The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1986: Wish him a good man

When they all left, Xing Chun busy stepped forward and said, "Girl, put things in!"

"Okay!" Gu Xintao proudly looked at the delicate porcelain cup in his hand, with a sullen smile on his face.

Tan Yushu and Gu Xiaowan got into the carriage together. As soon as they got into the carriage, Tan Yushu's face suddenly collapsed: "Sister, why are you still willing to associate with this kind of person! It's maddening!"

"Don't be angry, be careful to anger your own body, it's not worth it!" Gu Xiaowan saw her pouting her mouth full of anger, and hurriedly smiled to enlighten her: "Now she has an extraordinary relationship with Ming Wang Xiaoshi, this Gu Xintao I didn’t want to see me, but after I had a good relationship with the youngest son, I had to come and reconcile with me. I have to take a good look at what the purpose is. If I do something messy, this time, I don’t Will take care of the blood and family affection!"

Gu Xiaowan said quietly, Tan Yushu shook her head and sighed: "Sister, that 80% is the idea of ​​the youngest son and Shu Min, you said, this Shu Min, why don't you give up! Then if Su Ziyue likes her, just go and invite her. The imperial decree is over, why should I always compete with you here!"

Tan Yushu said angrily. Why didn't Gu Xiaowan think so, but Shu Min just listed herself as the number one public enemy, what can she do?

Only Su Ziyue married her. Perhaps this dispute will settle down!

Gu Xiaowan sighed in her heart, but she was helpless, closed her eyes and rested. Tan Yushu was also very angry in her heart and did not speak.

The carriage soon arrived at the General's Mansion, and first sent Tan Yushu home. Gu Xiaowan's carriage walked quietly to Qingyuan, but was stopped in the middle of the way.

"Excuse me on the carriage, but Princess Anping?" The voice was full of respect, but Gu Xiaowan's alarm bell rang loudly.

"Who are you?" Ahmad's question came from outside.

"The little one's name is called to celebrate. It is Shang Shuling's son Su, the young man! Seeing that it is the princess's carriage, my son let the little one come over, wanting to welcome the princess to the teahouse!"

It's Su Ziyue!

Gu Xiaowan furrowed her brows, glanced at Ah Zuo, Zuo knowingly, she said outside: "My girl is tired today, it is inconvenient to get off the car! I hope this little brother will return to your son! Ahmad, let's go!"

After speaking, he ignored the little boy, shook his whip, and the carriage was about to leave.

From the outside of the car, Lai Qing scratched his ears and cheeks anxiously. This was a chance to see the princess finally. How could he let his son miss it!

He refused to let it go, and put a carriage on and cried inside: "Princess, please, have mercy on my son, go and see him, maybe, my son will get better!"

"Your son is sick?" Gu Xiaowan was surprised.

"Well, my son is a man who accepts death. This time, my son is really planted!" Laiqing said with a little crying, and begged for mercy: "Princess, please, you are a heart. Kind person, please go and see my son!"

Gu Xiaowan stood still through the curtain of the car. She let out a long sigh of relief and said quietly: "Go back to your son! I know his intentions, but I definitely can't respond to his intentions. Xiaowan also Thanks to the son, you can get the son's blue eyes. This matter, let go. I hope that the son can meet his beloved in the future, and he will have a good life!"

"The princess" came to celebrate and heard that she knew that Gu Xiaowan would not see her son, and even pinched all the son's thoughts: "Please, look at my son, he has no personal skills now. Ah! Please, just go and take a look, okay? It's a slave, please!"

Lai Qing was crying outside, and Gu Xiaowan sighed in her heart, but she couldn't respond to this matter. She closed her eyes, but refused to say a word!

There was no response from inside the car, and Laiqing’s tears outside were like broken beads!

If the son can't see the princess, what can I do!

Gu Xiaowan ignored the shouts from outside, and the carriage never stopped again.

Lai Qing stared at the carriage gradually disappearing into the crowd!

That's it!

What Gu Xiaowan said just now was like a curse. In the future, Qingji will be wrapped tightly, unable to move when he wants to move, not crying if he wants to cry!

How should he tell the son!

At the end of Laiqing, he still dragged his heavy legs back to the teahouse. When he got closer, he didn't smell the tea. On the contrary, he smelled a strong smell of wine.

Inside, Su Ziyue had no idea how much wine he had drunk. On the ground in the house, there were jugs scattered on the ground, and Su Ziyue, who was lying on the ground, was not awake to drink.

That’s right, I just lied in Laiqing, he didn’t ask Su Ziyue’s order to invite Gu Xiaowan, but made his own way, wanting to take Gu Xiaowan to see how the son is now embarrassed and pitiful, wanting Gu Xiaowan to feel sorry for herself. The son of the family!

However, Gu Xiaowan was so decisive that he didn't come to see the son at all. What should the son do?

What should I do for the son?

Looking at Su Ziyue, who was lying on the ground with disheveled hair, and his face turned blue from alcoholism, Laiqing felt a pain in his heart!

The son of his family is the proud son of heaven. Why did he meet Gu Xiaowan and become the same as he is now? Then Gu Xiaowan doesn't care, doesn't he care about the life of the son?

Yeah, how could she care!

She is now a princess, how could she care about the son!

The more I think about it, the more I hate it, the sorrow just now has become a deep hatred!

If it weren't for Gu Xiaowan, the son of his own family would still be the handsome and handsome son of Yushu, how could he be so embarrassed.

Gu Xiaowan did it all, she did it all!

She harmed the son into this appearance, and now she still looks like a okay person. She has to meet a beloved person, live a good life, and can't respond to his wishes. What are these words!

The son has never fallen in love with a person, but now he can't love him. After being ruined by Gu Xiaowan like this, can she stay out of the matter?

Lai Qing forcefully moved Su Ziyue, who was lying on the ground, to the bed inside. Looking at the thin face and iron-green eyes, Lai Qing's heart was filled with endless distress!

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