The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2176: Su Mang's solo concert

Just after Su Mang's wine was eaten, Kou Hai carried the wine jar and poured a whole bowl again.

As soon as Su Mang sat down, he saw that his bowl was full again. The wine entered his throat and stomach. Su Mang, who had never drunk before, only felt a strong alcohol rush and made him rush. The nervous brain was dizzy at the moment, as if there was a mess.

"Come, come again" Ding Lun picked up the big bowl and drank again.

Su Mang picked up the big bowl in front of him and drank it.

After three bowls of wine, Ding Lun was still clear and bright, and followed Chen Meng and Li Fan on the side to talk about the world, but at this moment, there was a faint voice from the other side: "The soldiers are going to expedition, expedition to another country. Thousands of miles away from home, thinking about father and mother. One round. Mingyue, send me lovesickness"

The voice was faint, as if full of misses for his relatives in his hometown, and the person who sang was Su Mang who had drunk three bowls of wine. He held a chopstick in his hand and dangled in front of him, his eyes blurred, like I was drunk, but I sang clearly.

Indeed, soldiers thousands of miles away, who do not want home, who do not think about their father and mother, Ding Lun and Chen Meng can better understand the meaning of Su Mang singing this song, it seems that they have returned to the battlefield at this moment, leaving home. Thousands of miles, looking at the same bright moon, immensely missed in my heart.

When they were about to speak and sing together, they saw Su Mang's tune suddenly stopped. Then, they heard a magnificent voice, impassioned: "The anger is rushing through the crown, and the rain rests by the side. Look up, look up to the sky. Howling, strong and fierce. Thirty fame, dust and soil, eight thousand miles of clouds and moon"

Ding Lun and Chen Meng can also sing. Seeing that he has changed the tune, they also followed up: "Don't wait for free."

"The sky is vast, and there is a lone wolf running on the wasteland. There is no father on the top and no kang on the bottom. Only the land under one's feet is long and long. If you don't eat, you can only grab it."

Ding Lun and Chen Meng hadn’t picked up the song just now, they saw that Su Mang changed the song again. They just wanted to pick it up, but they hadn’t spoken yet, and saw that the tune in Su Mang’s mouth changed again.

"A love song goes around the mountain beams, a tragedy shakes all directions, and a beautiful woman spreads good news"

The impassioned tone just now turned into a twisted and rounded finger. Ding Lun and Chen Meng looked at each other before they realized that Su Mang was drunk and drunk!

After Su Mang was drunk, he just kept singing, and after half a song, he changed to another song. No one knew what he was going to sing, how much he would sing!

Two altars of good wine were drunk by these people. Ding Lun drank almost one altar, nothing happened. After Su Mang drank three more bowls, the original rude voice sang different songs. Sometimes impassioned, sometimes low and sad, sometimes sentimental, singing over and over again, completely forgetting me.

Su Mang drank too much.

Gu Fangxi was sitting next to him, seeing that sometimes he was dangling with chopsticks, sometimes stood up heroic, sometimes looked sad and sad, Su Mang was like an actor on a stage, performing in front of everyone. Joy and sorrow.

Gu Fangxi was the fastest to recover from the shock. Seeing Su Mang singing and singing constantly after drinking too much, he couldn't bear it, so he hurriedly reached out and patted Su Mang on the shoulder, and asked worriedly: "Master Su, you what happened?"

Su Mang glanced back at Gu Fangxi. He was singing a heroic song outside the Great Wall, but when he saw Gu Fangxi, the song outside the Great Wall immediately changed.

"The mountains are far away and the rivers are far away. When the sun is red in the east, the brother is in the west and the sister is in the east. The sun goes down in the field, and the smoke urges you to turn back. One pair, my brother loves my sister, and my sister's heart is drunk and it's not too far away.

Su Mang looked at Gu Fangxi seriously, his eyes were extremely serious and enthusiastic. The deep voice froze and sang a blurry taste.

Ding Lun, who was opposite, saw this scene, and suddenly burst into laughter like a pig.

"Haha, Su Mang Su Mang, it turns out that this is his virtue when he drinks too much, no wonder we have never seen him drink too much! Hahaha"

Ding Lun smiled happily. Although he had never been able to keep up with Su Mang's tune, this time, Su Mang actually sang the song by Brother Xiang Amei from beginning to end.

And Gu Fangxi blushed behind her ears. Although she also knew that Su Mang had drunk too much, this was his instinctive reaction when he was drunk, thinking of what to sing, but this is because she has lived for nearly 30 years. For the first time someone sang a love song to myself.

Su Mang sang sincerely. He looked at Gu Fangxi without even turning his eyes. If it weren't for Gu Fangxi that he knew he was drinking too much, who could stand his scorching eyes!

After finally singing the song, I thought that Su Mang would change to the next one, but I didn't know that Su Mang's eyes staring at Gu Fangxi didn't take it back at all, and he started singing again straightly.

"The mountains are far away and the rivers are far away, the sun will be red in the east, the brother is in the west and the sister is in the east, the sun sets in the fields, and the smoke urges you to return."

Gu Fangxi couldn't sit still anymore. Su Mang stared at him like a thorn, like sitting on pins and felt, as a shameful excuse to prepare a bowl of sober soup for everyone, his face flushed like a lobster. Ran away in a panic.

There’s no Amei on the other side, Brother’s song, finally changed

Ding Lun and Chen Meng burst into laughter again.

When this banquet was about to end, it turned into Su Mang's solo concert. Gu Xiaowan knew that Su Mang would continue to sing after drinking too much, which was amazing.

Gu Fangxi’s hangover soup was served soon. Ding Lun, Chen Meng, and Li Fan each drank a bowl, and there was one remaining bowl, which was placed in front of Su Mang, but watching his enthusiastic singing, Without touching the hangover soup in front of him, Ding Lun stepped forward and planned to feed Su Mang himself.

I don’t know, Su Mang drank too much, and no one could get close to his body. Ding Lun stretched out his hand to him, and just put it on his shoulder, I saw Su Mang suddenly punched Ding Lun with a backhand. Come.

Fortunately, Ding Lun hid quickly, his fist did not hit Ding Lun's body, and he shouted anxiously, "Su Mang, what are you doing?"

Su Mang did not speak, and continued to lie back on the table, and continued to sing, as if he did not take the episode just now to his heart.

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