The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2192: Must not let her enter the city

Su Ziyue looked at those eyes, and only felt that the throbbing deep in his heart could not be controlled. He looked at the person in front of him madly, but for a while, he didn't know what to say!

With Su Ziyue's fiery eyes, Gu Xiaowan sighed invisibly, then leaned on her body and said, "Master Su, it's getting late and the city gate is about to close. I'll leave!"

Su Ziyue didn't want Gu Xiaowan to be in any danger. Thinking of the big rock that appeared inexplicably, he also said: "Princess, I will send you to the city gate, and I will leave when I reach the city gate!"

Immediately afterwards, as if afraid to scare Gu Xiaowan, he pointed to the seat on the carriage and said, "I'm sitting outside and driving the carriage."

His eyes were very firm, Zuo and Kou Hai both looked at each other, and suddenly looked at the big rock, their eyes grew colder and colder.

Many people have more coverage.

Although Gu Xiaowan is not a person who is greedy for life and fear of death, there are always a lot of inconveniences on the way this night, so she said, "Thank you Master Su, then!"

After speaking, got on the carriage.

Su Ziyue also got into the carriage and sat beside Kou Hai. Kou Hai raised his whip. The whip made a crack in the night sky. The horse raised all four hooves and ran quickly.

Gu Xiaowan looked at the incense lighted in the carriage. It was about an hour before half a column, and it was more than enough to rush to the city gate.

And at the moment, the guard who was about to close the city gate yawned and said, "It's so late, I'm afraid there will be no one!"

"There is still half a stick of incense. When the time is up, we will close it!" Seeing that his eyes were about to be closed, the other guard said hurriedly, "Don't fall asleep, guard at the gate of the city. It is punished to find the soldier dozing off!"

The yawning soldier heard that he was going to be punished, and he straightened himself up for fear that he would fall asleep again, but he would have to use a whip.

At this moment, an ordinary carriage drove over suddenly, and the leader of the city gate saw the carriage, and hurriedly looked over it, and saw that the city gate chief Song Qiheng was sitting in it.

Busily handed over and said respectfully: "Song Dusi"

"The city gate is about to be closed. Those who enter the city gate at this time must be strictly inspected, and you must not let those monsters enter the capital. The peace of the capital is in your hands! Do not make any mistakes. , Do you understand?"

"Song Dusi, please rest assured, his subordinates must strictly check the household registration books, and do their best to guard the gates of the city to prevent a person who does not match the identity from entering the capital!"

Song Qiheng nodded in satisfaction, and then left in the carriage.

"It gave me a good spirit. The city gate is about to be closed when there is still half a stick of incense. This half of a stick of incense, everyone who enters the capital and every carriage has been carefully read by me, the household registration booklet I also checked it carefully."

When the soldiers at the gate heard this, they straightened up and responded loudly, "Yes!"

Song Qiheng's carriage stopped in a hidden alley.

In an alley that was not very wide, a luxurious carriage was parked unexpectedly. After arriving, Song Qiheng immediately got out of the carriage, walked quickly to the luxury carriage, and said respectfully with his hands in his arms: "Lord"

There was a lazy but prestigious voice, and he hummed softly, and then asked, "Is it done?"

"If you go back to the prince, it's all done. Gu Xiaowan and others can't enter the city tonight!" Song Qiheng said respectfully.

Shu Hao sneered: "It's the best if you can't get into the city. She is really brave enough. People expelled by the emperor, she actually went on a pole to give charcoal in the snow. The night was so dark, several bandits and bandits accidentally killed someone. But her life is short!"

"The prince said that. The night is dark and high, and the suburbs are full of dense forests. There are some robbers and bandits. Whether it is dead or injured, it depends on the martial arts of the two people around her." Song Qiheng echoed. Tao.

"Humph." Shu Hao sneered: "This Gu Xiaowan has been against me time and time again. This time Su Ziyue retired from his relatives. I was afraid that Gu Xiaowan would not be able to get out of the relationship. The dignified Mingdu princess was actually The peasant girl is playing around, despising my royal dignity, this wicked woman"

Shu Hao's voice became colder and colder, and his words flashed with a faint cold light like a poisonous dagger.

Song Qihenggong sent away Prince Ming, then turned around and went back. Still not forgetting to tell the people around him: "Haosheng looks at the city gate and keeps a close eye."

Only then left with satisfaction.

Outside the city gate, Gu Xiaowan's carriage galloped on the road, and Su Ziyue leaned on the frame of the carriage, feeling a sense of satisfaction that he had never had before.

In the carriage, sitting Gu Xiaowan, and he was only a few steps away from her. He had never been so close to her, and had never been so close to her.

I've never been so ardent and demanding, this road is a little longer and a little longer.

However, there are always times when the mountains and rivers are exhausted, and the roads are always far away, and the tall city walls soon appear before you. When Su Ziyue saw the towering and familiar city wall, he had never felt this way.

Su Ziyue could not enter the city, and it was better not to be too close to the city gate. Gu Xiaowan stopped the carriage half a kilometer away.

"Master Su, thank you very much. We will soon be at the gate of the city. The night is already dark. Go back quickly!" Gu Xiaowan didn't want Su Ziyue to be in any other danger and urged him to go back earlier.

Su Ziyue looked at the faintly visible city wall. Although he was reluctant to give up, he was afraid that his presence would affect Gu Xiaowan, so he nodded helplessly: "Okay, princess go slowly!"

He got out of the carriage and stood by the carriage, but still refused to leave. Just standing by the carriage, looking at the carriage reluctantly.

When the carriage was about to leave, Gu Xiaowan suddenly thought of something: "Wait a minute."

Su Ziyue's eyes lit up like stars in the sky at that moment.

Gu Xiaowan took a lantern from the frame of the car and handed it to Su Ziyue's hand: "It's getting dark, and there are more dense forests. If you hold this, it will look better!"

The carriage galloped away without stopping for half a minute. Su Ziyue saw that the carriage had disappeared, and he should have reached the gate of the city, before he shifted his gaze to the lantern in his hand.

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