The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2195: Why is it weird

He didn't think the regent would come to help a little peasant girl or princess! You know, this regent is a cold-faced prince who is cold-hearted and cold-hearted. He has heard that he kills people without blinking, let alone any weakness.

Besides, it is none of his business whether she is a real princess or a fake. He acts impartially and is not afraid of authority!

Moreover, it was they who lied in front of him, and he was just looking at him. Even if something really happened, it could only be blamed on them for not following the rules!

Thinking about this, Yu Shaoliang’s worries faded a lot: "In response to the prince, the people in this carriage had brought hundreds of taels of silver in and out of the city gate, and the officials were worried that they would be unruly. If ordinary people come and go in a fair manner, why bother Make money? So, the official ordered people to scrutinize the carriage."

A voice of approval came from the carriage: "Master Yu did the right thing!"

The regent’s approval made Yu Shaoliang's nervous and worried heart relieved: "The officer checked the vehicle and found no other faults, but the guards who got the silver told the officer to register with the booklet they used to get in and out. It’s not the same! I didn’t dare to take it lightly. I wanted them to show evidence to prove who they were. It could be determined by law. But they couldn’t take it out. The time had come, and I didn’t dare to let them in. City, that's why"

Yu Shaoliang's remarks are reasonable, but they don't tell me who is on the carriage outside!

The person in the carriage then praised: "Master Yu did the right thing! That should be the case! This king believed you! If this is the case, the king will not delay Master Yu."

Yu Shaoliang’s hanging heart finally landed. He just breathed a sigh of relief, and when he was about to send away this great Buddha, he heard a questioning voice from inside: "However, Lord Yu, this king is a little bit curious. They What kind of identity did Master Yu think that he could use the word weird?"

Yu Shaoliang was immediately confused! Yes, why does he use the word weird?

He was speechless, but knew that he could no longer conceal it, so he had to answer truthfully: "In return to the prince, this man used the household register of a cook in Jinfulou when he was out of the city, but when he came back, he used it. It is the household register of Princess Anping today. So the official status is the most ordinary, and the status is the most noble. The official thinks this is too absurd. Wherever there is a cook who becomes a princess, there must be many in the middle. Strange, only the officials feel weird!"

He paused, and continued: "This is the imperial majesty, and the officials dare not take it lightly! But this person can't come up with any tokens that can prove her identity, and the officials have to act impartially!"

Yu Shaoliang's words were loud and loud, and what they said were all doubts about the person outside. But he didn't doubt it. He used a booklet when he went and another booklet when he came. The answer from Yu Shaoliang was perfect.

The first thing in the carriage was Princess Anping, and she spoke coldly, with a strong anger: "Oh, right? This person is so brave. How can Princess Anping pretend to be today, Master Yu, People who don’t know the heights of the sky and earth are brought here. This king must take a good look at it, pretending to be the princess, and the death penalty is unavoidable, and the living sin cannot escape!"

The voices of the people inside were as cold as ice skewers in the twelfth lunar month, and the words were quite a maintenance of the royal family's dignity and disgust for this person who pretended to be Anping Princess.

If it were normal, Yu Shaoliang would definitely be happy, but now, he is a bit inaccurate. What is the purpose of this regent?

Yu Shaoliang did not dare to offend the regent. Although he was extremely reluctant, he had to wave his hand and said, "Go and bring people here!" The city gate reopened when there was still a gap.

Gu Xiaowan watched the city gate open in surprise, and saw a luxurious carriage parked in the city gate. Yu Shaoliang stood there respectfully. Because she was so far away from him, she only heard the first singing, knowing it was the regent. Came, but didn't hear what they said.

At the moment it was said that they were taking them to meet the regent, but Gu Xiaowan did not stop and entered the city gate.

Coming to the carriage, Gu Xiaowan leaned over to salute: "Please greet the prince."

There was no sound in the carriage, and Yu Shaoliang kept frowning: "The prince, she used two household registration books to enter and exit the city gates. The officials did not dare to make any conclusions, so they had to stop them from entering the city!"

Between the words, it was the city gate commander who made the business work.

Indeed, he cannot be blamed for this matter, even if she is the real Princess Anping, he cannot be blamed! Who told her to take two household registration books? Which one is true and which is false? How does he know!

It took a long time to hear a voice from the carriage. The voice was very low, as if lowering the voice: "Master Yu doesn't need to look at the tokens, she is Princess Anping! Let her enter the city! The royal family spends the night outside the city. not good!"

"But she" Yu Shaoliang immediately pleaded: "She has no tokens, how can I prove that she is? The lower officer is the city gate commander and is responsible for maintenance."

The person in the carriage interrupted his words coldly, with a low voice with a little hoarse: "What? Don't you even believe what the king said? Naturally, she is Princess Anping. No doubt, as to why two pamphlets are used, this matter. I don’t have to worry about it, my lord. If she wants to explain, she only needs to explain to the emperor!"

This means that you are just a city gate commander, and it is not your turn to interrogate Princess Anping!

After speaking, without waiting for Master Yu to speak, the carriage came suddenly and went suddenly! Yu Shaoliang was not given any opportunity to explain.

When Yu Shaoliang saw that the prince was actually speaking for this peasant girl, he was puzzled and suspicious after his mistake.

This prince will not go to the Palace of Three Treasures!

This time, it seems to be trying to protect this woman!

Gu Xiaowan looked at the direction that the luxury carriage was leaving, and there was a slight sign for a moment.

From the beginning of this person's speech, she was puzzled.

She admitted that she didn't know the regent, and on any occasion, she had never seen the prince. The two did not meet at all, but he was speaking for her with such sharp and partiality!

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