The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2173: Things must be reversed

Su Qianyue rushed out without looking back, and the Cuizhu who followed him saw this, and followed it blankly.

Madam Su wanted to chase her, but Su Peian stopped her.

Su Ziyue saw the figure of Su Qianyue rushing out, and after thinking about it for a while, he didn't feel relieved. He carefully put the broken portraits in his hands into the drawer.

Madam Su and Su Peian watched him do this, but they didn't say anything to stop them. Now everything is left to him.

After Su Ziyue put his things away, he said, "Father, mother, I'm going to find Qianyue!"

"Go!" Su Peian said weakly, sitting paralyzed in the armchair, his face was very depressed.

Su Ziyue left quickly, Laiqing didn't ask anything, and followed closely.

When Madam Su saw that everyone was gone, she looked at Su Peian who seemed to be getting old overnight, and felt distressed: "Master, what is going on?"

"Let her calm down, I made this decision not just for Ziyue, but for our Su family!"

"Master, it's up to the present, if you have anything to hide from me, just tell me the truth! You are not such a person, you must have difficulties in making the decision to resign!" Madam Su Cried, holding Su Peian's hand and couldn't help crying.

Su Peian closed his eyes and didn't speak for a long time. Only when Madam Su thought he would not speak, he heard a slightly hoarse voice: "Ming Palace, you can't touch it!"

Why can't you touch it? Su Peian never said again. Although Madam Su didn't understand the affairs of the court, she knew that for so many years, Shu Lin had been arrogant and domineering. This time she even dared to do harm under the emperor's eyelids.

"Things must be reversed, madam, you have to understand what I am saying. I am not just for the sake of reading, but for the whole family! I don't know if Princess Mingdu will retire on his own initiative, but in any case, we must stop us. The two families climbed together, and our Su family had a clear stream. It was hard to achieve what we are now. Even if I give up all these things, I will keep our Su family! Madam, do you understand?" Su Peian made the choice after careful consideration. No matter how she didn't understand Mrs. Su, she knew that it was Su Peian's painstaking efforts.

She wiped away her tears and nodded. Without the loss and hesitation, she said firmly: "Master, since you have already decided, then I will accompany you without hesitation. You are right, as long as the Su family is still there. , Our Su family, there must be the day when we get up, Yue'er, I will definitely persuade her! Don't worry, this matter, the emperor should come down? When shall we leave?"

"Hey, the emperor has not yet responded. The emperor did not leave me to discuss today. He wanted to come to the memorial, he has not seen it before!" Su Peian patted the back of Madam Su's hand and said softly, "Madam, I have been wronged!"

Madam Su smiled: "Master, don't be wronged, as long as our home and children are there, nothing matters!"

Su Peian held his wife in his arms, neither of them spoke, and there was silence.

Su Ziyue chased him out, but he didn't even see the corner of Su Qianyue's clothes. He asked his servant anxiously, "See where the lady went?"

"Miss, she got into the carriage, weeping and crying, and the carriage went over there. The other servants don't know about the others!" The man said in fear.

Su Ziyue saw that there were no carriages on either side, and sighed, hoping that Qianyue could figure it out by herself.

Su Qianyue was sitting on top of the carriage, and the carriage galloped away, and soon disappeared.

Cuizhu on the side asked, "Miss, where are we going?"

This is just coming back, where are you going? But seeing the sad look of the young lady, Cuizhu only dared to ask this.

Su Qianyue cried and cried, thinking that she was about to leave this prosperous capital city, she would soon lose the reputation of Miss Su's family, and she couldn't help crying again.

Cuizhu didn't know where to go, so he could only let the carriage roar aimlessly on the street.

I don’t know how long it has been, or where the carriage has gone. I just feel that the noise on the street is getting smaller and smaller. Cuizhu lifted the curtain of the car and stretched his head to look outside. Only the carriage came to a quiet place. In the small alley, Cuizhu became a little nervous as he walked deeper and deeper, "Where is this?"

The coachman outside did not speak, not even turning his head.

The carriage continued to walk into the alley. Su Qianyue saw it, but she couldn't help crying. She became nervous at this moment and raised the curtain to ask the coachman outside: "Where are you going?"

The carriage went further and further, and had reached a secluded alley. The carriage driver seemed to have not heard Su Qianyue's voice, and continued to drive the carriage forward without stopping.

When Su Qianyue saw that the coachman didn't listen to her at all, she was angry, and when she saw it, she kicked it and kicked it directly to the back of the coachman.

How did you know that the coachman leaned aside lightly, avoiding Su Qianyue's foot. Then he sat upright again.

Su Qianyue was shocked: "You are not my coachman!"

I saw the coachman suddenly let out a dark voice: "Miss Su, someone has been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Who? Where are you going to take me? Stop, stop!" Su Qianyue stepped forward to catch the coachman. How did he know that the coachman suddenly raised his whip, the horse was in pain, neighed, and ran away. It's getting faster.

Cuizhu didn't grasp the frame of the car, and slammed into the frame of the door with a "boom", and suddenly passed out.

The carriage went faster and faster, Su Qianyue clung to the frame of the carriage, trying to jump off the carriage, but couldn't at all.

When Su Qianyue came out, she only saw a carriage at the door, and went up without even thinking about it. How did she know that the carriage was still his own, but the person on the carriage had already been replaced.

"Miss Su, please rest assured, the front will be here soon! Don't worry!" The coachman's voice was very gloomy, and Su Qianyue's heart shook when she heard it, and the fear of being stared at by a poisonous snake swept through her body.

The carriage was getting faster and faster, even in the alley, it still seemed to be on the street, speeding by.

There were bumps in the alley and the ground was bumpy. Su Qianyue was bumped up and down in the car, so she could only hold onto the frame of the car tightly to prevent being thrown around.

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