The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2178: The well-behaved cat

You praise me

Praise me

praise me

It's unbelievable to say such cute and coquettish words from such a big man!

Everyone was in an uproar!

Gu Fangxi's hands and feet suddenly stopped, her face flushed with shame, but she saw Su Mang's burning eyes, like two burning fires. There seems to be a situation in which you do not praise me and I will not give up.

Gu Fangxi could only say vaguely: "Well, you are awesome!"

Su Mang's brows and eyes curled when he heard the words of praise, like a child with candy.

When did Ding Lun have seen such a good-looking Su Mang, he smiled happily: "Haha, I just saw someone hit someone, now it's fine, as soon as my aunt comes out, he is as meek as a cat or puppy! No, no , Auntie, tell him again, let him go home and see if he listens."

It is indeed to send Su Mang away, a drunk man, it is always not a problem here.

Gu Fangxi nodded and glanced at Su Mang: "Then I will try again!"

Everyone looked again.

"It's cold here, can you go back and rest, okay?" Gu Fangxi said softly, like coaxing a child.

Su Mang blinked, then nodded obediently: "Okay!"

Then he stood up and just watched Gu Fangxi say: "Then I'm leaving!" Then, he glanced at Gu Fangxi again, with a meek expression like a big cute cat, and then strode out.

If it weren't for him to stagger while walking, others would really think that he was just pretending to be drunk!

Because of his drunkenness, his mind was out of his control, Su Mang swayed, either hitting here or hitting there, bumping into each other, Ding Lun and Chen Meng hurried forward to help him when they saw it.

I don’t know that, just now, I saw Su Mang’s eyes suddenly round, where there is still the good-looking and meekness just now, but he is ferocious and fierce. He is already a martial artist, and he is tall and powerful. Infinite, the hands and feet come across, hunting the wind.

Seeing this, the two hurriedly avoided.

Fortunately, Chen Meng was a military commander with agile body. He dodged as soon as he stepped back, but Ding Lun was not so good. He was good at using his mind with his heart, and in martial arts, he could barely protect himself.

I thought that Su Mang would not be able to move rough anymore, but when I knew it, Ding Lun was swept by Su Mang's sweeping legs and fell on the ground.

Su Mang didn’t let him go, but he went forward to beat him again. Chen Meng saw that, the secret way was not good, so he hurriedly flew forward, grabbing Ding Lun and then running. How could Su Mang let him go, and stepped forward again. chase.

Ding Lun, who was thrown away just now, can only lean on Chen Meng's body and let him run. Two people run, how can they compare to the drunk Su Mang? Seeing that, he is about to catch up again and lift up. The stone fist is about to go to Chen Meng and Ding Lunhui.

At the end of the day, Gu Xiaowan hurriedly shouted: "Auntie, you should call out and let him stop!" Gu Fangxi was stunned when he saw this scene. He was so angry and anxious that he didn’t know what to do. It was so good, and I started fighting when I heard Gu Xiaowan let myself yell. I didn't know what to shout, so I just yelled casually: "Don't fight!"

Gu Fangxi shouted, and Su Mang's raised hand suddenly stopped.

He looked in the direction of the voice, and didn't know what he saw. The body that was as tight as a full string just now turned into the compliant cat just now.

He withdrew his hand, a shy smile appeared on his face, and smiled at Gu Fangxi, very well-behaved: "Then I'm going."

Then, really staggered away.

Ding Lun breathed a sigh of relief and yelled, "My God, it's terrible! How can Su Mang be drunk and beat anyone!"

Chen Meng couldn't laugh or cry. He picked up Ding Lun and said angrily: "Who just filled him with a cup and a cup? Blame yourself!"

"Blam me, blame me, just like him, even if I drank to death in the future, I would never let him drink a drop of alcohol again! It's terrible!" Ding Lun patted his chest, shaking the child who had just been thrown. Pain in the leg, and a lingering heart in his face.


Ding Lun looked back at Gu Fangxi, and asked admiringly: "Aunt, what did you give him? Why do you listen to you?"

Chen Meng also looked at Gu Fangxi suspiciously, and nodded likewise.

This Su Mang, as long as others touch him, no matter whether he is a man or a woman, he will hit when he sees someone. But Gu Fangxi, not only is it okay to touch him, but after listening to her, he is like a mouse and a cat in front of him. !

Gu Fangxi looked innocent, took a look at Gu Xiaowan, then turned to look at the swaying Su Mang who was walking away, and asked the heavens speechlessly.

This is weird, how did she know it!

After finally sending them away, Chen Meng and Ding Lun dare not touch Su Mang again. They have been behind Su Mang all the time. Ahmad also followed him. They were afraid that Su Mang would be crazy about drinking. control.

It was hard to see that Su Mang entered the Five Cities Soldier Mars. As soon as he entered the door, he lay unconscious on the ground. He snored. Ding Lunchang who followed behind let out a sigh of relief: "My god, this guy, I won't drink with him after I'm killed!"

Chen Meng greeted Ahmad behind him: "Go back and tell Princess Anping, he has arrived safely, let the princess not miss it!"

Ahmad said a few polite remarks before going back.

Ding Lun pointed to Su Mang on the ground like a discouraged ball, and said, "What should I do?"

Chen Meng walked two steps away from Su Mang, for fear that he would accidentally run into him and be beaten for nothing.

He shook his hand and yawned and said, "What can I do? Let him lie down and we will also sleep. It will save you people when the time comes. If you can't figure out the situation, it will be a waste of time!"

"Okay, let's go to sleep. Anyway, this guy will probably not wake up anyway for a while! Now that he sleeps like a dead pig, we can have a good rest!" Ding Lun also drank a lot. Just now because my expression has been tense, now that I relax, I feel dizzy and want to rest.

The two took off their shoes and socks, and as soon as they got on the bed, they heard a faint voice from under the bed.

"The sky is vast, and there is a lone wolf running on the wasteland. There is no father on the top and no kang on the bottom. Only the land under one's feet is long and long. If you don't have food, you can only grab it."

The solo concert begins now!

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