The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1985: show off

Gu Xintao's words have some inexplicable meaning. Gu Xiaowan sneered inwardly, but only said faintly, "I saw it in ancient books!"

It turned out that it was just what she saw. Gu Xintao's expression was a little disappointed, and she was still unwilling: "Then just look at it and you can know so much. You are really amazing! I thought you were listening to who said it!"

Gu Xintao seemed to care very much about who told Gu Xiaowan about this knowledge of Longjing, but Gu Xiaowan only said that he had read it in ancient books, and Gu Xintao was helpless.

"Since my sister doesn't tell me, then I don't force my sister." Gu Xintao smiled, with a sad face: "I know I have done many wrong things to make my sister unhappy, but now I just want to ask. , It doesn’t mean anything else! Since my sister has such a deep understanding of Longjing, she should bring two bags to her sister! Wake up spring, you go and remind the little brother, one more bag!"

When I was sad, I seemed to be pleased. Gu Xiaowan listened and was not annoyed: "I only drink the tea from my house. Although it is not well-known, it is also my heart. My sister’s kindness, I appreciate it. It is unacceptable!"

"It's nothing! Xiaowan, this tea is good, so you can drink more, what does it matter!"

"Yes, it's good, but the price is not low. You just said that a pot of Pu'er costs hundreds of silver, and you heard that Pu'er and Longjing are both the finest ear products in this Wuyun tea house. It will cost thousands of dollars. My sister has just arrived in the capital, and I am afraid that she is very tight on hand, so she won't let her spend money!"

Gu Xintao didn't care: "It's just a thousand taels of silver. I still got it. It's hard for us to make a trip. If my sister is hungry, please don't refuse! Otherwise, I will feel sad!"

When Gu Xiaowan saw this, she could only say something.

Tan Yushu looked around. The furnishings in this tea room's private room said with emotion: "I didn't expect you to be able to drink tea in such a high-end teahouse soon after you arrived in Beijing. You are quite capable!"

Good ability, what kind of ability is this, Gu Xintao sounded weird, but when the princess said so, Gu Xintao knew that she could not question, so she could only smile and said, "The princess is joking, this is nothing. It’s just some of the savings my father has accumulated over so many years of hard work, and he doesn’t want to wrong his daughter!"

This means that she can sit here thanks to Gu Chuanlu.

Gu Xiaowan looked at the Pu'er tea in the exquisite porcelain pot, and then at the dessert in the exquisite white porcelain plate. The peach blossom sauce in the dessert was the freshest one she picked in the spring. Peach blossoms, boiled peach blossom sauce, are used as a filling and sandwiched in desserts.

Peach blossoms are easy to get in March, but it is not easy to eat a plate of peach blossoms in the hot summer!

It takes a lot of energy just to store it.

She didn't know if Gu Xintao could drink a pot of hundreds of taels of tea and eat this hundreds of taels of sandwich cake. Is it true that Gu Chuanlu loved her daughter, as Gu Xintao said!

She only knew that if Gu Chuanlu had money, he would definitely save the money for Gu Ziwen. Like Gu Xintao, spending money like water, relying on Gu Chuanlu's stingy temperament, it is simply impossible!

"I've heard of this teahouse. I heard that Wang Xiaoshizi is a guest of this teahouse, Xintao, you often come here, can you see Lin Xiaoshizi?" Tan Yushu suddenly asked.

Gu Xintao's expression was happy, but it was fleeting, and immediately said with trepidation: "That's not the case, the leader of the younger generation and the outstanding status, how can ordinary people like me be able to see it!" is quite admired in words.

For a while, everyone did not speak again, and saw Xingchun walk in, carrying two very delicate packages in his hands: "Miss, here are the things!"

"Okay, give it to Xiaowan's maid!"

Gu Xintao nodded in satisfaction, and Xingchun gave it to Zuo. Zuo looked at Gu Xiaowan and accepted it.

After accepting the things, Gu Xiaowan said, "Thank you elder sister! I have never drank such a good second crop!"

The joy on Gu Xintao's face is beyond words, and it adds a bit of pride: "If my sister likes it, I will take it to you when you finish drinking it!"

Two people talk, it seems that the relationship is very good!

After Gu Xiaowan drank two cups of tea and ate a snack, she didn't eat it again! She didn't like this Pu'er very much. She felt that the flavor was too strong and the dessert was too sweet, so she turned her head to look at the scenery outside!

Sitting upstairs, as long as you look down at the window, you can see the bustling crowd outside and the lively voices. It's too high here, it looks a little bit cold!

"Xiaowan, what do you think of the scenery here?" Gu Xintao saw that Gu Xiaowan was also looking outward, and couldn't help but ask: "I love this place the most. I can drink tea while watching the scenery outside. Don't mention how happy I am! "

"Indeed, I am very happy!"

Gu Xiaowan said quietly.

Sitting here, being able to overlook the crowds of beings below, makes people feel proud of standing high! Gu Xintao is really willing to pay for it!

Or maybe it's that little prince who is willing to pay for it!

Tan Yushu was also lacking in interest, and after sitting for a while, he said, "Sister, let's go back! My grandfather asked me to go back earlier, and you should go with me, okay?"

That is naturally excellent! Gu Xiaowan didn't want to stay here anymore. Now, after seeing Gu Xintao's face, she was not willing to mediate with her, just thinking about leaving this person as soon as possible!

Gu Xiaowan nodded, and Gu Xintao's face became a little stiff: "Are you going to leave?"

"Well, there are still things in Yushu's house, so we will leave first. Sister, you can sit for a while. Don't waste the tea and snacks here!" Gu Xiaowan said with a smile.

Gu Xintao nodded, rather reluctant: "Okay, then you go, I won't keep you!"

Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu left with each other. Gu Xintao watched them leave with a smile on their faces, but when they turned the corner, the smiles disappeared immediately!

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