The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2183: It's a good day

At the same time, Gu Xiaowan swallowed, as if to cater to Qin Mozhi's joke.

When she reacted, her face flushed immediately, as if she could bleed.

Qin Yizhi laughed loudly.

Gu Xiaowan was extremely shy, her face flushed and hot, she hid herself wherever she dared to face him, and leaned gently on his shoulder.

Under the palm of the palm, under the warm chest is his heartbeat, and the tip of his nose is filled with the domineering aura that belongs to men. Because he has just bathed, a clear and pleasant breath instantly penetrated the tip of Gu Xiaowan's nose.

Gu Xiaowan still couldn't believe this man who looked like a god. This was her fiancé and her future husband.

"What are you thinking about?" Qin Yizhi looked at the bewildered girl, in a good mood, and wanted to tease her.

"I'm thinking, why are you mine?" Gu Xiaowan gently picked up a trace of his hair. The shampoo used on his head was made by Gu Xiaowan herself.

It is made of fresh magnolia petals and saponaria. At this moment, his hair has a faint magnolia fragrance. Gu Xiaowan gently wrapped the hair around her fingertips, placed it on the tip of her nose, and sniffed gently.

And she didn't know, her action simply ignited his fire.

His stature was slightly stiff, and the desire that had only been suppressed soon surged out at this moment.

Qin Mozhi couldn't help it anymore and continued to kiss fiercely.

In the kitchen, in addition to the mist, there is also a misty aroma.

Gu Xiaowan catered to him and responded awkwardly, shaking slightly invisibly, but Qin Yizhi became more and more crazy.

He didn't dare to kiss any more, so he could only leave the lips that made him forgetful, and hug the woman in his arms tightly. Gu Xiaowan didn't know his strangeness, she twisted her body and asked with concern: "What's wrong? "

Holding her stronger and stronger, a hoarse voice with extreme restraint came from above: "Don't move."

Although Gu Xiaowan had been without personnel for both lives, she had followed Qin Yizhi for so long. How could she not understand the affection of a man.

The man in front of him was her future husband-in-law, seven years older than her, and already a mature man.

Thinking of this, the shy Gu Xiaowan didn't dare to move, so she could only bury herself deeply in his arms.

After a long time, I heard Qin Yizhi's voice: "I heard that Master Huiyuan will return to Beijing soon. Then, let's go find him together. It's a lucky day, okay?"

Gu Xiaowan's complexion suddenly turned redder, and she whispered softly, "Okay!"

After the meal, Qin Yizhi took Gu Xiaowan's hand back to the room. When he passed the door, Kou Hai looked at Qin Yizhi, and he stopped talking.

Qin Yizhi glanced at him lightly, did not speak, pulled Gu Xiaowan directly into the house, and closed the door tightly.

Kou Hai and Zuo saw that the door in the house was closed, and it seemed that the master would ignore other things.

Qin Yizhi made up his mind, and spent this day with Gu Xiaowan. It took so long to see her. He still has more things to say to her!

Other things, wait!

Kou Hai sighed invisibly, "That one is still waiting for him!"

Zuo smiled, a little further away from the house, sitting under the porch and waiting: "What's the rush? The master and the girl haven't seen each other for so long, you, don't worry. The master has a plan in his heart!"

When the two entered the room, Qin Yizhi was indeed a little tired, but he had something to tell Gu Xiaowan. Gu Xiaowan didn’t want to be tired, so she went to bed with him, and they hugged each other and said quietly for a while. Then, Gu Xiaowan told about Gu Ning'an. After Qin Yizhi heard it, he didn't say anything else, only hugged her tighter.

After a long time I heard him say: "Nothing like this will happen again!"

The person in her arms did not move. Qin Yizhi lowered her head and glanced quietly, and saw that she did not know when she had closed her eyes and made a slight snoring sound.

Qin Yizhi looked at the white skin in his arms that could be broken by a bombshell, the brows and the picturesque face, peerless, he couldn't help but lowered his head and kissed her forehead again.

I want to ask for one more point, but I am afraid that it will disturb her good sleep. He smirked and fell asleep deeply.

With a person who is thinking about his days and nights in his arms, for the first time in more than a month, he slept so peacefully.

Gu Xiaowan didn't know what was going on. She slept well last night, and when she smelled the scent of Qin Yizhi's body, sleepiness also came, unexpectedly earlier than Qin Yizhi's sleep.

When she woke up, the sky outside was a bit dark. Gu Xiaowan moved slightly, and Qin Mozhi woke up, with a very doting tone: "Awake?"

Gu Xiaowan raised her head, saw the handsome face, and nodded with a smile: "I haven't slept so steadily for a long time, but I have slept for a long time!"

When Xu heard the movement inside, Zuo's voice came from outside: "Girl, dinner is ready!"

Gu Xiaowan responded, and then got up. Fortunately, the two did not take off their clothes. Although the clothes were a little wrinkled, they were fine at home. After a brief refreshing, they went to the flower hall.

Dinner was placed in the flower hall, Gu Ningan and Gu Xiaoyi were already waiting.

"Brother Qin!" Seeing Qin Yizhi and her sister walking over affectionately holding hands, the two called out sweetly.

Qin Mozhi responded and looked at Gu Ning'an and Gu Xiaoyi.

Gu Ning'an is the same as before, except that the young are old and the old, especially after taking the post of Shaoqing of Dali Temple, he has become more stable.

On the other hand, Gu Xiaoyi's face is like a peach blossom, and the baby's fat on her cheeks is less during this period, and she has more of the tenderness of a girl.

Gu Fangxi came up with a bowl of food, Qin Yizhi turned around and hurriedly hugged his hands and shouted respectfully: "Auntie"

Gu Fangxi put down the things in her hand, and wiped her hands with a smile: "Xiao Qin is back, hurry up and sit down. Auntie cooks a lot of dishes, all of which are your favorites. Have you worked hard outside these days? Lost a lot!"

Qin Yizhi hurriedly said hello. Everyone took their seats one by one. Gu Xiaowan was on Qin Yizhi's left hand. This was where they had been sitting because Qin Yizhi could take care of her conveniently.

Gu Xiaowan sat on Qin Yizhi's left side, her solid chest leaning on her side, giving her a speechless sense of security.

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