The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2147: There was a big mistake

"Well, there are too many things. The household registration alone is so busy that people can’t get out of it. The people who specialize in household registration management in the household department have stayed up most of the night yesterday, and they went home to rest today. Take a break and go back later!" Gu Ning'an said in a tired voice.

"Then you go back to the room and take a break. I will help you prepare hot water. You can rest, take a hot bath, eat something, and then go back!" Gu Xiaowan said distressedly, with a worried expression on her face.

"It's okay, now the Ministry of Household is too busy. I finally met my sister and wanted to talk to her!" Gu Ningan walked into the pavilion. Under the octagonal corridor, the morning wind was still slightly cool, Gu Ning'an thoughtfully took off the outer robe and folded it carefully, spread it on the stool, and nodded, signaling Gu Xiaowan to sit down: "Sister"

Seeing her grown-up and caring younger brother, Gu Xiaowan felt relieved. After sitting down, Gu Xiaowan and Gu Ningan chatted.

Gu Ningan briefly talked to Gu Xiaowan about the affairs of this period, and listening to his tone, it seemed that the work was going well. just

Seeing Gu Ningan's tired figure who came back wearing Xingyue, Gu Xiaowan guessed that Gu Ningan still had something to hide from herself.

Moreover, things are tricky!

"The household registration is about to finish, why are there other things now? Why are you still so busy? I looked at you the days before, why are you going out early and returning late two days ago, even all night?" Gu Xiaowan asked.

Gu Ning'an groaned for a moment, then said, "Something really happened."

Then he explained the reasons for this period of coming out early and returning late.

It turned out that the filing of the household registration had already been done a few days ago. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, waiting for the best and final improvement work, and then went into the palace and handed it over to the emperor after seven days.

But who knows, in the past two days, some people came to complain, saying that they were leaving the city with the newly issued household registration booklet, but they were told that there was a problem with the booklet, that it was the information in the booklet and the information registered in the table Do not meet, do not let them out.

Those people thought that they had made a mistake in their registration, so they wanted to go to the government office to re-declare it again. How do they know that the information on the government office is different from the information in their booklet.

When the three parties confronted each other, they discovered that none of the three parties' information was the same, and no one knew who was right and who was wrong.

Later, it was checked by the Ministry of Households, and it was different.

That means that the things that the four parties get are different.

Originally, the purpose of household registration was to register all the people’s information. At that time, any citizen’s information can be found anywhere and anywhere with the household register.

The protection of the people is of great benefit. After being rolled out in the future, those who abduct and sell children and women have no place to start. If they want to abduct women and children, they must also steal the household registration books, because the household registration books will be reduced to black households. People have the right to detain.

"Now more than 20 households have come to report that their household registration books are wrong, not just them. Now, we don’t know how many people’s household registrations were wrong. Now everyone is busy. The regiment, these thousands of pieces of information have to be re-checked with the government office, the household department, the five city soldiers and horses, and the common people. This is even more difficult than re-registering one by one!" Gu Ning'an pinched his eyebrows, worried. Said: "The emperor will have to look at the household registration book in another seven days. If this is a problem with full of loopholes, I am afraid that it will be impossible to pay!"

Gu Xiaowan frowned. Who would make such a big mistake and fill in the information wrong?

"Who wrote those books?" Gu Xiaowan asked.

"We were short on manpower at the time, so we hired a few scholars to help. Nowadays, we don't know who owns those fonts!" Gu Ning'an sighed, his tiredness made his voice hoarse.

Gu Xiaowan looked at her younger brother who was now half a head taller than herself, feeling distressed.

Gu Xiaowan guessed that a good thing was done like this: "Have you ever thought about it, which part of the matter went wrong?"

"At the time, the Ministry of Households, Government Offices, and Five Cities Soldiers and Mars all sent staff to register, but because of insufficient manpower, we picked a few students to fill in in person. Even if someone fills in the wrong way, It should be that the information of one party is different from that of the people, and there is absolutely no reason why the four parties are different!" Gu Ning'an guessed.

Now this problem is tricky! The Quartet is different, it proves that every link has been manipulated.

"So now you are rechecking the information?" Gu Xiaowan looked at Gu Ning'an Tieqing's face and thought of facing thousands of messages. He looked at it day and night, not to mention his body, and his eyes couldn't bear it!

"Yeah!" Gu Ning'an nodded, looked at Gu Xiaowan's distressed look, and comforted: "Sister, don't worry, you will get better!"

"Have you ever thought that someone deliberately made you do something wrong? Moreover, it was only a few days before someone said that the household registration information was wrong. How could no one reveal it before? You have to wait until the emperor to look at the household registration. The booklet, has it been exposed? If you knew it was wrong earlier, you will have time to correct it. The emperor will read it after seven days. Do you think you have corrected it?"

Gu Ning'an shook his head: "These people will never finish revising them. Those books made mistakes, and now we dare not invite these people again! I'm afraid they made a mistake again!"

Gu Xiaowan said that someone deliberately mischievous, Gu Ning'an was a little uncertain: "Sister, these people are randomly selected from the school. Whoever is drawn is who they are. They are just ordinary students. How dare they go against the court? Don't be afraid, if there is a stain on your body, will it be difficult to enter the official career in the future?" Gu Ningan asked in surprise.

"Really? Do you know which one? Did they admit it?" Gu Xiaowan asked back.

Gu Ning'an was asked by Gu Xiaowan, and for a while, he was speechless: "Never!"

Gu Xiaowan snorted coldly: "Ning An, are you afraid that the most important thing is not telling me? You should have become the target of public criticism now?"

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