The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1981: Fish bubble wrapped in blood

Sun's heart is very familiar and uncomfortable, but he can only force it, and said, "This is the way I found a steady woman today. She said that the thing outside is fish bubble, and the inside is the heart of a chicken. Blood, when you want to have sex, you just stuff this thing there, and when the two of them mate and squeeze, the fish bubble breaks, and the chicken blood inside will flow out, saying that it was the first night with a woman. The blood of the virgin shed is exactly the same!"

"Really?" Gu Xintao still couldn't believe it.

"Naturally, I heard from the wife secretly saying that she has given this secret recipe to many people, and no one has ever said that this method is useless. I think it's a foolish past!" Sun's aches and muttered. One sentence: "This method, but it took five hundred taels of silver to come back!"

After hearing this, Gu Xintao rolled her eyes and said, "That's not your money, it's given to me by the youngest son. How much did you spend, and what do you do!"

Gu Xintao's words were a bit aggressive. Sun's mouth was reprimanded by her. She opened her mouth and wanted to say nothing, but after all she didn't say anything. She lowered her head, like an angry little wife, looking very pitiful!

Gu Xintao now doesn't have the mind to see what Sun is doing, nor to comfort her!

Now that I have arrived in the capital, everything has to be carefully planned, just like now, if she wants to marry a young son, she has to try it. After the fish bubble is squeezed, the blood in it flows out, is it really the same Like blood!

She hurriedly found two clean white veils and spread them on the mattress. She took a fish bubble and squeezed it carefully. The fish bubble broke, and the chicken blood in it was flowing on the white silk veil. The red stars are dotted and coquettish like red plums in bloom.

Gu Xintao looked at it, a little excited, and was busy taking a veil and another fish bubble, and tried again, and it really turned out.

If this blood drips on the Jinpa, it will surely pass the test!

Seeing the ecstasy on Gu Xintao's face, Sun also took a look at the things on the two Jinpai, and with a single glance, he was sure that this thing could be faked!

"It's done, it's done!" Gu Xintao kept muttering with an expression of ecstasy.

Sun was finally happy to see Gu Xintao, and the hanging heart could finally come down!

Once you have all the materials, just wait for yourself to arrange, call the young man, and it will be done!

Gu Xintao became happier as she thought about it, and said directly: "You are preparing for these two days. After these two days, I will invite the youngest son to our house. Then I will let the youngest son stay!"


Sun nodded, she naturally knew what it meant to stay!

"Okay, then I'm going to prepare!" After Sun said, he left the room.

The more Gu Xintao thought about it, the more excited she became, and she felt a little depressed.

Knowing that this thing had been found, she shouldn't have told Xiao Shizi that her childhood was here.

Seeing this, I'm afraid I will have to wait two more days!

Gu Xintao was a little anxious, this matter settled early, good early, saving nights and dreams, and afraid that the timing is wrong! This fish bubble can't be carried on the body at any time, and if the chicken blood here is too long, the color will change!

Just thinking about it, the night slowly darkened. When Wake Chun came back, she asked Gu Xintao to go outside to buy things. Now she came in with a big bag and said with exhaustion, "Miss, The slave and maid have already bought what you asked me to buy!"

Gu Xintao looked at the things Xingchun bought. There were the latest desserts from the dessert shop, and dozens of silk veils, etc. Gu Xintao nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, you have worked hard, go and rest! "

Buying things is fake, but avoiding Xingchun is true!

No one can say anything about her except the Sun family! This bought maid, who knows if she will sell herself!

Wake Chun went down, and threw out some unnecessary things in the house by the way. There seemed to be soot inside, and there was nothing burned out. Wake Chun went outside and took it out to see that it was a veil. She remembers that she bought this veil last time, and the lady is still useless!

Could it be that it burned?

Xingchun is a little weird. This veil looks like the white silk veil that the lady asked herself to buy last time. This veil hasn't started to use yet. How can it be done properly?

She was full of doubts in her heart, but she would not go back to ask, she could only carry things and dump the trash inside!

It was late at night, and Gu Chuanlu came back!

He has to wait until all the guests in the restaurant have left, and the account has been settled before he can come back!

After a hard day's work today, Gu Chuanlu didn't feel tired. You know, since Xiao Shi Ziye has agreed to help Gu Ziwen find things to do, he is absolutely trustworthy!

Thinking of Gu Ziwen, Gu Chuanlu decided to go to Gu Xintao's place, even if Gu Xintao fell asleep, he should ask carefully! Look at Shi Ziye's side, how Ziwen's affairs are arranged!

Gu Xintao really fell asleep. Gu Chuanlu was very anxious, so he rushed into Gu Xintao's room without any scruples and asked her about Ziwen.

Gu Xintao was very sleepy, and was even more annoyed at the moment: "Father, I am taking a break now. You bother me to rest for your brother's business. Do you still see my daughter in your eyes?"

Her tone was very stiff and arrogant. Gu Chuanlu didn't expect that Gu Xintao would speak like this. She was annoyed and was about to reprimand her. It suddenly occurred to her that she was clinging to the present-day son. If she could marry into the palace, then later But she is a prince and concubine, and she will be a concubine in the future!

After that, if he sees this daughter, he will kneel down and salute!

Gu Xintao Xu also knew that she would have a good chance of winning in the palace, and she was also aggressive when she spoke!

Gu Chuanlu wanted to get angry, but he also understood that he couldn't be angry at Gu Xintao at this moment, and whether the Gu family's big room could stand up depends on Gu Xintao! Whether Gu Ziwen can become an official or not depends on Gu Xintao!

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