The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2609: Wandering around Nanling

The maid-in-law wiped the wet sweat on his head, then bent over and said respectfully: "Lord, please"

The long legs crossed the threshold, and the maid-in-law saw him step in, and he stretched his legs and took a step forward. Originally thinking that he should lead him before the original poster, so he was not vague. Like Anan, his legs crossed directly. Passed the threshold.

Who knows, how can one's short legs compare to other people's long legs, one did not step over, and fell directly on the threshold. The two short legs were split in half, old arms and legs. When I had suffered such a pain, my trousers pierced and broke, and my old leg that hadn't been moved for many years was split, and my bones hurt! The painful maid-in-law grinned, so painful!

The pain is over, the key is that the pants are torn, which is shameful in front of the ruthless landlord!

The maid-in-law pulled a long bitter melon face and was about to get up to change his pants. At this moment, King Nanling walked out. Xu Ye heard the sound of tearing the pants inside, and then took a disgusted look and chopped. The father-in-law, who was on the ground, said angrily: "Get out of here!"

The maid-in-law got up hurriedly, holding his back with both hands, and hurriedly backed out!

Anan had a face, and there was no expression during the whole process. Xiao Yuanshan saw this face as handsome as an immortal.

More than ten years ago, Xiao Yuanshan was only a teenage boy. Now that he has passed, he recalled in his memory the way he saw Anan more than ten years ago. He couldn't help but sighed: "I haven't seen him for more than ten years, Nan The host is the same as before, nothing has changed!"

The years almost freeze on this man. He was like this more than ten years ago. After more than ten years, he is still the same as before!

Xiao Yuanshan stared at Anan almost jealously and angrily, still with the same cold face as it was more than ten years ago.

Reach out and ask: "Lord Nan, please"

Anan also stretched out his hand vainly, with a cold voice: "King Nanling, please"

After the two are seated, one is on the left and the other is on the right. The middle is filled with a wide variety of delicious food. Xiao Yuanshan said with a smile: "Southern host, Japan should have been caught in the dust yesterday, but the host has been working hard. Today, the king was supposed to go to court, but he was afraid that he would neglect the host. These few days, this king is nothing more than the court. He will accompany the south host with peace of mind and wander around in my imperial city for a few days. What do you think?"

That is naturally the best!

With the company of King Nanling in the daytime, then he can walk around the entire imperial city without fail!

Anan put down the tea cup in his hand, and a smile finally appeared at the corner of his mouth. Although cold, his attitude was much better than before: "Naturally, the best. I have not been to Nanling in a long time, and some memories are about to be forgotten. It is clean. If the Nanling King is willing to accompany him, it will naturally be the best. I also want to remember the memories. The days in the imperial city more than ten years ago can be regarded as memory of the past!"

Xiao Yuanshan didn't expect that he would agree with him. He was a little surprised, but he quickly calmed down and said hurriedly: "In that case, the Nanlord, please have a meal. After the meal, this king will take the Nanlord to stroll around!"

After breakfast, the two went out of the Imperial Study Room together, and started wandering around the imperial city!

Anan pretended to be careless, and said a word or two to King Nanling from time to time, but at the rest of the time, he was seriously sniffing the surrounding breath, hoping to smell the smell.

Apart from eating and taking a break, the two of them had a whole day of shopping! Xiao Yuanshan's legs and feet are going to be numb, but the southern host, who said that the boat and carts are tired yesterday, is not tired at all!

Xiao Yuanshan couldn't go shopping anymore, but it was not easy to refute the face of Nan Louzhu, so people could only lift Yu Hu to sit on top of Yu Hu and visit the imperial city with him!

Sitting on Yuhu's head was much better than walking, and Xiao Yuanshan became interested again.

Buyuge, Gu Xiaowan was lying in bed resting, this Buyuge couldn't do anything. All she did was thinking about eating, sleeping, and replenishing her energy!

Hearing a slight movement outside, I hurriedly raised my head and heard someone unlocking the lock outside. Gu Xiaowan was shocked and jumped up hurriedly. I heard Shu Min standing outside angrily, as if to come to me to ask my teacher!

Gu Xiaowan didn't feel scared. After staying in Buyu Pavilion for a long time, she almost forgot how to talk. Now Shu Min came just right, maybe she could tell her something.

When she came to the table, Gu Xiaowan took a sip of water. Hearing the sound of the lock falling on the outside, Gu Xiaowan personally stepped forward and pulled the door bolt open. The waiter, who originally wanted to slam the door open, suddenly opened the door. When he bumped into him, he couldn't stabilize the momentum, and all of his brains rolled in. Gu Xiaowan hurriedly stepped aside to get away. These people fell in and rolled in like an arhat!

Gu Xiaowan looked at them coldly, then looked away from them, and saw Shu Min who was desperate outside!

"Princess Nanling, long time no see!" Gu Xiaowan grinned her white teeth and smiled.

Shu Min didn't expect Gu Xiaowan to be detained for so long and still laugh out loud. She was so angry that she strode forward and went to fight Gu Xiaowan: "It's all you, and I have a rift with Wang! Gu Xiaowan, Why do not you go to hell!"

Shu Min did not have kung fu, she also used brute force when she fought Gu Xiaowan. Gu Xiaowan had somehow studied kungfu with Qin Yizhi for a few years. She had some martial arts skills. She learned well to avoid and escape. She lightly shook her body and avoided Shu Min's slap.

But Shu Min couldn’t hold back her body because of too much force, so she drove forward. Jian Yu saw that her master was at a loss, so she hurried forward, and held Shu Min in one hand. Shu Min suffered a loss and turned around again. Staring at Gu Xiaowan viciously, her eyes were vicious: "Gu Xiaowan, how dare you hide?"

Gu Xiaowan sneered: "Shu Min, are you stupid as a princess, you beat me, why can't I hide!"

"How can you hide, you are now an ant at my feet, how can you hide! Come, hold this person down for me, and fight hard!" Shu Min shouted angrily.

Gu Xiaowan watched as more than a dozen guards approached him, all of them were wearing Nanling clothes, and she sneered: "You are from Nanling. Before you came to beat me, did you get the instruction of Nanling King?"

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