The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2608: I'm looking for you

"No, his full name is Nansang, but because he likes to call himself Anan, people in the rivers and lakes call him Lord Anan!"

"Nan Sang?" Shu Min said silently in her mouth, suddenly as if thinking of something. She once heard Master Song Qing say that she had found a killer in Minshan to deal with Gu Xiaowan, named Jiang Nansang.

Jiangnan Sang and Nansang, are there any problems here?

Shu Min was not sure, just because Master Song Qing almost patted his chest and told himself that this person would almost be able to complete the task 100% as long as he took the task. In his hands, there has never been anyone alive!

However, that time, he missed!

Although the two people next to Gu Xiaowan also knew martial arts, for a killer, there were so many ways to kill someone. How could he give up so easily? Then it disappeared without a trace!

Su Min's hand suddenly became stronger, Xiao Yuanshan was pinched, and he cried out: "What are you doing? Are you going to murder me?"

Seeing Xiao Yuanshan's pain, Shu Min said hurriedly: "Wang, Wang, are you okay? Are you okay? I blame the concubines, the hands are too heavy, I'm sorry!"

Xiao Yuanshan was pinched in pain, but his mind became clearer. Now that he saw Shu Min's hypocritical appearance, I couldn't help feeling disgusted when he thought of Gu Xiaowan's plan in her heart.

"Let's go, this king is going to review the memorial!" He still can't get into conflict with Shu Min. The only thing he can do is to ease her temporarily. If the Muslim is succeeded by Shu Hao, this woman, he still has to curry favor. If Shu Hao died miserably

Seeing Shu Min's departure, Xiao Yuanshan gave a sneer at the corner of his mouth. He still knew how to protect himself!

Best, let Xiao Yuanyao write out the edict of Zen position as soon as possible!

Anan didn't take anyone with him, and went to the Windward Hall alone. When he saw the guards and maids in the palace, he lazily said, "I don't like so many people attending, so go down!"

One of the father-in-law said hurriedly: "This is what the king ordered the minions to prepare for the landlord, and I hope the landlord should not embarrass them!"

"I want to embarrass someone, when is it your turn to teach?" Anan smiled and looked at the person in front of him. The father-in-law only felt like a spring breeze just now, and he was suddenly placed in the icy and snowy ground. He even crawled out of the Windward Hall, but the maids and attendants didn't dare to wait, and hurriedly followed the headed father-in-law out.

In the palace with a lot of people just now, no one left in a short while.

Anan's mouth was filled with a smile that could almost destroy the world, but with a wave of his hand, the gate of the palace that opened wide was closed in no time!

Anan took off his drapery, revealing a young and shocking face. He was cold all over, pacing slowly to a table and chair, and gently lowered the curtain in his hand.

After closing his eyes, when they suddenly opened them again, they sent out a chilling feeling.

From the moment he entered the palace, a familiar smell would radiate out. For more than ten years, although he hadn't smelled that smell for more than ten years, it was almost a familiarity carved in his bones. , How could he forget?

More than ten years ago, he took her here to recuperate, and more than ten years later, he came here to look for her again.

It really is a causal cycle!

Anan took a break and went out while it was dark. His skill is extremely good, and his black figure disappears into the night with almost a turn around.

His nose is excellent, and because the fragrance is what he has been looking for for so many years, even if he hasn't smelled that smell for more than ten years, but the fragrance deep into his bones, he will never forget it in this life.

He shuttled through the palace, avoiding the guards patrolling the palace, looking for it one after another.

He doesn't know where Awan is being held, but he still has time, and he can continue to search in the imperial city!

If he couldn't find it overnight, he would look for the next day. Before that, he had already thoroughly observed all the palaces in Nanling Imperial City. Now it's just looking for that whereabouts one by one.

Don't let him go anywhere.

The fragrance of Utambula lasts for a long time! This kind of flower only grows on Regret Mountain. Awan has only found one plant in Regret Mountain for so many years. Later, when she left Regret Mountain, she also took the Utanbula.

Until later, when something like that happened, Utambula grew directly in her body, the flower died, all the fragrance of the flower was transferred to her, and she became a person in the whole world. The object to chase.

Because of this fragrance, no one in the whole arena will let her go!

Until later, when she died and he almost followed, he was unwilling and determined to kill all the people who had persecuted her. In this way, when she was reincarnated in the next life, even if there were any Utambula on him. The fragrance, no one can until she is the saint more than ten years ago!

His figure was almost as neat and ethereal as a ghost. In the dark night, his night clothes were flying fast. No one found him. He walked one palace and another palace. Before the sun rose, he walked all seven or eight palaces in the entire imperial city!

There are some scents everywhere, and he has no clue!

Before the sun rose, Anan returned to the Windward Hall. As soon as he changed his clothes, there was a knock on the door: "Lord, the king, please go over for breakfast!"

Anan was dressed in white, and opened the door. He didn't say a word. He raised his foot and walked away. Seeing the ruthless landlord, the father-in-law who passed the message did not say a word or asked him. He just walked forward like this, and walked away in no time So far.

The servant father-in-law has ever seen such a cold person who is like an ice cube. He is so pitiful that he doesn’t even talk. He is busy following along. This time, a person with such long legs takes him several steps in one step. The father-in-law had to spread his legs and ran. Hurrying slowly, almost when he was about to arrive at the royal study room, the servant-in-law caught up with Anan.

In this twelfth lunar month, the frozen person was dying to live, and he even ran out of sweat. It was a miracle!

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