The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2157: I was instructed

"Then logically, you should come from the city gate, why would you come out of the alley?" Gu Xiaowan asked immediately.

The woman didn’t expect Gu Xiaowan to discover that she had come out of a small alley. She was trembling with fright: "I’m close to my side. I rushed over to tell me the old man. This is the shortest way. !"

Gu Xiaowan looked at the woman who was kneeling on the ground. She was about fifty years old. She was not tall but not short. Her face was dark, and her face and exposed arms had many dark spots, which looked like It is caused by exposure to the sun all year round.

"Your husband lives by hunting, right?" Gu Xiaowan asked quietly.

"How do you know?" The woman obviously didn't expect Gu Xiaowan to know that they make a living by hunting, so she raised her head suspiciously to look at Gu Xiaowan.

When she found that Gu Xiaowan's eyes had been staring at her, the woman lowered her head again.

The momentum of this girl is too strong. She has lived for so many years, and it is the first time she has seen such a beautiful, yet so dark girl.

Those eyes are like the eyes of a poisonous snake and can see your heart.

"Within a hundred li of the capital, there is no hunting place at all. The only place where hunting is possible is the royal hunting ground. You common people, you can’t get in there at all. You have to hunt for a living. You can’t live in the capital at all. Go down, so you are not from the capital at all! The booklet you are holding belongs to someone else, right?"

The woman saw Gu Xiaowan's guess right at once, she fell to the ground in fright, murmured: "How do you know, how do you know?"

"Let's say, who sent you to the Ministry of Households to make trouble? And, who sent you to say such a sentence? You are looking for death at the door, so you just watched as a widow?"

Gu Xiaowan was already strong, but now she talked more like ice. The woman only felt like she was in an ice cave, all over her body was cold.

There was a desperate panic on the woman's face, like a puddle of mud, collapsed to the ground.

As for the person who yelled that his mother-in-law was dead, Ahmad suddenly flew up when he heard the voice and grabbed the person in.

The person who came was Codan, standing fearlessly at the household registration.

Gu Ningan's eyes widened when he saw the words Kou Dan yelled just now!

Sister, what is this going to do? Why did you send Codan out?

"Girl, what's the matter with you? Why don't you speak? Why would you fall from above? Is your household registration wrong? Don't be afraid, let's come together to seek justice!" The man clamoring for business Said softly.

Codan glanced at him, then glanced at the men next to him, but still did not speak!

The person who was looking for death stared at Kou Dan in a daze. At this moment, he remembered something, and began to search for death again: "I am not alive, I am not alive, mother, you are waiting for me!"

"This big brother, if you want to die, you have to wait first, who was the one who just called out? You said this is your aunt?" Ahmad pointed at Kou Dan and asked with a smile.

Auntie? Everyone looked at the two of them, fixed their eyes, and saw that the man was in his fifties, and the girl was afraid that he was still under twenty years old. Is that a couple?

how is this possible? This man can be the girl's grandfather!

"How is it possible? They are so different! Both can be grandpas!" someone shouted loudly.

"It's none of my business, someone gave me this and asked me to shout outside. I'm sorry, I don't know if your mother is dead or not!"

The middle-aged man was startled for a while, then looked at the woman and suddenly asked, "Who are you?"

When everyone saw this, there were smart people who understood what was going on!

These two people do not look like husband and wife depending on their appearance and age!

"I, I received other people's gold, let me shout, it's none of my business, it's none of my business! I don't know him!" Codan pretended to be horrified and took out the gold from his arms and threw it at it. On the ground, and the man's face became more ugly.

Not only is it ugly, but there are also worries and fears!

The faces of the few people in the head were very ugly, green for a while, purple for a while, watching the woman's fists creak.

If it weren't for the strong martial arts of Ahmad in front of him, these people were afraid that they would jump up and tear this woman to pieces!

Su Peian was a false alarm when he saw this, and he also shouted: "Bullshit!" I thought that this person is really full!

Ahmad sneered: "You just yell like this when you take other people's gold, but you know that people will be killed here. If people are killed, it will be a matter for the Ministry of Households. The Ministry of Households bears the burden of hurting people's lives. , If you go to Dali, no one in the household can get away safely!"

Ah Mo's words shocked Su Peian out of a lifetime of cold sweat.

He then remembered what Xiang Qi Xuan had just said.

That's right, this woman was bought by someone just now and deliberately said these things. If she was killed, the entire household department would be unlucky. And this woman was clearly bought by someone, and the person behind had ulterior motives.

This is to take the entire household department and follow the head to the ground!

Su Peian was shocked with a cold sweat behind him. He had been an official for so many years, and now he is not as transparent as a small guard in an important position. He immediately glanced at Ahmad gratefully, which was regarded as thankful.

Then he shouted sternly: "Come here, arrest this wicked woman who lied about the information, be instigated by others to disrupt our people's minds, and be taken to prison for strict interrogation!"

Gu Ning'an glanced at Kou Dan, just about to speak, Kou Dan shook his head gently at him, and then obediently was carried by two tall guards like eagles catching chickens and entered the household. It shocked the people present.

The person who was still going to die just now didn't want to die, just watched the woman hysterically being taken away in a daze.

As I walked far away, it seemed that I could hear the woman's stern roar: "I don't know, I don't know anything. Someone gave me money and asked me to shout. I don't know him! Please let us go! "

The man was obviously also dumbfounded, unable to recover for a long time.

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