The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1982: Terrible capital

Gu Chuanlu thought of this, and his reprimands turned into a gentle discussion: "Heart peach, isn't he anxious in his heart? Your brother reads books every day, night and day, and his eyes are about to end. Isn't Dad worried in my heart?"

Gu Xintao sneered, and a lazy voice came from behind the mantle: "Father, then you are worried about your brother, I am not worried at all!"

Thinking of Shu Lin leaving today without looking back, leaving herself in the Wuyun Teahouse, when she went out, she could clearly feel that the attitude of those guys towards her was so respectful when Shu Lin was there!

They probably saw that Shu Lin ignored him, maybe they wondered if he had fallen out of favor, and that attitude changed!

Thinking of this group of snobs, Gu Xintao couldn't wait to tear their mouths!

A bunch of flattering dog stuff!

Gu Xintao swears that she must marry into the Ming Palace and wait for her to become the concubine of the elder son. Those dogs dare not treat herself this way!

She was in a bad mood today. If Sun hadn't found what she wanted to use, she would have to overturn the entire house today! Now that she finally fell asleep, her thoughts calmed down, and Gu Chuanlu actually came to disturb her to rest!

The fire in Gu Xintao's heart was finally out there, facing Gu Chuanlu's words with guns and guns, she knew that she could not say too much!

Therefore, there is blame between the words, but Gu Chuanlu can hear it!

Gu Chuanlu didn't dare to be annoyed, let alone scolded, and immediately asked with concern: "Xin Tao, you are the most assured child of your father! Is your relationship with the son of the world okay now? Dad will also help with this matter. It’s really hard to ask you to do it by a girl!"

When Gu Chuanlu's words were spread inside, Gu Xintao was better off.

Seeing that he had criticized him, he was so polite, Gu Xintao knew that it was not Gu Chuanlu's affection and love for him, but because of the young man standing behind her!

The whole family is becoming inflamed, and those guys who have nothing to do with them are not even more inferior to others!

Gu Xintao's anger couldn't be lowered, but it was not as aggressive as he was just now! Besides, she still needs Gu Chuanlu's help!

She leaned on the pillow and spoke quietly: "Father, I need your help in my affairs with Shi Ziye! When things are done perfectly, Shi Ziye will definitely help brother!"

There was no light in the room, but fortunately, the moonlight outside came in. Gu Chuanlu was happy and hurriedly responded.

When he walked out of the house, Gu Chuanlu saw that the lamp was still on in Gu Ziwen's room, and a figure was cast on the window under the candlelight. Gu Chuanlu felt relieved looking at the scene!

But, apart from the excitement, I feel a little aggrieved!

He is Lao Tzu, and he was scolded by his daughter today. He even took the tiredness and anger in Suiyu Gu Zhai and sent it out at this moment. He entered his house and saw a person bulging on the bed.

Obviously Sun's is a good sleeper!

Thinking of being exhausted outside, Sun didn't have to do anything at home, and when he came back so late, he wouldn't wait for himself!

Gu Chuanlu was so bored that he stepped forward and opened the quilt. Sun did not move, and Gu Chuanlu grabbed her by the hair.

Sun was in pain and woke up in shock. He turned his head and saw the hideous Gu Chuanlu, and his heart trembled with fright: "Old Master"

Gu Chuanlu used his hand, and the severe pain from his scalp made the Sun clan scream, where Gu Chuanlu managed so much, he just pulled it, and pulled Sun under the bed.

From the high bed, he rolled straight down, knocked the back of his head directly on the bluestone brick, and made a "boom" sound. The Sun was shocked and afraid, and he fainted directly.

Seeing her fainted, Gu Chuanlu was puzzled by the grievances in his heart. He kicked Sun's waist a few times with his feet, and then climbed onto the bed, regardless of the fainted Sun's, and just fell asleep.

After a while, snoring came from the room!

Sun didn't know when she woke up, only saw the darkness in the room, she was sleeping on the ground, and she didn't know how long she slept, and her body was a little stiff!

She touched the back of her head, grinning painfully, she had already bulged a bag on her head.

Looking at the bed again, Gu Chuanlu slept like a dead pig, making waves of snoring. This night, it was very quiet, and Sun seemed to feel the boundless darkness approaching her, causing her to sink into a deep darkness. In the middle of the world, the despair that came from it made her suddenly have the fear of extinction!

This trip to the capital made her feel more and more terrible!

This home has completely changed!

Gu Chuanlu's temperament became more irritable, and he became less and less pleasing to her. He used to find reasons for beating people, but now he is not looking for a start at all.

As for Gu Ziwen, he read books obediently when Gu Chuanlu was at home, but when Gu Chuanlu left, Gu Ziwen walked out of the house. She also warned her not to tell Gu Chuanlu.


I don't remember how many times Gu Ziwen pretended to raise his fist in front of him. Sun felt scared when he thought of this!

And Gu Xintao, who she has always loved, and the obedient, sensible and filial Gu Xintao, now all her thoughts are on the youngest son, even if she risks beheading, she has to climb onto her own bed!

If her body is clean, that's it.

Her body is already filthy!

Who knows, those people from Ruixian County would still leak their mouths. If they leaked their mouths, Shu Lin Xiaoshizi felt that he had been deceived and was afraid that he would kill Gu Xintao to relieve his hatred!


He is the son of the elder, and in that blood, there is the same blood as the emperor of today. Insulting the body of the elder is equivalent to insulting the royal dignity, such a sin.

Sun felt scared, cold, and tired, but there was nothing else in the room except for the bedding on the bed.

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