The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2153: Lessons from the past

Gu Xiaowan didn't wait any longer, and went straight to Lin Haitian's mansion again. Lin Haitian was also taken aback, and the speed of the two became even faster.

And the big event Gui Chunjiao said finally broke out three days later!

The household registration was incorrect, and the information of some people was incorrect. Someone even organized a large-scale protest.

Nearly two hundred people took their household registration books and sat in front of the household department to demonstrate, saying that the household department had delayed their schedule. Now they cannot leave the city for business, which has delayed their business; doctors cannot leave the city, and patients are now in danger; those who leave cannot leave the city. , There was a serious disturbance inside the house.

"I have talked with the guests, and I will go out of the city to discuss business with people these days. It's better now. You said that my information was wrong and didn't let me go out of the city. What should I do with my business? Thousand taels, can you pay for it?"

"Woo, my old lady is sick, and now I am waiting for me to go back to see her for the last time. You said that my information was wrong, so you won’t let me go out of the city, oooo, my old lady is going to die, you don’t let me go The last point of filial piety, I am in vain as the Son of Man, I am in vain as the Son of Man!"

"I have a patient outside of the city. Only I know her condition. I will take care of the doctor and take medicine. You will not let me go out of the city. If there is something wrong with that patient, it is a life! "

There were nearly two hundred people demonstrating in front of the household department, either old or weak, women and children, or young and strong men. At this moment, the gate of the household was blocked, and there were noises of crusade everywhere.

Gu Ningan was registering information carefully, and he didn't hear any noise outside.

Xiang Qixuan ran in and saw that Gu Ning'an still looked like the world was peaceful, and as soon as he didn't come out, he snatched Gu Ning'an's pen. Yes

"What are you writing, what are you writing? If you don't hurry up and take a look, people will be killed outside!"

Gu Ningan raised his head: "Sir Xiang, what are you talking about? What's wrong outside?"

"What's wrong? It's all your bad idea. Now all the outsiders are scolding you for registration in the four parties. It's good. What's the registration? It's all right now. The people hold their household registration, it is useless at all, and restrict them from leaving the city. Go and see for yourself, what's going on outside! It's all right now, if one can't fix it, it's a big crime to lose your head!"

Xiang Qixuan used to think that the top pick in this new subject was a clever one, but now he seems to be a fool. He has made such a big mistake, and he still has the mind to do things with peace of mind.

Xiang Qixuan pulled him up and said angrily: "More than two hundred people came outside, all of whom came to ask for an explanation. This matter was facilitated by you. In any case, you have to go out and explain clearly."

Gu Ningan was shocked when he heard that more than two hundred people had come outside. shook off Xiang Qi Xuan's hand vigorously, and rushed directly outside, as Qi Xuan saw him running so fast, for fear that he was trying to escape, he roared behind:" Come here, catch him for me, the boss is going to run away!"

Gu Ning'an ignored him and walked quickly towards the gate.

The guard at the gate saw that Gu Ning'an had arrived. Without a word from anyone, he immediately opened the door to a crack enough for a person to get through, almost pushing Gu Ning'an out.

When Xiang Qixuan saw Gu Ning'an not running behind him, he relaxed, watching the door quickly close, and muttering: "Let’s see how you explain this time!" After speaking, his face was even smirking and his hands were He walked away quietly behind his back.

Gu Ning'an just stood still, and saw that the outside was really crowded with people. Everyone was filled with righteous indignation, and finally saw someone coming out, everyone shouted: "It's him, it's him who came to register with us. of!"

"Yes, it was him! At that time, he took someone to register with us! You finally dared to come out. My loss is so great, how do you plan to compensate me!" A businessman who looked like a businessman shouted.

"My mother is going to die, I'm going out to see her, please, let me go out, woooo"

A middle-aged man in his forties nearly fainted to the ground crying.

And another person sighed sighfully: "I am a doctor, and there is a patient of mine outside the city. If I don't go out again, if she dies, it will be a human life. You can't just ignore it!"

With the leadership of the first three people, the more than two hundred people who followed were also verbal and cursed by Gu Ningan.

"It's all you guys. What do you mean by household registration? What is the mess? Now we are restricted from leaving the city. Who will compensate us for our losses!"

"Yes, who are you! Can you speak? If you can't speak, call someone who can call the shots!"

More than two hundred people shouted loudly, and their voices were deafening. The entire capital city knew about such a large-scale demonstration here.

Gu Xiaowan also quickly learned. I heard that more than two hundred people had gathered at the household department to ask for an explanation, and immediately understood what Shu Lin was talking about.

The people who registered wrongly gathered to the Ministry of Households to ask for explanations.

When Kou Dan heard that, his face paled with fright at the time, and he gave an example of a previous official who also aroused public outrage.

"Ten years ago, an official in the capital also came up with a new policy at that time, saying that it would benefit the country and the people. At that time, the emperor asked him to do it. At the beginning, the progress went smoothly, but when I knew it, it turned out to be exciting. There was public outrage and hundreds of people gathered in the government to demonstrate. The people were so excited that they clashed with the officers and soldiers. Many people died for this. After learning about this, the emperor became furious and immediately dismissed the official from office. I thought that he could save his life. How did you know that the public outrage was too great. Those people gathered more people and the families of the deceased. They ran to the mansion every day to make a lot of noise, saying that they would pay for their lives. There was no way. Later, the official was beheaded. Those people stopped making trouble! This incident fell silent like this, it was too tragic!"

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