant girl. How could this look like a peasant girl. This is really the decent master of the Hou Mansion! He is also accompanied by a martial arts master. Guard!"

Master Song Qing sneered. It's been so long, and every time she talks about it, she still finds it incredible!

Then Gu Xiaowan, where did he find so many people with high martial skills, it is so strange!

However, it is strange and strange. Now is not the time to deal with Gu Xiaowan. Her relationship with Xiao Shizi is about to be settled. She should first think about it. It is better to clear the fox Meizi next to Xiao Shizi!

When the time comes, she will marry into the Ming Palace, and will follow those humble women to fight for the younger generation! What kind of status those people are worthy of fighting with her!

Gu Xintao hurried back home, and as soon as she entered the house, she grabbed Sun and entered her room!

"What about the things I asked you to prepare? How many days have passed since? What about the things? What about the things?" Gu Xintao retreated to Xingchun, lowered her voice, and yelled at Sun!

Sun clan was brought into the room by Gu Xintao clutching his collar. The narrow collar was violently pulled, and Sun clan couldn't even breathe.

Just now the collar was loosened, and after taking two long breaths, Gu Xintao grabbed her shoulders angrily, shaking and screaming!

"Xin Tao Xin Tao Niang asked today, I have asked!" Sun responded hurriedly. Seeing Gu Xintao's hideous expression on his face, as if he was about to eat himself, Sun felt a little scared.

She used to be a well-behaved, sensible and filial daughter, but now, how could she be like this.

You know, that thing, but she secretly asked a lot of people before she asked it out! But she doesn't know if it works well!

"What's the method, did you get your things? Quick! Quick!" Gu Xintao heard that Sun had found a way, and there was a burst of ecstasy on the hideous face, but because the two expressions were too exaggerated, one Zhang Qingxiu's beautiful face, alternated by these two expressions, makes people feel terrified!

Sun hurried to the kitchen, daring not to stop for a moment.

At this moment, Gu Xintao, who was furious and ecstatic, was eagerly mad, if her hands and feet were a little slower, she didn't know what she was going to be angry and angry again later!

When Sun was busy in the kitchen, thinking of Gu Xintao's hideous and terrifying face, there was a panic of fear in his heart, and his hands were shaking constantly!

Gu Xintao had walked in the room many times, she only felt like she had been staying all day, and she was going crazy in a hurry.

She couldn't wait, she was going to the kitchen to find Sun's family, who was now back with two teacups.

Gu Xintao took it, opened the lid of the teacup, and saw what was inside, which looked like fish bubbles and had a faint smell. Gu Xintao was stunned immediately: "Hey, what is this?"

Since returning home, Gu Xintao didn't call herself a mother, but now, she actually called herself, and even called out the word hello!

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