The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2155: A similar scene

As soon as that person incited, some people who had withdrawn from the back were excited again, and they shouted: "Disagree, disagree! Resolutely disagree!"

The guards that Su Mang had brought had surrounded the two hundred people without any sharp weapons, only shields, and surrounded the people tightly. If you do this, what will you do if you do these things? Come, officers and soldiers don't fight with them, as long as they raise their shields desperately.

People do things, but officials do not. At least at this point, there is still room for change.

Su Mang saw Gu Xiaowan and followed.

"Princess, everyone has already arranged it, and I didn't bring any sharp weapons! I only brought a shield!" Su Mang reported.

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "Thank you Master Su!"

Lin Haitian hasn't come yet, and he doesn't know what is going on with him.

The accounts of the household department are violent, and the people are angry, and the undercurrents are also surging inside.

Xiang Qi Xuanchao Su Peian said: "Sir, this Gu Ning'an has aroused such great public outrage when he came here. Sir, you must make a decision as soon as possible. If these people rush in, or the officers and soldiers hurt the people by mistake, When the time comes, the black hats of our group will not be kept!"

Su Peian's expression was deep, and the troubled people from outside were beyond his consideration.

These few days have been okay. The wrong information about the household registration has only been released for a few days. These people gathered more than two hundred people to make trouble, and the government did not hear any news. This amazing organizational power , It is simply admirable.

If we say that this matter was just a collection of people spontaneously, now that we see such a large scale, we have to guess anyway, there is definitely a black hand behind the scenes manipulating everything.

And this person's goal is not just Gu Ning'an or the entire household department!

"I don't know who Gu Ningan has offended. People spent so much effort to fix him!" Xiang Qi Xuan murmured. Before he could finish his words, he suddenly froze, remembering more than ten years ago. Immediately he said, "Master Su, do you remember what happened ten years ago? That public outrage, Master Zhang, is directly."

Xiang Qi Xuan didn't continue, but compared it to a big knife with his hand, and slashed directly on the neck, Su Peian's expression sank.

"Master Su, think about it now. The matter of Master Zhang is too similar to this matter. If so many people have conflicts and accidentally injured the people, how can this be gained? A lesson from the past, Master Su thinks as soon as possible An idea." Xiang Qi Xuan said anxiously.

"My lord, the officers and soldiers of the Five Cities Soldier Mars surrounded the people outside." While thinking about it, someone from outside came to report.

When Xiang Qixuan heard this, his face suddenly paled with horror: "My lord, you see, it's exactly the same, how can it be done now!"

"Why did you alarm the Five Cities Soldiers? How could their news be so fast?" Su Peian was also shocked: "If there is a conflict between the people and the soldiers, the consequences will be."

More than two hundred people, twice as many as more than ten years ago. At that time, Mr. Zhang sentenced a Caishikou to behead. If this time the trouble is even bigger than before.

Su Peian couldn't even think about it. "My lord, hurry up and enter the palace. This matter should be caused by Gu Ning'an. Now that there is such a big mistake, I can't stop it anymore!" Xiang Qi Xuanyi With a face for Su Peian’s sake, he said, “We have so many people up and down in the household. Gu Ning’an has to take the initiative to take care of what he did wrong. He must not push us down!”

Su Peian did not speak and walked around the room.

Things are now beyond people's control, and if you postpone it like this, you will only lose out!

However, Gu Ning'an has the courage and talent, if he is framed like this

"I remember that time more than ten years ago, when officers and soldiers came and brought a lot of weapons, and those weapons later became tools for soldiers and civilian weapons. That is how many people died! I think I feel terrified!" Xiang Qi Xuan continued, fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

As soon as the person who came to report heard the news, he hurriedly continued: "My lord, don't worry, the people from the Five Cities Soldiers and Masi came with only the shield, and none of the other weapons!"

"What did you say?" Su Peian asked hurriedly.

The servant continued: "Master Su brought a lot of people, but those people didn't bring any weapons, only shields!"

Only a shield, no weapons?

Even if the officers and soldiers were in conflict with the people, without weapons to injure people, they could at least minimize the damage!

Thinking of this, Su Mang said in a deep voice: "Come here, come out with me!"

Xiang Qixuan thought that he had touched Su Peian, and hurriedly said with a smile: "My lord, don't you change into an official uniform?"

Su Peian glanced at him obliquely: "I'm going to the gate to have a look!"

"What?" Xiang Qi Xuan's footsteps stopped all of a sudden, and there was no more forward movement.

Su Peian sneered watching his movements and took a few people out without looking back.

Gu Ning'an also felt nervous when seeing so many people making trouble.

Due to the long explanations to the people and the louder voice, the throat is a bit hoarse at the moment, although the words are loud, they are a little bit less crisp than before!

Gu Xiaowan saw Gu Ning'an's movements become irritable, and seeing the people around them gearing up one by one, it seemed that they didn't stop until they reached their goals. She knew that if nothing happened today, these people would not leave. !

"When will you give us an answer? If you don't give an answer, we won't leave! My mother is still waiting for me at home, the big deal, I rush out, I want to see my mother one last time!"

"Officials and officials protect each other. You officials are going to be thundered. Your own fate is fate, and the fate of others is not fate!"

The sentiment was exciting, and the situation became more and more uncontrollable.

Gu Xiaowan was thinking about a solution. Suddenly, from another window that opened a gap, she saw a woman about fifty years old walking out of the side alley, walking vigilantly. I looked next and saw that no one found myself, and then strode towards the crowd, opening his mouth as he walked!

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