The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2179: Finally woke up

Li Fan was the last to leave. Although he had drunk a lot, he was fine at the moment because of his good drink.

Gu Xiaowan greeted Kou Hai to send him back. Before leaving, Li Fan decided that Gu Xiaowan had something to tell.

"Xiaowan, Master Su visited Jinfulou last time and said some things that made me inexplicable. I have been unable to figure it out. Now, if I look at it, it seems that I have figured it out a bit." After speaking, she whispered to Gu Xiaowan. He said a few words that Su Mang said to that guy last time.

Gu Xiaowan looked back at Li Fan: "He really said that?"

"Yeah, I thought it was weird at the time. How could he know that the dish was not cooked by my aunt? Later, I also tried the dishes cooked by a few of them. I didn't think it was any different. But Master Su, you can just try two bites. It's coming out!" Li Fan said in a puzzled manner.

Gu Xiaowan also found it strange, but at this moment, she couldn't see what was there. After listening, she was sent to Li Fan.

Ah Mo came back at the moment and said that Su Mang had arrived safely and fell asleep. Gu Xiaowan heard a few sounds and knew that Su Mang was safe, so she went back to rest.

But, she was really curious, why did Su Mang just listen to her aunt?

That's not even a big deal. As Uncle Li said today, how can Su Mang be tasted in two bites? Which dish is not made by aunt?

Even Gu Xiaowan felt that the dishes cooked by her aunt were similar to those cooked by the masters of Jinfulou, mixed together, where they could taste it.

Looking at the exchange between Auntie and Master Su tonight, it looks like they knew each other before, but they were limited to knowing each other and nothing else.

Gu Xiaowan felt dizzy, thinking that it was late at night, and wanted to ask her aunt about her situation.

After drinking tonight, my head is a little dizzy, so go to sleep.

Without a word all night, Gu Xiaowan drank a little wine and fell asleep just right. Whereas the Five Cities Soldiers, Ma Si, is not so good.

Ding Lun and Chen Meng hugged the quilt and stayed awake all night. After listening to Su Mang sang the song all night, their voices were about to sing dumb, and they could not sleep until dawn.

Seeing that they finally lost their voice, they hugged the quilt and fell asleep. How do they know that before they slept for a long time, they felt that someone had just lifted the quilt, and were puzzled: "Why are you here?"

Ding Lun and Chen Meng opened their eyes, and they saw Su Mang standing in front of them puzzled. Apart from a hoarse voice, he was full of energy, ruddy and refreshed.

It looked like a drunk person, clearly slept for a good night, full of energy.

Ding Lun blinked and looked at this energetic person who had sang the song all night long: "What's the matter with you? Why did you wake up?"

"Outside the sun is about to go up the mountain, and you are still awake? Don't you two go to do things?" Su Mang asked angrily, after thinking about it, then asked: "Why are you two in my bed? How do I sleep in Where?"

Su Mang pointed to the ground and asked in a puzzled manner. After looking at Ding Lun and Chen Meng, he seemed to blame them for sleeping on the ground.

Ding Lun jumped up angrily at the moment: "You still blame me! You don't see how you were drunk last night!"

"Am I drunk?" Su Mang narrowed his eyebrows.

"You really don't remember. You are like that. When you are drunk, you beat people, and you sing when you are drunk. Who would dare to drink with you in the future. You slept well all night, and I listened to you singing with Old Chen One night!" Ding Lun said unceremoniously, "I even made you punch, my **** hurts even now!"

Su Mangxu knew that his virtues after drinking were very bad. After listening, he apologized a little embarrassedly: "Sorry, I drank too much, so I don't remember anything, sorry, sorry!"

Chen Meng got up slowly at this moment, without saying anything, and suddenly asked, "Why didn't you sing a love song to us yesterday?"

Last night, they listened to the love song of the whole night, the love song of elder brother and sister, but they did not hear it all night.

Su Mang's face turned red. Just about to scold him, Ding Lun suddenly said, "Hey, yes, you sang this song to aunt yesterday!"

After finishing speaking, I was afraid that Su Mang could not remember, so he hummed and sang: "The mountains are far away, the sun is red in the east, brother is in the west and sister is in the east, the sun sets in the fields, and the smoke urges you to turn back. The magpies fly, go east to spring and return again, beside the green mountains and green waters, another couple is added. My brother loves A-mei, and A-mei’s heart is not too far away for thousands of miles.

Su Mang was stunned when he heard this: "You said I sang this song to my aunt yesterday?"

"Yeah, it's not enough to sing it once. You have to sing it a second time. If they don't run away ashamed, are you planning to sing it a third time?" Ding Lun said grimly.

Su Mang's face flushed with shame all at once, and he couldn't say anything: "I am"

"Don’t you, I’m me, you're a real fellow, others are close to you, you beat people, and my aunt is close to you, you are like a cat as obedient, tusk, if it wasn't for your aunt to feed you sober Tang, call you home, you are still cold outside!" Ding Lun said angrily.

Su Mang's face became more and more red when he heard it, from the root of his ears to the back of his ears: "You said, aunty gave me a hangover soup?"

"That's not it? Both Chen Meng and I were beaten by you, and Ms. Zuo, you also beat. Fortunately, you don't beat Auntie, otherwise you think you can wake up so early!" Ding Lun sneered.

Chen Meng saw Su Mang's face flushed with shame, and suddenly thought of a reason, he suddenly enlightened, and now he saw Su Mang's shy and timid appearance, it was clearly like this

I fell in love with my aunt!

Chen Meng suddenly realized it, but he couldn't say it in person, and said, "You should go to Qingyuan to thank auntie."

Su Mang hurriedly responded, happy and anxious: "Yes, yes, I'm going now!"

After speaking, I turned around and went out. The clothes from yesterday were still worn on my body, wrinkled, and I went to meet people like this, sloppy and sloppy.

Chen Meng yelled upon seeing this: "Come back, somehow change clothes, freshen up, and then go, how do you meet people like this?"

Ding Lun was puzzled: "It's all big men. What do you care about these things? I think we were in the frontier back then, we didn't have it for half a month."

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