The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2154: Group trouble

More than ten years ago, Codan was only a half-year-old girl.

But because it was too shocking, almost everyone in Beijing remembered this incident as long as they had experienced it.

You know, the New Deal implemented by that official back then looked pretty good. At the very least, it helped the people solve a lot of problems, but later, the credit became someone else's.

After hearing Kou Dan's description, Gu Xiaowan was also taken aback.

It turned out that Shu Lin wanted to imitate the incident more than ten years ago, and Gu Ningan was punished in the same way.

Gu Xiaowan dared not stay for a moment. If Shu Lin really wanted to do this, the next thing the people would do is to fight with the officers and soldiers.

However, how can the people who have no power to restrain the chickens can contend with those armed officers and soldiers, if someone deliberately finds fault, as long as they have weapons in their hands, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Gu Xiaowan didn't dare to stay, and immediately ordered: "Kou Hai, you go to Master Lin's mansion and find Master Lin, and let him take someone over there as soon as possible!"

"Kou Dan, you go to the Five Cities Soldier Mars to find Master Su and see what they do next? Just say what I said, don't bring any sharp weapons, only a shield."

"Amad, Azuo, we went to the household department, looked after the few people who took the lead in the trouble, and kept staring at them so that they would not act rashly."

When Gu Fangxi and Gu Xiaoyi saw that Gu Xiaowan and the others were about to leave, they had to follow them in a hurry. Gu Xiaowan now has no time to take care of them: "Auntie, Xiaoyi, don’t go anywhere. There are so many people there. Go. Conflict, we can’t care about you. You still stay at home.”

"Xiao Wan, will Ning An be okay!" Gu Fangxi asked distressedly behind her.

Gu Xiaowan's feet moved quickly. Although she didn't stop, she said firmly: "Aunt, don't worry, I will bring Ning Anping back safely!"

After speaking, he left Qingyuan without looking back and went to the Ministry of Households.

By the time of the Huhu, the carriage could no longer go in hundreds of meters away. The streets were densely packed with people, and the water surrounding the Huhu was blocked, let alone the carriage, even individuals could not get in.

With so many people, if something really happened, Gu Ning'an would really have no chance of turning over in this life.

Gu Xiaowan asked Ahmad to park the carriage aside, and immediately found the nearest restaurant, and a few people went upstairs to look.

At the gate of the huge Huhu, apart from a few guards carrying knives, only Gu Ning'an was left alone explaining to them.

It's just that those people just won't listen to Gu Ningan's explanation because of their weak power.

Especially those who took the lead. He was so noisy, he didn't listen to Gu Ning'an's explanation at all."Young man, the hair on your mouth is not all the same, what can you say? Ah, you give us an idea!"

"Under Gu Ning'an"

"Gu Ning'an, he is the new champion. I heard that he proposed this method of household registration!" someone in front of him shouted to the back.

When the people behind heard it, they yelled: "What **** champion, shit, a family with muddy legs, I'm ah!"

Gu Ning'an was also very nervous when he saw the anger aroused by the people, but he was still polite and respectfully said: "Dear fathers and villagers, we are indeed doing something wrong in this matter. We have been checking data and modifying information. In just a few days, everyone’s household register will be available! Trust me, it won’t take two days!"

"Two days? My mother! Can my mother wait for two days? Ah? My mother has to die at any time. If I don't see my mother for the last time before her death, I will fight you!"

"My business couldn't be done, and I lost thousands of taels, how can you compensate me!"

"That patient of mine, if she dies, my doctor won't do it anymore, just follow you!"

"Young man, you are too young. What kind of thing is you doing? Look, now we are losing so much, doing business loses money, doctors can’t cure patients, and mothers can’t do their filial piety when they die. People, you want to be thundered!"

The few people standing in front of more than two hundred people pointed to Gu Ning'an and said each sentence, which aroused popular anger.

"That is, what breaks the policy is to take care of us. We don’t have enough food or clothes. You don’t want to figure out how to make us live a good life. All day long, you know to tease us. You officials are all It's a corrupt official!"

Under the instigation of the few people in front, the people also shouted.

More than two hundred people spoke together, deafening.

If this is an incident of collective fighting, the consequences will be disastrous.

At this moment, a large number of people came towards this side. Gu Xiaowan looked sideways, and she saw Su Mang riding a horse, fully armed.

And the guards behind him, as expected, everyone only carried a shield, and no other weapons at all.

Su Mang was sitting in the carriage commanding, and with a wave of his hand, the guards spontaneously scattered around, carrying shields, and surrounded the two hundred people in the middle.

There are black shields all around, keeping those people airtight.

Some were courageous, but they were urged to come. Seeing that the government also came to suppress them, they turned pale with fright, and their calves became weak.

Since ancient times, people have not fought against officials. Many of them are good people. They know that if they make trouble without reason and fight against officials, they will not end well.

Seeing that the people they brought with him were all showing fear, the three of them knew that if they didn’t take any action, these people would be rebelling, so they hurriedly shouted: "Fathers and villagers, did you see that, we did wrong? What's wrong, even the government has to send soldiers to suppress us, what we did wrong, this thing was done by their government, and now they have done the wrong thing, the officials protect each other, and even put the knife on our innocent and poor people. , We are also human beings, we are also the emperor’s citizens, how can we live in such a life! You simply don’t treat us as human beings! You said that they have done something wrong and want to suppress us, do you agree?"

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