The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2148: Someone is fixing you

The idea was that Gu Xiaowan told Gu Ning'an that the implementation was carried out by Gu Ning'an. At that time, those in the Ministry of Households advocated simplification of major issues, and they could get through. I really didn't realize that if the household registration policy were fully implemented, there would be fewer cases of trafficking and criminals in the world.

Gu Ningan tried his best to turn the tide. In the end, this incident also alarmed the emperor. The emperor followed Gu Ning’an’s approach. Now that there is such a big omission, those who opposed it at the time might not know how many people were waiting for Gu Ning’an. It's embarrassing!

"When I finish the information, everything will be fine!" Gu Ning'an said, his voice full of fatigue.

It is true that he can't hide anything from his sister. My sister's eyes are like a torch, and he can know it all at once. It is true that everyone is working overtime, but he is the only one who works overtime. So many people in the household department are waiting. Seeing his jokes, who will help him?

"Do you still know who registered at the time?" Gu Xiaowan asked.

"I know, the Ministry of Household has a record! Every batch is registered where there is a record. Although there are many people, I know that there are five people who participated in the registration before and after the Communist Party." Gu Ningan did not know his sister. Asked what this did and said hurriedly.

"You take the names of these five people and go to the school tomorrow to find those students." Gu Xiaowan said.

"Looking for those people? What do you want to do with those people? I have looked for these people, but these people said that the handwriting on the register is not theirs. Besides, the above handwriting is scribbled. Obviously someone had already done something to plant it. Ready! There are still seven days left, as long as someone confesses, naturally there will be time to correct it."

"However, since these people dare to plant a spoil, how can they admit it?" Gu Ning's doubts.

"Don't worry, there is also Master Lin. Master Lin is in charge of the Hanlin Academy. I heard that the Hanlin Academy will recruit students into the hospital soon. These people are afraid to squeeze their heads and want to go inside. And these people, dare Putting hands on the household registration, I am afraid that someone has promised them that they can be guaranteed to enter the Imperial Academy!" Gu Xiaowan sneered thinking of this relationship.

"Sister, you mean that they were bought by someone, who is the one who bought them, and why did you harm me?" Gu Ningan asked in confusion, "Could it be Gu Ziwen?"

"What did he ask you?" Gu Xiaowan frowned.

"He once asked me how to get the household registration register. I told him at the time and said that I planned to go to the academy to hire some students to help. He also knew it. Later, he was also very concerned about this matter. I have read the booklet he registered. The handwriting is neat, the information is accurate, there is no omission, and I didn't think about it elsewhere." Gu Ning'an frowned, and did not think about Gu Ziwen's bad things.

However, people like Gu Ziwen

"How did Gu Ziwen enter the household, do you know?" Gu Xiaowan knows that her younger brother can read, and will judge the situation, but for these gullies, after all, he is too young to join the WTO.

"He is from the son of the elder, I know! The people in the household department also know his relationship. Although they didn't come in seriously, everyone was very fond of him!" Gu Ning'an was not stupid, and said with a smile.

Gu Xiaowan also laughed: "Do you think Shu Lin would still use him if something like that happened in the Gu family's big room?"

"He is no longer in the household department. He hasn't come for a few days, but even if he was in the household department before, he often didn't come. I don't know what to do, and nobody cares about him!"

"Please don't act rashly about this matter, and check the information with peace of mind. After I go to Master Lin, I will discuss with you!" Gu Xiaowan already has an idea in her heart. Those students who want to check, Gu Ziwen can't escape either.

Gu Xiaowan asked Gu Ning'an to go back and rest, while she went back to the yard and saw Zuo anxiously like an ant on a hot pot.

"Girl, where have you been? I didn't see you when I woke up, but it scared me to death!" Zuo saw that Gu Xiaowan was back and almost cried with joy.

"I just can't sleep, I went out and walked, it's okay, let me clean up for me, I will have to go out soon!" Gu Xiaowan said calmly.

Zuo nodded and helped Gu Xiaowan clean up with Kou Dan. After breakfast, Gu Xiaowan went out.

The carriage went directly to Lin Mansion.

From the lofty gate, you can see the rigor and decency of the Lin family.

The gatekeeper saw Gu Xiaowan's sign and hurriedly invited people in, and sent someone to report to Master Lin.

It stands to reason that when a female family visits the house, it is usually the female family who comes to visit, but Gu Xiaowan said that she wanted to see Lin Zhangyuan.

A girl who wants to see the head of the Hanlin Academy, those who know the identity of this person, dare not neglect.

Gu Xiaowan was taken to the front hall and saw a pair of ink-colored landscape paintings hanging above the front hall. A table and two chairs were placed under the hanging pictures, and two high tables were placed next to the chairs, and two pots of bonsai pine and cypress were placed on top , And below are six mahogany armchairs on each side.

There are two multi-treasure grids on the left and right sides, and various antiques are placed in the grid. Although the entire front hall is not luxurious, it has the nobility and solemnity of the family.

After a while, Lin Haitian pretended to come, and Lin Jingru was the one who came together.

Gu Xiaowan hurriedly got up and leaned over to Master Lin respectfully: "Xiaowan has seen Master Lin!"

"Princess Anping, why do you have time to come today?" Lin Haitian asked kindly. He always felt that although the child was born from a humble background, he had a degree of advancement and retreat.

So she was very concerned about Gu Xiaowan, otherwise, Gu Xiaowan would not go to the government office to intercede for her when she was in prison.

Lin Jingru was also very surprised when she saw Gu Xiaowan. After pulling Gu Xiaowan to sit down, after Gu Xiaowan sat down, she told Master Lin all the information she knew this morning.

When Lin Haitian heard this, his expression suddenly changed: "There are still these things. The household registration is a big plan for the benefit of the country and the people. The emperor is full of expectations for the implementation of this policy. Seeing that things come to an end, how can This is the case. If the household register is registered incorrectly, all the previous work will be wasted!"

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