The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2182: Am i so pretty

Qin Mozhi was about to turn around, and when he saw those eyes, he was immersed in the charm and couldn't help himself.

He turned around and hugged her again, Gu Xiaowan was a little confused, blinked and asked, "What's wrong?"

Qin Yizhi only felt that there was a raging fire burning in his head. He tried his best to control the heat of his body, and his forehead was placed on her forehead, moist and hot breath intertwined.

Immediately afterwards, the warm lips could not help falling on Gu Xiaowan's forehead and bridge of nose, and finally landed gently on the eyelids, like a dragonfly, but with extreme warmth.

He didn't move, his lips still kissed on Gu Xiaowan's eyelids. She couldn't help closing her eyes, and she heard Qin Yizhi's hoarse voice saying: "In the future, don't look at others with this kind of eyes."

After speaking, she pushed Gu Xiaowan away abruptly, and walked towards the shower without looking back. I'm afraid that if I take a step slower, she will discover her ugliness.

Gu Xiaowan looked at his leaving back, thinking of his last words, a little surprised.

What do you mean?

What's wrong with your eyes?

After thinking about it, he laughed. Now the relationship between the two of them is getting closer, and even the expressions in their eyes have to be managed, which is too domineering.

Gu Xiaowan only regarded him as domineering, but didn't think about anything else. She turned around and said, "Kou Hai, you are waiting here, Zuo, please go to the kitchen with me to take a look."

The kitchen is very busy at the moment.

Although it was busy, there were only two people, Kou Dan and that dumb Xiaoqing. Gu Fangxi was not there.

Gu Xiaowan felt a little strange: "Where did Auntie go?"

Kou Dan said, "Girl, my aunt didn't know that Young Master Qin was here, so I went to Jinfulou after finishing the work at home!"

Gu Xiaowan laughed when she heard this: "Okay, then you can give me a hand, I'll cook!"

Koudan paused with the knife in his hand: "What? Girl, do you want to do it yourself?"

Gu Xiaowan tied the wide sleeves with ribbons and put on an apron. After washing her hands, Xiaoqing was responsible for burning the fire, Codan was responsible for cutting vegetables, and Zuo was responsible for washing the vegetables.

Gu Xiaowan took the shovel and started to get busy.

The kitchen was full of smoke, but there was also a sense of tranquility and stability.

After taking a bath and changing clothes, Qin Yizhi didn't see any fatigue on his face, and he was refreshed: "Where is the girl?"

Kou Hai: "The girl went to the kitchen to prepare meals!"

Qin Yizhi asked suspiciously, "Where is my aunt? Isn't my aunt usually cooking?"

"It's aunt, but recently my aunt went to Jinfulou to help. She didn't know that you were here, so this point is still in Jinfulou. I will be back soon!"

Qin Yizhi nodded, and walked towards the kitchen with a flutter of clothes.

From the kitchen, there was the sound of a spatula hitting an iron pan, as well as the smoky cooking smoke, and the aroma floating from the kitchen, just like the most beautiful painting in the world.

Qin Yizhi stood at the door, staring at the people inside, and stopped.

He saw the busy woman in the kitchen, wearing an apron, standing in front of the stove.

Today, she is wearing a light green waisted brocade skirt with layers of light green gauze skirts layered on top of each other, making her figure more and more graceful. She was originally beautiful, but now she looks stunning, making people unable to look away.

The shape of her lips is very beautiful. At this moment, she squeezes slightly, her nose is quite small, her eyes are slightly longer, and her side face is already stunning.

His infatuated gaze fell on her, and he seemed to think of the scene where they were in that simple hut together many years ago.

They have known each other for almost ten years.

She was a half-year-old child, but now she is so beautiful, Qin Mozhi took a deep breath and thought, it's time to marry her and go home. Such a pretty person, she is always frightened when she is outside, so it is better to let her brand her own mark as soon as possible and stop the thoughts of those outside.

Thinking of this, Qin Mozhi's mouth filled with a smile and walked into the kitchen.

The kitchen was busy again. After a while, Zuo, Kou Dan, and Xiao Qing stood outside together. In the kitchen, only Gu Xiaowan and Qin Yizhi were left.

Qin Yizhi burned the fire, Gu Xiaowan cooked the vegetables, through the mist, time seemed to have returned to many years ago, and they did the same, feeling the most ordinary life.

Gu Xiaowan fry two dishes, make a soup, and put it on the small table in the kitchen without anyone waiting.

Qin Yizhi looked at the two dishes and one soup in front of him. They were all his favorites. The colors of red and green were very beautiful.

Ordinary home-cooked dishes have more emotions. Qin Yizhi was hungry and feasted.

Gu Xiaowan picked him up vegetables on the side and watched him eating happily. She felt that the happiness in her heart was about to overflow, and she couldn't help but crawled onto her cheeks.

"What are you laughing at? Is there something on my face?" When Qin Yizhi looked up, he saw Gu Xiaowan looking at something, staring at her silly smile, Qin Yizhi touched her face, could it be that Saved food on your face?

It shouldn't be, although he is hungry and eats faster than usual, but he won't be so fast!

Gu Xiaowan continued to stare at him with a smirk, as if he hadn't heard him.

Only then did Qin Yizhi understand, this girl looked stupid by herself!

Qin Mozhi couldn't help but smiled when she felt a burst of warmth from her heart. Taking advantage of her in a daze, put down the bowl in his hand and suddenly approached Gu Xiaowan.

Looking at the handsome face of the handsome man who had been looking at it, it was getting bigger and bigger. Near Chi Chi, Gu Xiaowan hurriedly backed away, but it happened to be caught in Qin Yizhi’s arms. With a long hand, he would go The fallen woman was pulled into her arms.

Lifting her up, someone sat on his lap. Due to conditioned reflex, when Gu Xiaowan sat up, she couldn't help but stretched out her hand to wrap his neck.

And the other hand touched his chest.

Qin Yizhi is tall, well-proportioned and sexy, with wide shoulders and narrow waist. Even if Gu Xiaowan sits on his legs, it can only reach his chin.

The man in front of him has sculpted and handsome facial features, flying eyebrows into his temples, his original sharp eyes, and now he is gentle and tender, smiling so softly: "Am I that good-looking?"

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