The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2038: Sparrow or sparrow

Wearing a pair of gold lace shoes, an east bead swayed on the toe, the color is magnificent and looks extremely precious.

A blue silk is combed into a high Yunhua updo, gorgeous and graceful, and the little finger-sized pearl is as bright as snow, and the stars shimmer in the hair. In the back of his head, there was also a golden step of a tired silk-inlaid gemstone, reflecting the face like a lotus, and it was natural.

Concubine Wang was holding a smile at the moment, and walked over with the hand of the court lady. When Queen Leng heard the movement, she raised her eyes and looked forward, and said lightly: "You are here!"

"Can my concubine come?" Wang Guifei stopped one meter away from the queen, stroked her body and bowed her body quickly, like a dragonfly.

Queen Leng only raised her eyes faintly, looked at Concubine Wang, without saying anything. When everyone saw that Concubine Wang had finished his salute, they followed him and bowed to Concubine Wang.

Concubine Wang stood proudly in front of Empress Leng, turned around, and watched the ladies at the banquet greet herself: "Please peace with your noble concubine."

It stands to reason that these young ladies can get up after helping their bodies, and indeed some ladies do.

After all, the Empress Empress waved her hand just now, and everyone just got up!

Among them, some people stood up straight after the salute, and their eyes met the gaze of Concubine Wang who was swept over, and the sharp eyes were shocking.

Liu Siyi was startled, and wanted to lean down again, but it was no longer possible! Concubine Wang glanced at Liu Siyi with a moody expression in her eyes: "This young lady's eyes are very beautiful, watery, as if she can speak!"

The imperial concubine empress is complimenting herself. Liu Siyi's fear just now swept away immediately, with a smile on his face: "Men's daughter, thank the imperial concubine empress for the praise!"

Wang Guifei smiled and stopped talking. Instead, she looked at those young ladies who were still squatting, looking at the black hair sideburns and the squatting knees. She stood in front of these people with a straight back. Yes, there seems to be a feeling of being a master.

How many people dream of this position, and how many of these women with black hair and sideburns covet their current position, Wang Guifei thinks that she will start the draft soon, and her unique pet might be gone soon. I was very angry and took a seat, then slowly and lazily raised his hand, and said with great majesty: "Get up!"

The shelf is bigger than that of the Queen Empress just now!

When Gu Xiaowan looked up, she looked at the direction of the sound just now and saw a familiar face.

Liu Siyi!

Gu Xiaowan frowned. Hasn't she been sent away by the Liu family? Why are you back again? Could it be that the Liu family turned back and sent someone to bring her back? Gu Xiaowan thought of this, she raised her head and scanned the surroundings, but did not find Liu Xueying.

Originally, even though Master Liu is a Beijing official, his rank is small. Naturally, Liu Xueying would not appear on such occasions!

But this is strange.

Liu Xueying did not appear, but Liu Siyi did, which is very strange!

Gu Xiaowan stared at Liu Siyi, who was smiling sweetly. With the compliment of Wang Guifei just now, Liu Siyi seemed very excited and smiled triumphantly all the time.

As if feeling that he was looking at himself, Liu Siyi suddenly looked in Gu Xiaowan's direction. The pride of the corner of his mouth could not be hidden, and his face was full of pride!

Looking at what she is wearing and what she is wearing now, it is completely different from what she saw last time. Nowadays, the clothes are gorgeous, the makeup is extremely exquisite, and the gestures are no different from the ladies in Beijing!

Liu Siyi had just received the praise of the imperial concubine, and snorted at Gu Xiaowan before twisting the beginning and stopped attending Gu Xiaowan.

After Wang Guifei took her seat, her eyes were not swept away, so she looked after Gu Xiaowan. When she saw Gu Xiaowan, her eyes flashed with surprise and envy: "Princess Anping is here today."

Gu Xiaowan is wearing an aqua blue dress today. The clothes are made of fine mulberry silk fabric, which is light and silky, and dyed in aqua blue color. Under the sun, it seems to be water flowing.

The clothes are embroidered with intricate and gorgeous patterns. The lotus leaf stems of green vines spread from the bottom of the skirt to the waist, and there is a half-open lotus on top. The petals are crystal clear snow-white, half open and half closed, like a shy beauty, still holding a pipa and half covering her face. The style is elegant and exquisite.

Gu Xiaowan's stature was slender and slender. Among the young ladies, she was half a head taller than the others. Her white and slender neck and aqua-blue clothes made her skin white as white as snow. , Ruddy cherry lips with a hint of smile, beautiful but unassuming.

Three thousand green silks were only raised with a finely carved wooden plum hairpin, abandoning beaded tassels and exquisite jade hairpins and their accessories, and a simple and surprising plum hairpin made Wang Guifei feel funny.

Today’s grand lotus appreciation banquet was organized by the queen’s mother and her parents. She even wore such a simple plum hairpin. It was still carved from wood. If it is really humble, it is humble, something that cannot be used on the table!

Wang Guifei sneered, looked up and down Gu Xiaowan, and said with a smile: "Look at Princess Anping today, but it is really amazing! This water-blue dress, called Princess Anping's complexion, is like It’s like Snow!"

Concubine Wang was here, and Shu Min seemed to be a backer. When she heard her praise Gu Xiaowan, Shu Min also looked at Gu Xiaowan. Seeing that she was glamorous and dignified, although she was elegantly dressed, she did not lose herself at all, and she was even more jealous: "That Isn’t it right? This sparrow flies on the branch, so you can’t dress up so that you can cover up the gray hair? Although it can’t become a phoenix, this branch is all on it, so it can’t be the same. Just a sparrow, just make people laugh!"

This is to say that although Gu Xiaowan is now an Anping princess, even if she wears luxurious clothes and exquisite makeup, in her bones, she is still a sparrow and a humble peasant girl!

Shu Min's eyes swept down Gu Xiaowan inadvertently, and there was a glimpse of pride in her eyes, but when she looked at the flowery face, her pride turned into jealousy and hatred, and her eyes were filled with vicious hatred like poison light.

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