The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2037: Concubine Wang is here

Lin Jingru is right. People in the capital don't know how many people think so, but there are a few who dare to say this!

Gu Xiaowan originally wanted to say that Shu Min herself had long seen her as a thorn in her eyes, and it didn’t matter what she said, but

Lin Jingru has nothing to do with the Princess Mingdu, but in order to stand up for herself, she wants to offend Shu Min!

Gu Xiaowan looked at Lin Jingru and saw a faint smile on her face all the time, she looked like a spring breeze.

Shu Min was speechless by Lin Jingru's refutation, because she didn't know how to explain it. Like Tan Yushu just now, she said everything was wrong!

If she and Su Ziyue are in a happy relationship, why does the emperor give one more imperial decree? If she is not happy with Su Ziyue, then Su Ziyue was forced to be with her! After all, everyone in Beijing knows that she has admired Su Ziyu for a long time!

But Su Ziyue didn't have that kind of heart to her!

As the saying goes, men chase women, the interlayer mountain; women chase men, interlayer yarn! It's just a pity that such a beautiful and charming county lord of Mingdu, chasing a man, has chased out thousands of rivers and mountains!

Still never enter the door, no law.

Shu Min's blushing blushed and white, not knowing what to say.

She originally thought that a peasant girl like Gu Xiaowan, even if she climbed to the upper class, the peasant girl is a peasant girl, and she can't change the humbleness and humbleness of her bones.

But now, there is Tan Yushu in the front and Fang Peiya in the back. Now, there is another Lin Jingru who is on her side. Gu Xiaowan’s contacts and influence in the capital are slowly expanding. Those expensive in the capital Women, are slowly becoming her people!

She had never been able to win over Lin Jingru, but Gu Xiaowan took it easily.

The more Shu Min thought about it, the more angry she became, and she hated Lin Jingru even more.

People who cannot be used by her are her enemies!

Shu Min glared at Lin Jingru fiercely, and said sarcastically, "Miss Lin, who has never spoken before, has spoken for Princess Anping this time. It's really amazing! What benefit has Princess Anping given you? Miss Lin for so many years. I've always been alone in doing good things, but today, I actually took the initiative to relieve others, I saw it for the first time!"

Lin Jingru pretended that he could not hear the ridicule in Shu Min's words, and did not rush to explain, but slowly said: "Princess Mingdu's words are bad. Jingru doesn't help people, but she doesn't like others bullying people. !"

It means that Shu Min deceived people too much!

Shu Min's face suddenly turned pale, staring at Lin Jingru. Lin Jingru watched her nose and nose, sitting there quietly, she didn't move while others did not move! The young ladies around were very curious when they saw that Miss Lin's family met with Princess Mingdu. You know, because of her distinguished status, Miss Lin, who is well-versed in all kinds of books, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, is a wonderful work in the capital!

Moreover, she has a cold temper. Apart from being drunk in poetry and songs, she rarely communicates with the outside world. Even the banquets of the Mingdu princess in the weekdays, she can come whenever she wants, and she won't come if she doesn't want to. I dare not even say a word.

Now that I see her stand up for Gu Xiaowan, she is cold-tempered, she obviously didn't meet anyone willing to help!

All the young ladies didn't dare to show up, all raised their heads to see the empress empress who was above them, waiting for the empress empress to speak!

Where did you know that the empress did not care about anything, she sat there eating cakes and looking at the lotus.

Feelings, she really came to see the lotus! Isn't it to see the beautiful girl who enters the palace in the future?

Everyone was up and down, looking at such a cold queen, they really didn't know what to say or do!

If the empress is coming to see the show girls who will enter the palace draft in the future, then these show girls should be required to perform their talents. Why are they sitting here so quietly? Is it possible that they are really just watching the lotus?

Everyone was not sure of their intentions, so they could only sit quietly in their respective positions, eating the things in front of them, looking at the lotus on the side, but each had their own plans in their hearts.

Shu Min was choked by Lin Jingru so much, and didn't bother Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu. Gu Xiaowan glanced at Lin Jingru gratefully, and she saw a slight smile on her mouth.

Tan Yushu is a little strange: "Ms. Lin rarely talks to other young ladies because she is like her grandfather. She has a very strange temperament. Her heart is devoted to poetry and songs, and she rarely speaks. Many people I think this young lady is too cold, but now it seems that she is so sharp, not because she is cold, but too open-minded to argue with these people!"

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "Generally, people who have read a lot of books are either true nerds or hide themselves, but this Miss Lin seems to hide them!"

Shu Min, who can say a few words, didn't dare to make a second, this Miss Lin, with a distinguished status, was like a mirror in her heart!

At the banquet, the queen did not speak, Princess Anping and the two princesses did not speak, and the people at the banquet did not dare to speak. They looked at the lotus one by one, and it seemed that everyone really came to see the lotus!

At this moment, a coquettish and majestic voice suddenly came from behind: "It turns out that the empress is here to admire lotus flowers, it's so easy to find a concubine!"

Gu Xiaowan didn't need to look back to know whose voice was behind him!

The one who can speak like this is probably the most favored concubine in the palace today-Wang Guifei.

When I looked back, I saw Wang Guifei walking upright.

I saw Wang Guifei wearing a water-red palace dress. The upper part was embroidered with large peony flowers in a color heavier than water-red. The branches stretched out, and the peony flowers were exquisite and luxurious. It is embedded with fine gold threads, and its head shines with a dazzling luster in the sun. The thin waist is constrained by a cloud band, which makes it even more tightly gripped.

The outer part of the long skirt is covered with a golden transparent light gauze. There is no pattern on it, but because the golden yellow is matched with red, the collision of the two magnificent colors makes people's eyes brighter. This color is too shocking, making people unable to look away.

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