The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1987: Laiqing was arrested

"My son, don’t worry, that Gu Xiaowan doesn’t want to see you, I must let her come to see you! Even if it’s tied or tied, I must bring her to celebrate, let her see what you look like now. Ask her if her heart is made of stone!" Lai Qing vowed.

At this moment, Gu Xiaowan was sitting in the carriage, her eyes closed, but she finally turned into a long sigh: "After all, I shouldn't have come to the capital!"

"Girl, that's his business, you don't need to blame yourself!" Zuo saw Gu Xiaowan sighed, thinking she blamed herself in her heart, and was so relieved.

Gu Xiaowan shook her head: "This matter started because of me. Although I have no thoughts in my heart, I am grateful to him. If he can stop here, I won't blame myself. If it sinks, it will be mine!"

"What does that have to do with the girl? The girl has already rejected her words. If she comes again, it will be the rogue and rascal!" Zuo said angrily. The girl has never responded. Today, she just said this. The matter was cut off.

"Indeed, it is always unbearable in my heart, but" Gu Xiaowan stopped worrying about the matter just now, turned her head and said: "Then if Princess Mingdu knows about this matter, I'm afraid she doesn't know what to do with me! "

"Girl, that Su Ziyue is a catastrophe. If it weren't for him, how could you have been conspired several times, and you almost lost your life. He is okay. Now I am poor, my girl is in prison. At that time, so poor, who can see!"

Zuo said indignantly, and Gu Xiaowan couldn't help laughing: "That's true!"

"So, girl, what Su Ziyue will become in the future, whether it is good or bad, has nothing to do with you, because of him, you were wronged and put to jail, and all the wrongdoing at the time was all because of Su Ziyue stood up, you didn't even ask him to settle the account, he now feels pitiful! I don't know what to say!"

With Zuo's enlightenment, Gu Xiaowan felt better.

Back to Qingyuan, Zuo took the tea from Gu Xintao and asked, "Girl, what should I do with this thing?"

Gu Xiaowan didn't dare to eat the things Gu Xintao gave away, so she said, "Find a place to put it away first!"

After dinner, I wandered around in the yard and practiced two more characters. After reading a few pages, Gu Xiaowan rested!

This night, as usual, was very quiet.

A bright moon hung in the sky, and the bright white moonlight shone into the room from the edge of the window. The moonlight was so good that Gu Xiaowan didn't let anyone light the lantern, but it was still bright white moonlight, brilliant.

Night, very quiet!

Gu Xiaowan had fallen asleep long ago, and Ah Zuo and Ahmad were guarding at the door in turn, but they were also safe. In the middle of the night, Ahmad just sat down, and there was a faint sound of footsteps above the eaves, which immediately awakened him.

He closed his eyes suddenly opened, got up, and disappeared after shaking his body.

The man on the roof, wearing a black night gown, with a black mask on his face, only left two eyes and looked around carefully. Seeing no one around, an upside down golden hook fell from the roof. Come down.

There was no one around, the man was going to push the door of Gu Xiaowan's room. Just when his hand touched the door frame, suddenly, there was a sound that broke through the air from nowhere. The man was startled and his hand retracted. One vacated, he avoided a sharp arrow.

The arrow slammed into the back of the goal post, not much.

The man was shocked, knowing that Gu Xiaowan had stepped up his defenses and was about to run away. How did he know that he was just flying away, but was covered by a net from the sky.

At this moment, there were two people with agile stature. One of them grabbed one end of the net and ran around the person a few times before tying the person firmly.

Unbuttoning the man's mask and seeing the familiar face, Ahmad suddenly turned black: "It's you!"

In a hidden courtyard somewhere in Qingyuan, Laiqing was tied to a wooden pillar by five flowers, and Ahmad shouted: "The one who came last time is also you!"

Lai Qing snorted: "Yes, it's me. I just came to explore that time. I didn't expect that there would be so many martial arts servants by Gu Xiaowan's side. It really made people admire! This Gu Xiaowan is just a peasant girl. , How could there be people like you around! Today, I kindly invited her to see my son, but what did she say? She wants my son's life! My son admires her so much, it's just a life What about her? What about looking for two people, life is good. My son is a hard-hearted person, how can he easily change things that he recognizes? Isn't it killing my son? She won't let my son get better , I won’t make her feel better! Perhaps, only if she is dead, my son will wake up!"

Lai Qing roared like crazy, his face was determined!

Ah Mo thought of the conversation between the girl and Zuo in the afternoon. He was even more angry when he heard Lai Qing's words: "My girl already has a sweetheart, is Master Su trying to force my girl to submit?"

Laiqing sneered: "What kind of sweetheart, how unbearable the rumors outside, don’t you know? Even if you are a princess, the peasant girl is a peasant girl, and the humble is the humble. My son doesn’t know if he is blind. I will like such a shameless woman!"

Seeing Lai Qing slander Gu Xiaowan, Lai Qing stepped forward and pinched Lai Qing's chin: "My girl is ice and clean, how can you slander!"

"Haha" Lai Qing was pinched by his jaw, unable to speak at all, and could only squeeze out a few broken mocking laughter in the air!

"I don't want to discuss this topic with you, I only ask you, if you came here, is it your son's idea!" Ahmad really wanted to kill this person with a single knife, and had been a guard for so long. No more killings, the technique is going to be unfamiliar!

If as usual, this person has died a long time ago and I don't know how many times, it is also rare. After being with the girl for so many years, he hasn't even seen a few drops of blood, his heart has also been charity a lot!

"My son let me come?" Laiqing yelled with a sad smile when his jaw was loosened. "My son now has no living heart. He is drunk every day, and he is unconscious every day. I'm here, why did he let me come!"

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