The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2191: Big rock by the road

And these silvers are all life-saving money!

"What kind of person is Princess Anping!" Madam Su was also puzzled. Although she didn't hate her, she never liked her.

A little girl took away her son's entire heart. Even for her, she retired from the county lord of Mingdu.

She should hate such a woman, but she doesn't know why. At this moment, she feels that she can't bear to blame these responsibilities on a little girl.

Su Peian looked at the money in his hand and the things around him. It took a long time before he sighed and said, "If she were our daughter-in-law"

Su Peian didn't finish her words, Madam Su took the conversation and said quietly: "That would be great!"

After the two said these words, no one said anything anymore. Madam Su endured her grief and began to pack things up, at least the bedding should be cleaned up, and she would use this to rest at night.

It’s already autumn, and it’s very cold at night, especially in such a desolate ruined temple. Mrs. Su originally thought it would be cold at night, but she didn’t expect

She was busy, and Su Peian also came to help him. At this moment, there was a movement outside. Looking back, it was Su Ziyue who was back.

When he saw the whole room, he asked in shock, "Where did these things come from?"

"Princess Anping has been here and brought these things!" Su Pei'an said.

"She's been here?" Su Ziyue's eyes have always been faint and shallow, but when he heard Gu Xiaowan's coming by, the whole person's eyes spurted with dazzling brilliance.

Mrs. Su sat aside and watched her son, who had been born and raised by herself for nearly 20 years, for the first time, truly realizing that Anping Princess had the weight in her son's mind.

He looked at the things in the room and asked excitedly: "Where is she?"

"Just left!" Su Pei'an said: "Back to the city!"

Su Ziyue didn't say anything, turned his head and rushed out.

Gu Xiaowan had to rush back before the key to the city gate. Naturally, the horse-drawn carriage ran very fast, but it was difficult to walk at night. The road in the suburbs was not very smooth and bumpy, and because of the darkness, it was not very clear. .

Halfway through the carriage, I didn’t know what was going on. There was a big rock blocking their way. Fortunately, Kou Hai quickly reined in the reins, but because of the inertia caused by the speed, Gu Xiaowan So close to the door frame.

Hearing the movement inside, Kou Hai was very anxious: "Girl, are you okay?"

Gu Xiaowan shook her head and said, "It's okay, what happened?"

"There is a huge rock in front of us blocking our way." Kou Hai said.

"What's the matter? Did you have it when you came?"

"I didn't have it when I came, and there are no high mountains around here. It doesn't seem to be rolled down from a mountain, but it seems to be placed here artificially!" Kou Hai replied.

Just as he said, he was shocked.

Thinking of the darkness of night, a strange stone lay in the middle of the road, blocking their way, and inside the carriage

Kou Hai intends to get out of the carriage and move away, so he solemnly told the people inside: "A Zuo, take good care of the girl!"

Zuo held the sword in his chest and stood in front of Gu Xiaowan, alertly to the movement around him.

Wan Lai was all quiet, quiet like a ghost, but at the same time like the peace before the storm.

Gu Xiaowan didn't think that Kou Hai was an unreasonable worry, on the contrary, she was thinking quickly in her heart, even if someone was going to deal with her, who would be the one dealing with her?

Thinking like this, suddenly a happy voice came from outside: "Princess"

It was Su Ziyue's voice.

Gu Xiaowan lifted the curtain of the car from far to near, and the lantern at the back of the carriage clearly photographed the people behind.

Seeing the villain on the carriage was really Gu Xiaowan, the expression on Su Ziyue's face became more vivid.

"Princess, it really is you" Su Ziyue said excitedly.

Just now coming out of the ruined temple, Su Peian said that those things were sent by Princess Anping. He still didn't believe it very much, but he also wanted to confirm it. He followed all the way. He couldn't see anything, but later he saw the carriage. Stopped, he also chased up.

"Su Gongzi" Gu Xiaowan got out of the carriage with the help of Zuo.

Su Ziyue: "Why did you stop?"

Then I saw ahead, Kou Hai was struggling to move a big rock. Because the rock was too big, even if Kou Hai tried to eat milk, the rock only moved a little bit.

Seeing that stone, Su Ziyue's brows frowned: "What's going on?"

Zuo said, "I don't know what's going on. It didn't exist when I came, but now it has!"

Su Ziyue suddenly felt worried about the inexplicable big stone: "I'll help!"

Kou Hai and Su Ziyue joined hands before finally removing the huge stone.

Seeing Su Ziyue's help, Gu Xiaowan was very grateful: "Thank you Master Su!"

Su Ziyue's face turned red suddenly, thinking of his current situation, and sending so many necessities to herself, she was still a weak woman. Su Ziyue was both excited and sad.

"Zi Yue is now in a dangerous situation, and the princess is still helping out of justice. This kind of grace, Zi Yue will not be able to repay this in this life." Su Ziyue looked at Gu Xiaowan and replied seriously.

The night was very dark, only a few lanterns were hung on the four corners of the carriage.

Several people stood beside the carriage, and the natural faint light also clearly illuminated the expressions on their faces.

Su Ziyue couldn't remember how long he hadn't seen Gu Xiaowan, anyway, every time I saw it, every time he was heartbroken.

Tonight Gu Xiaowan wore very ordinary, a azure robe, the robe is very simple, seems more like a man's dress, her ink-like hair combed a simple bun, and a very ordinary hair Plum hairpin carved out of wood

Because there is no moon tonight, the stars are bright, but no matter how bright they are, they are no better than those bright eyes, which brightly compare the thousands of stars.

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