The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2177: You praise me

Ding Lun dared not get close anymore. Chen Meng came over. After learning the lessons of Ding Lun earlier, Chen Meng was more careful this time. He came over and just took a photo of Su Mang’s shoulder when he suddenly fell backward. A pair of already big eyes stared at Chen Meng at the moment, as big as copper bells. Then, with his hands thrown back, Chen Meng quickly backed away, avoiding Su Mang's arrest.

"What's going on? This is too much to drink, and no one can get close to him? Isn't he going to sing for a night?"

Ding Lun and Chen Meng understood how troublesome Su Mang was drunk. No one could touch him. The sobering soup couldn't be poured into it, and he couldn't resist and he couldn't go back. As soon as someone else got close to him, he would resist. .

Is it possible to really sing here for one night?

Wait for the wine to wake up?

Ding Lun and Chen Meng were at a loss, and Gu Xiaowan was a little bit dumbfounded. This Master Su had drunk too much, so he looked like this!

Singing constantly, no one can get close to him. As soon as he hits him, he hits someone, such a big one, and no one can stand a punch!

"Wan girl, what do you want to do now? The soup can't be drunk, and people can't go back. What can I do?" Ding Lun was at a loss, knowing that he shouldn't persuade him to drink.

Gu Xiaowan was trying to find a way. Everyone at the table stood far away, leaving Su Mang alone to sing, singing one song on the left and the other on the right.

Li Fan had been watching, suddenly as if thinking of something, he came to Gu Xiaowan's side and said something to her in a low voice.

After Gu Xiaowan heard this, she suddenly thought of this.

Ding Lun and Chen Meng, both of them touched him and were punched by Su Mang, but just now clearly

When he drank too much and sang, his aunt touched him!

But he didn't do anything to his aunt!

Could it be that he saw that it was a girl, so he didn't do it?

Thinking of this possibility, Gu Xiaowan planned to try it out by herself. This sober soup must always be poured.

Seeing that the girl was going to feed him, Zuo quickly stopped: "Girl, let me go. I have time to defend myself. Even if he wants to hit me, I will run away faster."

Gu Xiaowan nodded, and saw Ah Zuo approaching Su Mang. Su Mang didn't do anything. After Ah Zuo finished the sober soup, he patted Su Mang on the back: "Master Su, drink a bowl"

Everyone's heart raised their throats. When Su Mang's song came to an abrupt end when Zuo touched his back, Gu Xiaowan was shocked: "A Zuo, be careful."

It was too late, and Su Mang swept a fist and slashed straight to Zuo's waist. Fortunately, Zuo's martial arts was strong, and he fluttered back, avoiding Su Mang's attack.

Su Mang didn't hit anyone and didn't continue chasing him. He squatted back on the table again, and sang a song again.

When everyone saw Su Mang like this, they looked at each other, not only beating men but also women.

Who can get close to him, just let him sing here all night.

Ding Lun and Chen Meng were the culprits who were drunk, and were too embarrassed to ignore them. They said, "Wan girl, you can go back. Chen Meng and I will sit here for the whole night, staying with him, and waiting for him to wake us up. Let's go again. We really don't know that it is such a virtue for him to drink too much, otherwise, I really dare not let him drink!"

Ding Lun was a little embarrassed for the first time. Indeed, it is too late to stay at the girl's house and not go home. It really can't be said. Gu Xiaowan looked at the drunk Su Mang, and for the present, there was only one way.

And Li Fan on the side seemed to be unwilling to give up, and said, "Would you like my aunt to try? After all, what did he do to my aunt? Why don't you try?"

It's not impossible!

Nowadays, only dead horses are regarded as living horse doctors.

Gu Xiaowan said, "Kou Dan, please hurry up and invite my aunt."

Ding Lun and Chen Meng looked at Gu Xiaowan suspiciously: "Could it be that you plan to let your aunt feed him? How could it be possible? Where can aunt stand his punch!"

Gu Xiaowan was not sure, but she saw what Li Fan said just now. Indeed, Gu Fangxi was not harmed in any way.

Originally thought Su Mang would not beat women, but the example of Zuo was seen alive. Su Mang didn't beat women, but why didn't he beat Gu Fangxi?

Gu Fangxi came soon, and after listening to Zuoyan's concise and concise words, he finally understood the current situation.

Everyone has tried it. This Su Mang just won't be touched. Gu Fangxi had some doubts, but he quickly dispelled: "I'll try it!"

Gu Xiaowan was a little nervous, and said to Zuo and Ah Mo, "You two will follow your aunt. If Su Mang has any other actions, you can quickly bring aunt out!"

Gu Xiaowan knew about the martial arts of Zuo and Ahmad. With the two of them by Gu Fangxi's side, nothing would happen to my aunt!

Gu Fangxi took the hangover soup on A's left hand and came to Su Mang's face: "Master Su"

Then she patted Su Mang on the back and continued: "Shall we have a bowl of sober soup?"

Su Mang slowly raised his head, everyone's hearts were raised in their throats, Ahmad stood behind his aunt and waited for Su Mang to make a move, Ahmad pulled her back to hide.

However, what everyone thought of did not happen. Su Mang slowly raised his head and stopped singing. After taking a look at Gu Fangxi, he opened his mouth like a good boy, and held Gu. Fangxi passed the spoon over.

There is sober soup on the spoon, Su Mang drank it!

Spoon after spoonful, Su Mang sat in a chair obediently, and Gu Fangxi stood in front of him. Because Su Mang was very tall, even if he was sitting, he reached Gu Fangxi’s shoulder. He drank a spoonful. , And then fixedly looked at Gu Fangxi, then lowered his head and obediently drank another spoonful.

The obedient and serious look was like the violent man who hit anyone who touched him just now.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

A bowl of hangover soup was drunk quickly, and Gu Fangxi's bowl was empty, and he smiled and said, "It's all done!"

What surprised everyone was that Su Mang was holding his head up at this moment, looking at Gu Fangxi, showing a sweet smile, like a child who wants candy, and said coquettishly: "You praise me."

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