The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2036: Lin Jingru protect her

Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu stood quietly beside the river pond, only to admire the lotus. From time to time, people passed by Gu Xiaowan. Gu Xiaowan could clearly hear someone snorting, and she seemed to sneer!

Tan Yu's book is not good enough. He wanted to find those people to reason, but Gu Xiaowan took her to keep her from getting angry: "Look at the lotus, the lotus in this palace is really beautiful!"

Tan Yushu is extremely angry: "Sister, you still want to see lotus! Such people"

"Yu Shu, the brain grows in these people's heads, what they want to think, you and I can't control it!" Gu Xiaowan said.

"But sisters and these people are obviously aimed at the last time," Tan Yushu said anxiously.

"Do you believe me? Yushu?" Gu Xiaowan asked suddenly, looking at Tan Yushu firmly.

"Of course I believe, sister, I believe everything you say!" Tan Yushu said directly without thinking.

"Okay, just trust me, you are my good sister, and if my good sister believes in me, I will be satisfied!" Gu Xiaowan was very satisfied when she saw Tan Yushu's full trust.

"But sister, I believe in you, others don't believe in you!" Tan Yushu saw that Gu Xiaowan just asked such a sentence, and was anxious again: ‘I believe what is the use of i! "

"Of course it works!" Gu Xiaowan took Tan Yushu's hand and said affectionately: "I only care what the people I care about say, what other people say, I don't care!"

"Sister," Tan Yushu stomped.

"Princess Anping" suddenly, a voice came, interrupting what Tan Yushu wanted to say next!

"Miss Lin!" Gu Xiaowan turned her head and saw Lin Jingru standing behind.

"Princess Anping, Princess Huguo, I'm sorry. I stood here just now and accidentally heard the conversation between you and Princess Huguo. I also want to say, I believe you!" Lin Jingru looked at Gu Xiaowan, her eyes burning, and she also vowed. Said.

Gu Xiaowan turned her head and glanced at Tan Yushu. She was a little stunned and said with a smile: "Look, don't people still believe me?"

As soon as the three of them said some greetings, they heard a servant over there proclaiming: "Ladies please take a seat!"

Gu Xiaowan and others took their seats. As soon as Gu Xiaowan looked up, she saw the person sitting opposite, who was surprisingly Shu Min. At the moment, she was looking at Gu Xiaowan with a smile, with inexplicable eyes.

"Yeah, Princess Anping is back from playing outside? Tsk tsk, I haven't seen it for more than half a month, why is this ugly complexion so ugly, it doesn't look like going to play, but like going to recuperate!"

After Shu Min finished speaking, she hid her mouth and laughed.

The chattering and laughter of everyone at the banquet stopped immediately. The ladies all craned their necks and looked up, and they saw Gu Xiaowan sitting in distress. The Mingdu princess on the opposite side smiled and seemed very happy.

The person whom Mingdu Princess Shu Min hates most is Anping Princess Gu Xiaowan. This has now become a thing everyone in Beijing knows. However, everyone only thinks that the Mingdu Princess is despised and hated because Gu Xiaowan’s status is too low. She, the others, didn't know.

Tan Yushu knew it. Now that she saw the triumphant look of the Mingdu Princess, she wanted to rub her proudly: "Oh, the Mingdu Princess is waiting to get married these days? The Mingdu Princess is so happy and afraid. Wishful Langjun, as you wish, right?"

Shu Min became more and more proud, looking at Tan Yushu, a blush flashed across her face: "This is the emperor's decree!"

"That's true, the man has not been chased after so many years, but the emperor is still sympathetic to the Mingdu Princess!" Tan Yushu sneered.

And when these words came out, Shu Min's face suddenly changed: "Tan Yushu, what do you mean?"

Not to be outdone, Tan Yushu also ridiculed: "Shu Min, what do you mean? What do you mean!"

At the banquet, if someone whispered to each other just now, it would be silent now, except for the occasional sound of the breeze blowing the lotus leaf, I am afraid that a needle on the ground can be heard. The Queen Leng sat on her head, her face was calm, and she seemed to plan not to help anyone!

"Serve the ladies with fruit wine!" Empress Leng's voice was very calm, as if she didn't pay attention to Tan Yushu and Shu Min's overstepping just now.

Queen Leng spoke up, and Tan Yushu and Shu Min didn't dare to make another repetition, and stayed busy.

It’s just that Shu Min chased the man for so many years and didn’t catch it. In the end, he tied Su Ziyue with a piece of imperial decree. If this matter reaches Su Ziyue’s ears

Shu Min didn't dare to think, she knew what kind of temper Su Ziyue was. If he thought that she had contributed to this, then

She was a little nervous. After sitting down, she clenched her fists, turned her mind, and thought about it.

Shu Min smiled and looked at Queen Leng, who had never spoken to her head, and said: "Empress, Princess Huguo is aggrieved! Rather, let the emperor give Princess Huguo a marriage. In this way, The Huguo princess in the province looked at others and was very envious!"

When I heard that Shu Min had only chased men for so many years, she hit her own abacus, and stood up all at once: "Shu Min, you chase the man yourself, you chase it yourself, why are you doing things? To my head!"

Shu Min saw Tan Yushu's anxious look and smiled triumphantly: "Why? You are as old as I am, watching the emperor give me a marriage. Didn't you want that sour thing just now? You don't want it? Could it be that , You already have a friend.” Shu Min’s eyes turned around in front of Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu, and a shocking smile appeared at the corners of his mouth: “Could it be that people gather in groups and things are divided into groups, Anping The princess has a loved one, and the Lord Huguo also has a loved one?"

Tan Yushu's face was suddenly shocked.

She looked at Shu Min's triumphant look, and was afraid to answer.

If you say you don't want to give a marriage, it is despising the emperor's grace, if you want to give a marriage, then you just said that you are envy and jealous. If she has someone she likes, then she is the same as Shu Min. She will make love before she is married, and will involve her sister. If she doesn't have someone she likes, then she will also despise Huang's grace and be jealous of Shu Min!

No matter how you answer, you will fall into Shu Min's trap, and you will not escape a guilt and slander!

Tan Yushu is a straight-hearted temperament. Wherever he learnt to Shu Min's twists and turns, he stutters a little at the moment: "I am"

Seeing that Tan Yushu could not answer, Shu Min gently supported her chin with her fair hands, and the moonlight-like sleeves slipped down, revealing her white wrists. She replied lazily. Her eyebrows were long and thin. At this moment, he was smiling slightly, and his eyebrows were flying into the temple, and there was a fierceness and cunning in the laziness!

Tan Yushu stood there, knowing that nothing he said was bad, but everyone in the audience looked at her like a sharp blade, and seemed to be waiting for her to answer.

Whether it is an answer, no matter which answer is answered, or whether it is not answered, it is a trap set by Shu Min!

Seeing Tan Yushu's red face, Gu Xiaowan hurriedly took her hand and motioned her to sit down.

How could Tan Yushu sit down? She didn't know how to answer the big problem that Shu Min threw to her! No matter how you answer, it is wrong!

"Sister" Tan Yushu looked at Gu Xiaowan's calm expression and said eagerly, with a worried expression on his face.

"Sit down, no matter what you answer, it is her trap, and not answering is also a trap." Gu Xiaowan said softly, patted the back of her hand, and signaled her to be safe.

Tan Yushu sat down helplessly, his eyes still staring sharply at Shu Min, and his cheeks bulged, puffed up!

"Why? Princess Huguo has nothing to say? Who arranged me here just now?" Seeing Tan Yushu's death, Shu Min continued, "My marriage with Young Master Su was given by the emperor himself. Marriage is an arrangement of heaven and the will of the monarch. How can you allow you to arrange it here at will? Contempt for the Holy Will!"

Shu Min's words were harsher than each sentence, and in the end he even vilified Tan Yushu as a person who despised the emperor's grace!

Gu Xiaowan looked at Shu Min faintly, listening to her defamation every word in her ears. Tan Yushu's face was blue at the moment, and his eyes stared at Shu Min. If it weren't for Gu Xiaowan's pulling her, At this moment, she couldn't wait to go forward and tear Shu Min's mouth!

As soon as Shu Min’s voice fell, a voice came faintly: "The heaven-made match between the Lord of Mingdu and Lord Su is indeed in accordance with the will of heaven and the arrangement of heaven. However, if it is really arranged by heaven, the Lord of Mingdu and Su The prince has already tied the knot for a long time, so why should the emperor make another order? The emperor has everything to do with his busy schedule, and there are too many to mention. Why should the Mingdu princess bother the emperor to make another order? Those who know this know Mingdu County. The Lord and Lord Su are a match made in heaven, and Princess Mingdu put down the dignity of his daughter's family and admires Lord Su. If you don’t know this, he thought that Princess Mingdu specially asked for a decree for the emperor to marry him!"

Gu Xiaowan just wanted to speak, but she heard a quiet voice not far away. She tilted her head to look and saw that the speaker was Lin Jingru who had just said she believed in herself.

Lin Jingru's face was light, and she didn't speak quickly or slowly. She rarely spoke at first, and she was the granddaughter of Lord Lin. What she said was very convincing!

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