The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2174: Invite Su Mang to dinner

Boundless fear swept over. Su Qianyue was so scared that she was going crazy, she yelled like crazy: "You let me go, I want to go home, I want to go home, my parents"

There was a violent bump in the carriage, and Su Qianyue was tossed around, reluctantly letting go of the hand holding the door frame, her head suddenly hit the door frame, her eyes went black and she passed out.

When I woke up, I only saw pitch black everywhere, and I couldn't see anything. It was like being shrouded in darkness. Even after adapting to it for a long time, I still couldn't see a trace of light.

Su Qianyue panicked. A strange coachman took her to this strange place and the stranger. She trembled in fear and cried hoarsely. Her trembling echoes were heard around her. Besides, Nothing else.

In the dark night, unknown variables, Su Qianyue panicked, she burst into tears, but still no one appeared.

Gu Xiaowan played a black son, and firmly controlled the opponent's white son, only to see the golden nanmu chessboard above, it seemed to be the black son's world.

It's already uncountable how many games are lost.

Ding Lun was a little frustrated and frustrated: "What's the matter, why can't I beat you little girl! No way, no, start over again, I was in a bad state just now!"

Gu Xiaowan:

Chen Meng had been standing behind watching them play chess. Seeing that Ding Lun had lost the game and didn’t let Gu Xiaowan go, he patted him on the back and said, “You still play? The princess has played ten games with you. They say that you are in a bad state! You are in a bad state, come again next time!"

"No, how can I come next time? I finally met my opponent and I was shocked. I didn't expect Wanmai, you cooked so delicious, and this chess played so well!" Ding Lun took the initiative to set the chess, again Pulling Gu Xiaowan to play with him again.

Gu Xiaowan had no choice but to pick up the sunspot and start another set.

Tan Yushu followed Gu Xiaoyi and walked over from the side. Seeing Gu Xiaowan still playing chess with Ding Lun, Tan Yushu asked inexplicably, "Why haven't you finished playing yet? Sister, didn't you kill him and leave it alone? "

Ding Lungang wanted to speak, and Chen Meng's urn behind him said, "Why not? This is already the eleventh game."

"Huh? Uncle Ding, have you lost ten sets?" Tan Yushu asked in shock.

She just went to Gu Xiaoyi's room to look at the tricks for a while, and it took less than two sticks of incense to go back and forth. After this time, she had already played ten games.

Chen Meng looked at the game record carefully, and Ding Lun was racking his brains to find a way to crack it.

Chen Meng scanned the anticipation, then nodded seriously: "Princess, this time it should be eleven sets!"

On the chessboard, winning or losing was divided, and Gu Xiaowan won Ding Lun for the eleventh time.

Ding Lunben wanted to continue, but at this moment, the other customer waiting finally arrived.

"Wan girl" Li Fan led Su Mang towards the pavilion.

Gu Ningan's safe escape was inseparable from Su Mang, so Gu Xiaowan planned to invite Su Mang to a meal.

Arrangement at Jinfulou seemed not sincere enough. Gu Xiaowan thought about it and arranged it in Qingyuan. She didn’t know how to drink. Thinking that Su Mang had been in the frontier and had old acquaintances with Ding Lun and Chen Meng, she also invited. Chen Meng and Ding Lun came over.

Li Fan also came to accompany him.

The guests were all there, Kou Dan and Zuo led the way, and Gu Xiaowan led them to the dining room.

In order to prepare for the banquet tonight, Gu Xiaowan thought of many good ideas. Everyone here loves to drink, so Gu Xiaowan made a special trip to the wine shop to pick two jars of good wine for more than 20 years and let them drink enough.

Not to mention the big fish and meat, there are also hot pot, barbecue, and deep-frying. The chef of Jinfu Lou, Li Fan also borrowed one, and was not busy with other things at the moment, and dedicated himself to barbecue outside.

As soon as he entered the yard, he smelled the fragrant barbecue. Ding Lun sniffed and made a look like a cat: "Well, it's so fragrant."

Gu Xiaowan smiled and said: "This is where I specially called someone from Gu Ji BBQ to barbecue. I also bought two jars of wine. You can drink as much as you like. Tonight, you won't be drunk or go home!"

Gu Ning'an had also returned from Dali Temple at this moment. He had already changed his clothes and came to see Su Mang. Only then did several people enter the house.

I saw a large round table in the room, and more than a dozen chairs beside the round table. The top of the round table is two floors. The upper floor is the same as the restaurant, which can be rotated. The upper floor is full of delicious food, uneven height. , The inside of the pot was burning with charcoal, and the inside of the pot was boiled gurglingly, emitting a strong fragrance, which appealed to the heart.

Everyone sat down one after another. Gu Xiaowan was the host and the most distinguished status. She sat on the top, Tan Yushu sat on her left, and Su Mang on the right. Chen Meng, Ding Lun, Gu Ning'an, Li Fan and others sat down in turn, etc. The round table is full and there is one place left.

Gu Xiaowan looked at the position, she was right next to Su Mang, and smiled and said, "Wait for my aunt, her side should be almost done!"

"Okay, okay." Before Gu Xiaowan's voice fell, she heard Gu Fangxi's voice from outside. She cooked the last dish, and Kou Dan came in behind.

Knowing that Gu Fangxi was going to sit next to him, Su Mang's body was as tight as a bow and arrow! The hand on his leg gripped the clothes tightly, and tried his best to resist the shaking of the body.

Seeing herself sitting next to Su Mang, Gu Fangxi was a little embarrassed: "Xiao Wan, I don't know how to drink, or let Boss Li drink with Master Su, and I can't drink either!"

Su Mang felt a little disappointed when she saw that she was unwilling to sit next to her, and her tight body seemed to relax a little.

Fortunately, no one saw it.

Gu Xiaowan smiled: "Auntie, just sit there. No matter what Master Su says, you won't be forced to drink. Uncle Li also sits next to him. Let them drink when the time comes, and we will watch the battle!"

Gu Xiaowan actually didn’t know how Su Mang’s drink was, but Li Fan once said that Su Mang had to drink at Jinfulou, but every time he drank, he only drank one or two small cups. It seems that he doesn't drink a lot of alcohol on weekdays. People who don't drink should also drink very much.

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