The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2196: She is Princess Anping

But this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is

The voice of the prince.

How can it feel familiar? As if I heard it somewhere.

Zuo, who was on the side, didn't notice her strangeness, and pulled her sleeves: "Girl, let's go back!"

Kou Hai had already driven over in the carriage. After A Zuo helped Gu Xiaowan got into the carriage, he walked in the opposite direction where the prince had left.

Yu Shaoliang, who had always suffered from a face, looked very ugly. It was not until the carriage was about to leave that he heard his urn voice: "Xiaguan Gong send Princess Anping!"

It was anger and injustice.

It even brought a little yin and yang!

Gu Xiaowan didn't pay so much attention, her mind was occupied by the sound she had just heard.

"Zuo, do you think that the prince's voice just now sounds familiar?" Gu Xiaowan frowned and asked, "I think, I really want to hear it from somewhere!"

A Zuo's figure paused slightly, and he recovered for a while: "The girl has never had any intersection with this prince. How can you be familiar with it? Maybe the prince's voice is very ordinary, and the girl listens too much!"

Gu Xiaowan didn't think so.

She is very sensitive to sounds, especially this kind of deep and deep voice, she thinks she must have heard it somewhere.

But where has she heard of it?

When it turned out to be a peasant girl, this prince was aloof, how could she know? Even if she is now a princess, she still does not know this mysterious prince.

The intersection between her and the prince was limited to the last time she was canonized as Princess Anping, when the mysterious prince gave her some gifts.

That's it!


It seems that I only heard this similar voice beside her.

Gu Xiaowan said in a low voice, "Maybe I really made a mistake!"

Zuo grinned and smiled softly, without saying much.

When Yu Shaoliang saw that ordinary carriage disappeared into the night, he suddenly seemed to have thought of something, returned to his horse, and galloped away.

He only cared about riding a horse, and didn't even see a ghostly shadow behind him, whose speed matched the horse riding and he kept following him closely.

Song Qiheng had already fallen asleep. Hearing that Yu Shaoliang came to see him, thinking that the matter was settled, he just wore a coat and got up. After getting up he was a little unhappy: "Why are you here so late?"

Yu Shaoliang knelt down with a thump: "My lord, the plan has failed!"

Song Qiheng stiffened, and his voice changed a little: "What did you say?"

A ghostly black image outside is hanging from a beam like a bat, quietly listening to the movement inside.

"Originally, the city gates were already closed, and Gu Xiaowan was also shut out, but where did I know that the regent was here?"

"What are you talking about? The Regent? How could he go to the city gate?" Song Qiheng couldn't believe it, and asked: "Are you sure you are the Regent?"

"Sure, the soldier in the lead took the token of the regent, and he would not be wrong when he was sent down! He said that he was on the order of the emperor to inspect the use of household registration, and saw a carriage not coming in at the gate. Asked a few words."

Yu Shaoliang taught Song Qiheng what he said after the regent arrived.

"The regent said that the person was Princess Anping, and asked the lower official to let her in. The lower official said that there were many doubts. The prince only said that the princess should explain the doubts to the emperor by herself!" Yu Shaoliang almost slumped his mouth. After a few words, I was very wronged.

Who makes him a small official, he dare not disobey the regent!

That prince, but under one person, above ten thousand! Who dares to refute him? Even today's saints can have today, he has his merits of being a dragon!

Song Qiheng didn't say a word, and Yu Shaoliang became more aggrieved: "Master Song, it's not an official, but the official can't stop it! I originally had an excuse not to let Gu Xiaowan enter the city. Originally, the city gate was closed. How did you know?"

"I know, I don't blame you, if you want to blame, you must blame the regent, how could he suddenly appear! You just said that he was inspected by the emperor's order?" Song Qiheng frowned and asked, he seemed to have thought of it suddenly. What, but I dare not confirm it.

"Yes, he said that the emperor ordered him to go. And, Lord Song, don’t you think it’s weird? How long did Gu Xiaowan come to the capital? How did she know the regent? You and I have been officials for so many years. I have never seen the true face of this regent!"

"So you mean to say"

"Master Song, did you say that the emperor is interested in this girl?" Yu Shaoliang whispered. After speaking, he closed his mouth tightly and looked around vigilantly, for fear that his words would be heard by a third person. .

The eyes of the people hanging outside flashed a bit of ruthlessness, and the people inside even agreed: "It is possible, otherwise, how could a peasant girl in a district suddenly become the head of the county, the head of the county, and then the princess, If the emperor didn’t mean this to her, how could she be so fast!"

When Song Qiheng also meant this, Yu Shaoliang was about to cry anxiously: "Master Song, if you say that Gu Xiaowan really entered the palace and became a concubine, if I embarrass her, I will tell the emperor when the time comes. Wusha hat, you can do it"

Seeing his timid, rat-like appearance, Song Qiheng snorted in his heart, but didn't show it on his face. He said quietly: "What are you afraid of? She offended Prince Ming, would Prince Ming allow her to enter the palace so easily? If she becomes the pillow of the emperor, will all those who have been against her have a good end? You and I don’t have to say, There is also a Princess Mingdu in the Ming Palace. Do you think that Prince Ming will let this happen?"

"Naturally not!" Yu Shaoliang said hurriedly.

"That's it! Don't worry, anyway, what happened tonight, you bite to death, and push all the faults to Gu Xiaowan's body. She used the fake book to go out of the city first, and bribed the guard first. You just follow the law. Do things, rest assured, nothing will be found on your head!" Song Qiheng said heartily.

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