The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2156: make trouble

Gu Xiaowan pointed at the person and said: "A Zuo, hurry up, see what she calls, hurry up and catch her!"

There was still a quarrel in the household registration. Suddenly, a female voice came from outside the crowd: "The owner, the mother-in-law is gone."

The middle-aged man standing in front heard this and was stunned for a while, and then let out a scream: "Oh mother, mother, I blame his son for being unfilial!"

The man around the head was crying miserably, with tears, and the person next to him was cursing: "Have you seen it? I haven't seen the lady the last time. Are you still human? Too much, too much. You are not at all. Treat us people as human beings. Folks, take care of what they do and take revenge for our brother!"

"Yes, my mother is a big one, so unkind, what a good official, such a person, even if he becomes an official in the future, that is a bad official who is corrupt and accepts bribes. Let's not want such an official!"

"Pull it down, pull it down!" The people who were the leader were about to rush upwards. Seeing these people rushing up regardless, for fear of something wrong, the guards standing aside immediately took out their big swords. , Standing in front of a few people, is self-defense.

Su Peian just opened the door and walked outside, saw this scene with his own eyes, and shouted: "Knife away!"

But he was too late to shout, and saw the man who died Lao Zi Niang suddenly shouted sadly: "My mother is dead, I didn't even see her for the last time, I was in vain, mother, you Wait, my son will go with you now!"

After speaking, under all eyes, the figure suddenly flashed to the side of a guard, suddenly took the big knife from the guard's hand, and was about to sing on his neck.

A dazzling light flashed from the sword, and everyone closed their eyes in unison, making a horrified cry, and no one dared to look at it, for fear that a scene of sparkling blood would appear in front of them.

When the other person beside him saw this, he suddenly smiled triumphantly. No one saw it. On the opposite side of the tall building, a figure as light as a Yan suddenly whizzed out.

Only heard a "clam", the big knife in the hands of the people fell, and the blood splashing three feet that everyone thought of did not happen. I saw the long whip in the hands of a man with a healthy body, and then the big knife in that person's hand was thrown away. To the ground.

And because of excessive force, the man also looked at Ahmad who came suddenly in horror, and knelt down on the ground with a frightened thump: "Who are you?"

"You haven't seen your mother dead or not, why are you dead?" Ahmad asked sharply.

"My mother is dead, my mother is dead! It was you who caused me not to see my mother for the last time!" The middle-aged man said in despair, and he was going to take a big knife again, preparing to wipe his neck and kill himself.

Ahmad had already seen his plan in his eyes long ago. With a flick of the long whip in his hand, the broad knife on the ground was wrapped in his long whip and plunged straight into the wall of the door of the residence. The blade trembled and said " "Om" neighed.

"What are you doing? You won't let me die?" The middle-aged man shouted when he saw that he could not die.

Gu Ning'an was shocked when he saw Ahmad coming, and looked in the direction where he was coming. There was no one in the house opposite, but he didn't know why, he glanced at it, but felt inexplicably relieved. And Ahmad's words suddenly gave him a year in his heart.

"This uncle, he is right. You haven't gone to see your mother. How can you believe that she has gone? Why should I check the information for you as soon as possible. You should go out of the city to see your mother. Is it feasible?"

Gu Ning'an said with a fist.

The middle-aged man frowned and shouted: "No, my mother is dead, I am about to die, I don't want to live anymore, I won't live anymore!"

"The one who reported the letter just now should be your wife. You must have a wife and children at your age. You just died like this. What should you do with your wife and children?" Gu Ning'an still persuaded with all his heart.

The "I, I" man couldn't speak, and saw that there was no knife. He looked around in a panic. Suddenly, he got up from the ground and shouted sternly: "Mother, wait for your son, and he will come here. you."

I saw him get up from the ground and rush towards the pillar, he wanted to hit the pillar!

By now, Gu Ning'an was also full of doubts.

With a flick of Ahmad's long whip, he wrapped the man, and pulled it back. The man fell back and fell to the ground with a thump, making a bang, lying on the ground and screaming.

When the business man next to him saw this, he cursed: "Where did this come from? My mother is dead, distressed, and want to seek death, what are you stopping? My fellow villagers, stop this person, they are very filial. Don't be ruined by these people!" When the man suddenly rushed up, he had to stop and hug Ahmad. When the people next to him saw it, they rushed forward to hug Ahmad.

How could Ahmad allow these people to get close, tap their toes lightly, as light as a swallow, and jump to another place. Those people jumped into space, and several people twisted together.

"Filial piety? You can really say that one life is used to show filial piety. If you heard it right a moment ago, this person still has a wife. This person is filial to the dead mother, but ignores his wife and children. I I want to ask, do you not have the freedom and ease of dying your wife and children, or are you just determined to frame innocent people with death?" Ahmad's voice was low, but loud and loud.

He looked around his eyes and quickly locked on the people who were making trouble. Those few people have been stirring up the emotions of the people behind them, making them follow their emotions.

The girl was right, as long as the first few people were subdued, the people behind would be much easier to handle.

Gu Xiaowan was sitting quietly on the chair at this moment, watching the woman below her shivering like chaff.

"The one who is going to commit suicide is your husband?" Gu Xiaowan asked.

"Yes, it's my husband," the woman said shiveringly, her expression frightened when she saw Gu Xiaowan.

"What do you mean by that sentence?" Gu Xiaowan asked, staring at her.

The woman glanced at Gu Xiaowan, but she felt that the girl looked young, but the momentum of her whole body made people feel panicked!

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