The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2164: Bexie

Gu Xiaowan smiled: "Don't be ashamed, it's human nature. Now that you have grown up, it is natural to like girls. Don't worry, you will take a rest tomorrow. You will go to the Lin Mansion to pay respects to Master Lin and Miss Lin. After all, they help You are so busy"

"I know, even if my sister doesn't tell me, I'm going there. I have someone prepared a gift, and I will go to the Lin Mansion tomorrow!" Gu Ningan said.

Seeing that Gu Ning'an had already taken care of everything, it can be seen that he is a wise man. Gu Xiaowan is quite satisfied: "Okay, as for whether Miss Lin has a marriage, whether there is a sweetheart, you will leave it to your sister. My sister will help you ask about two things, but after that, you have to rely on yourself!"

"Thank you sister, as long as I know this, I will be enough!" Gu Ning'an said here, a little excited, and a little shy, his face flushed again.

Gu Xiaowan didn't care: "Don't be nervous, take this step, and the things that follow will be much easier."

Before long, there will be another happy event in their family!

Gu Ning'an has a sweetheart, and Gu Xiaowan naturally wants to help him fulfill his wishes. There are some things that men may not do well. If women speak up, things are much easier.

Lin Jingru was also happy at the moment. I heard that Gu Ningan had become Shaoqing of Dali Temple. He was happy and excited, and couldn't sleep all night.

Seeing that the young lady is happy when painting the green, she is also very happy, after all, Miss Gu has done a lot of effort!

"Miss, do we want to prepare a gift to congratulate Master Gu on taking office in Qingyuan?" Seeing that the lady has been wandering around the world, she asked sincerely.

Lin Jingru was a little shy after hearing this, "Grandpa and Dad have already sent the gift. Wouldn't it be more if I send the gift again?"

When Grandpa came yesterday, when he talked about this, his beard was almost uplifted in excitement, and he ordered people to prepare a gift and sent it to Qingyuan.

Wouldn’t it be weird if she sent it over now?

Lin Jingru was a little bit ignorant in her heart. She painted green and didn't say anything. Indeed, it is indeed suspicious that people from a family who sent gifts to give gifts.

But the young lady has helped Gu Gongzi so much, how to say it is natural to congratulate him. Just when I was about to speak, I heard a hurried voice from outside: "Miss, the old lady wants you to go to the main hall."

Painted Green opened the door and looked at some breathless servants running outside, who were served by the old lady, and asked softly: "What does the old lady say?"

"The little one is not sure. The old lady said that there was a guest here, and the guest called to see the young lady, so the old lady asked the servant to invite the young lady!"

"A guest is here? Who is here?" Lin Jingru asked faintly, still sitting on the stool.

"I heard that it is the champion of the new discipline or Shaoqing from Dali Temple?" Before the servant had finished speaking, he saw a gust of wind blowing in front of him, and Lin Jingru almost ran to the main hall. The painted green followed. Seeing the young lady's nervous and excited appearance, she also laughed. When she was about to get to the main hall, she reminded Lin Jingru: "Miss, you go slower!"

Lin Jingru reacted, and immediately slowed down, but at the thought of seeing that person right away, she was excited as if her heart was about to jump out.

Gu Ning'an was drinking tea in front of the hall at the moment. Lin Haitian was sitting on top and chatting with Gu Ning'an enthusiastically. Gu Ning'an was not sad or arrogant, sitting on a chair, and chatting with Lin Haitian from time to time. Lin Haitian smiled and nodded frequently. One can imagine how satisfied he is with this new champion.

Lin Jingru slowed down, and patted her excited chest, which was about to jump out. After taking two deep breaths, she wiped the fine sweat beads on her forehead with her kerchief. After doing all this, this is the model. Walked into the main hall.

Gu Ning'an was seriously answering some of Lin Haitian's questions at the moment, answering them with ease and style.

Gu Ningan hurriedly stood up when he heard the message from the person behind.

Lin Jingru helped him a lot. Seeing Lin Jingru come out at the moment, she is wearing a new moon white flowered skirt and waistband, a white skirt on the floor, a skirt on the neckline and cuffs of the skirt, and a skirt with a long skirt. The places are decorated with delicate little hosta flowers with red silk threads. When you walk around, they seem to come with thousands of hosta flowers among the flowers.

The long crow-blue hair was randomly rolled up in a bun, and the top was fixed with a ruby ​​hosta, which was elegant and dusty like a fairy.

She gently moved Lianbu from the outside, and the brilliance of the newly rising sun hit her back, as if there was a shadow.

But even so, that white face is more and more deceiving Saixue.

A pair of bright eyes seemed to have stars poured into her eyes, as if it was that day when Gu Ning'an watched her walk out of the people's home, with a smile in his eyes.

Gu Ning'an was in a daze, as if he had returned to that day, his fingertips were a little hot, and it seemed that the remaining body temperature from that day was still on the fingertips.

God knows that after he went back that day, he didn't wash that hand for several days, and now he wants to come, it is a little funny.

Gu Ningan smiled embarrassedly, looking at Lin Jingru, a faint smile appeared on the corners of his mouth. He couldn't bear to look away, but he knew that he had gone too far, so he hung his head and hugged his hands and said: "Miss Lin"

Lin Jingru didn't notice Gu Ningan's strangeness, nor did he see the joy and faint excitement in his tone, so she hurriedly helped her body slightly: "Master Gu"

Gu Ning'an has now taken up a real position, and it is more appropriate to call Master Gu.

Lin Haitian brought his favorite granddaughter here, and asked with a smile, "I don't know if Master Gu is here, but why?"

Gu Ningan only took office yesterday, and today he took a break. He came to the Lin Mansion a long time ago. It can be seen that Gu Ningan respects himself and Lin Haitian is very satisfied with this younger generation.

"Ning An is not talented, and now he is promoted to Dali Temple Shaoqing. I came today, first to thank Master Lin for her righteous speech in the temple yesterday, and secondly to thank Miss Lin for extending a helping hand during the distress in Ning'an. En Dade, Ning An is unforgettable!"

After finishing speaking, facing Lin Jingru, bowed down respectfully and bowed to Yingying!

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