The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2162: Signify

This made Su Peian very embarrassed, unable to insert his mouth, and could only stand there stupidly.

I don't know how long it took. When everyone around him was gone, Shu Hao "accidentally" discovered that Su Peian hadn't left yet, with a look of guilt: "Brother Pei'an, why are you still here?"

"Prince" Su Peian smiled awkwardly. This virtuous brother really didn't dare to say: "It's nothing, but in a few days Ziyue and the princess of Mingdu will get married, and Su Mansion's wedding arrangements have been completed When you are ready, the prince must be satisfied!"

"Satisfied, of course satisfied. Brother Pei'an does things, of course I can rest assured!" Prince Ming said with a smile.

The two chatted for a while about getting married, and they finally arrived at the gate of the palace, and saw their respective carriages parked at the gate, and Su Peian's servants were waiting for him eagerly.

Seeing his own person, Su Peian secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and the smile on his face became a lot more natural, and he said with his hands: "My lord, you are leaving!"

Shu Hao also laughed: "Brother Pei'an, you and I will be your in-laws right away, and you will be both prosperous and ruined. Lin'er will be in the household in the future, thanks to your care!"

"The prince's remarks have been broken down by the official, and the next official is just a person who depends on the official family for food. The elder son is a daughter of a wealthy and noble body, and he is also an emperor. Meaning, he arched his hands and said with a pious face.

"Oh, isn't it? Now the emperor entrusts you with important responsibilities. Lin'er is in the Ministry of Households, so your in-laws will support you. After all, you and I will be a family in the future, hello and me, hello everyone!" In this case, Su Peian was only thinking about how to get along with each other in the future.

He didn't think much about it, and sent Prince Ming to the carriage before he turned around and got into his carriage.

Along the way, only the outside coachman yelled to drive the horse, Su Peian closed his eyes and thought about what the emperor wants to do in three days.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes wide, and he was shocked to understand the meaning of the last sentence that Prince Ming said!

Shu Lin was also in the household department. Although Shu Lin had not personally experienced it since the registration of household registration, he was the son of the world, and he certainly had a lot of confidants around him.

Gu Ning'an is a new champion. The original household registration was prepared by another person, but since Gu Ning'an went, he thought of a good way. The emperor believed him and handed it over. Gu Ningan came to do it.

Good things have not been done, and good risks have turned into catastrophes.

Could it be that Shu Lin has done something wrong here?

Thinking of Prince Ming's meaningful words when he left, and the arrogance of everything under his control, Su Peian felt more and more shocked as he thought about it. He only felt like someone was splashing cold water on his body.

After finally reaching the house, Su Peian just opened the curtain and got out of the carriage. The autumn wind blowing from all directions made him involuntarily swing.

A biting chill came from his back.

Only then did he understand that it turned out that Prince Ming meant this!

After Su Peian returned to the mansion, he shut himself in the study, no one was seen, but he sent someone to invite Su Ziyue in the middle of the night.

In the middle of the night, it was time to sleep well. Su Ziyue has been having trouble sleeping and eating all this time. The closer the wedding is, the more anxiety he feels.

Now it was midnight. Although he was lying on the bed, he was not at all sleepy. He could only watch the dark curtains above his head.

Su Ziyue was surprised that Su Pei'an was still looking for himself when he heard the voice shouting outside. After thinking of his father's return today, he shut himself in the study room. Even dinner was sent to the study room. Go!

Thinking about this, Su Peian must have something very important there, so he got up quickly, didn't change the white shirt he was wearing, casually put the black cloak on him, and went to the study.

The night was long, and Su Ziyue had been in Su Peian's study until the **** crowed, and then he came out.

Without rest all night, Su Ziyue has a deep cyan mark under his eyelids. As soon as he went out, he saw the bright sky outside, and his body was a little shaky. Fortunately, he came to the side to celebrate when he saw it. After staying with him, he asked worriedly: "My son, what's wrong with you?"

Su Ziyue shook his head without saying a word, broke free of Lai Qing's hand, and returned to his courtyard.

The two talked for half a night in Bingzhuye, and no one knew what they were talking about.

When Gu Ning'an returned to Qingyuan, Gu Xiaowan and others stood at the gate of Qingyuan, looking forward to it.

The news from the palace had been delivered before Gu Ning'an returned. Although it was not a blessing in disguise, it was successfully avoided. Gu Xiaowan let out a long sigh of relief, filled with joy.

Gu Ning'an has struggled for so many years, and finally got what he dreamed of.

Seeing the smile on Gu Xiaowan's face, after Gu Ningan got off the sedan chair, he stood under Dan Chi and looked up at Gu Xiaowan.

Gu Xiaowan looked at him with a smile, with a satisfied smile on her face: "Ning An" stretched out his hand towards Gu Ning An, as if waiting for him to come up.

Gu Ning'an also laughed. Then, his eye sockets suddenly turned red. Instead of stepping forward, he suddenly lifted his robe and knelt straight on the bluestone floor tiles.

In Gu Xiaowan's astonishment and shock, when she came down to help Gu Ning'an get up, Gu Ning'an had already knocked three times on the bluestone slab.

The bluestone board was very hard, and Gu Ningan slammed it again. When Gu Xiaowan looked at his forehead, there was already a red mark on his forehead, and she used the veil to cover it with distress: "You stupid boy, you What is this for?"

Gu Ningan stood up following Gu Xiaowan's hand, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Sister, Ningan has finally grown up, and can finally protect you!"

Gu Xiaowan was moved, watching this child who had been pulling by herself since she was young, time passed like a white horse. The child who used to hide behind her and crying is now half a head taller than herself.

She raised her head to look at Gu Ning'an, her heart softened. This child has always dreamed that one day he will be strong enough to protect herself. Now, he has finally realized his wish.

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