The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2163: I found that person

Gu Xiaowan supported Gu Ning'an's arm with emotion, and tears were already streaming down before she said anything. With red eyes, she looked at the proud brother in front of her. She didn't know what to say, so she could only whisper: "Okay, okay, okay"

Everything was silent, Gu Ning'an smiled and wiped away the tear marks on Gu Xiaowan's cheek, and then helped Gu Xiaowan into Qingyuan.

Kneeling down to our ancestors, kneeling down to my father and mother, the family was happy and crying, and for a while, the clear garden was shrouded in joy.

That night, after the party, everyone finally dispersed. Gu Xiaowan just got dressed and was about to go to rest. Gu Ningan's voice came from outside: "Sister, are you asleep?"

It's so late, it seems that Gu Ning'an has something to tell herself. Gu Xiaowan hurriedly responded and invited him in after putting on more than one piece at random.

After coming in, Gu Ning'an's cheeks were a little red because of a drink in the evening. Now, against the backdrop of Ye Mingzhu, she looked like a girl's house, with red lips and white teeth, and her pink face was ashamed. Gu Xiaowan smiled.

"Sister, what are you laughing at?" Although Gu Ning'an drank a little wine, he was still clear-headed. Now seeing his sister smiling at him, he felt a little embarrassed at the moment, touching his head and asked inexplicably.

"It's okay, I just think that my brother has grown up and is now a handsome young man. It is not an exaggeration to describe you as handsome and handsome, Yushu Linfeng!" Gu Xiaowan was quite proud of herself. Hand-drawn children are getting better and better now, and they all have a sense of pride.

Complimented by Gu Xiaowan in a fruitful manner, Gu Ning'an had a thin face, and his face became redder against the background of Ye Mingzhu, but it was just a moment of effort and he returned to normal.

"Sister, I want to ask you something." Gu Ning'an looked very serious. Gu Xiaowan, who was watching, also hurriedly put away the ridicule, and became serious: "What's the matter?"

"You and Brother Qin" Gu Ning'an deliberated the wording, thought for a while, couldn't ask like this, and decided to ask another question: "How did my sister think of Brother Qin back then?"

Gu Xiaowan glanced at Gu Ning'an, then solemnly replied: "He is the person I want to grow old with him, and he will never change forever!"

Gu Ning'an breathed, still puzzled: "Sister, Brother Qin, is that all right?"

"Well, good. Bring me happiness, hope, relieve my sorrow, dangerous moments, the first thing he thinks of is me. No matter what happens, he believes in me, being with him makes me happy , Even if he is not by my side, just thinking about the time with him makes me happy!"

Gu Xiaowan said quietly, her voice was very soft, but in this quiet night, it was like a round bead, which made people feel soft.

Zuo, who was standing outside, was extremely happy when he heard the girl's crisp voice like a jade bead inside.

Gu Ning'an didn't speak for a long time. Gu Xiaowan saw that his expression was a little inexplicable, so she couldn't help asking: "Ning'an, what's the matter with you?"

Gu Ning'an slowly raised his head, and his handsome faces became more and more handsome at the moment.

"Sister, I seem to have found this person too!" Gu Ningan said quietly, with tenderness between his eyes. When he lowered his head and looked up, he seemed to think of the woman in his mind, and the smile at the corners of his mouth became softer.

Gu Xiaowan was a little surprised, and soon understood, she was overjoyed: "Do you have a sweetheart? Whose girl is it? Why have I never heard you talk about it!"

Not to mention that she had never heard a girl's name in Gu Ning'an's mouth, and even outside, she had never heard of a woman next to Gu Ning'an.

Now, after listening to Gu Ningan's decisive words, Gu Xiaowan was overjoyed.

Gu Ning'an was a little embarrassed, his cheeks reddened again, and said shyly: "Sister, but I have this idea, I don't know her yet."

"Which girl is it from? My sister helped you to see each other, what do you say?" Gu Xiaowan thought that the last "bachelor" in her family might finally get out of order. How could she not get excited, she said hurriedly, as if Just wanting to marry that girl in.

"I am interested in her, but" Gu Ning'an said uncertainly: "Sister, do you think she is also interested in me?"

It was embarrassing to say such a thing, but Gu Ning'an had a part in his mind during this period. Apart from work, all he thought about was the woman. But she is not sure whether she has feelings for herself.

The more I think about it, the less confident I am. I don't feel ashamed anymore, I just want to ask my sister first.

Gu Xiaowan asked, "Whose girl are you looking for? What is her character?"

"Made in character, gentle and kind." Gu Ning'an still didn't say who the girl was, so Gu Xiaowan was anxious: "Who is it that you are after? Tell your sister, your sister is going to die!"

"Sister" Gu Ning'an was a little dazed, looking at Gu Xiaowan, it seemed that he didn't intend to say the girl's name.

Gu Xiaowan died anxiously, and immediately said: "You have to tell you who you are fancy, whether she is married, what is her reputation, these, you are a big man, it's always hard to ask?"

Gu Ningan panicked and lowered his head again: "It's Miss Lin!"

Lin Jingru?

Gu Xiaowan's mind suddenly came out of that dignified, gentle and skilled, and dignified Miss Lin family. She was a little unsure, and she was trembling when she asked: "But Lin Jingru?"

That's a good girl. If Gu Ning'an was interested in her, he would fight for whatever she said. When she saw Gu Ning'an nodding, Gu Xiaowan's heart fell, and she punched Gu Ning'an in the shoulder: " Great vision!"

Lin Haitian is a good official and an upright official, and he is quite prestigious in North Korea and among the people, and his granddaughter Lin Jingru, who is personally educated by him, has a poem and literature, and has a unique character and appearance.

It's fifteen now, and I haven't heard that she has been married. Lin Haitian loves this granddaughter and has been brought up since childhood. He must have looked at the marriage after this!

Gu Ning'an was even more embarrassed when she was praised by her sister: "Sister"

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