The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2610: Who would he believe

Shu Min: "I am Princess Nanling, they are my subordinates, they should have listened to me!"

"Listen to you?" Gu Xiaowan didn't see any weakness: "Your king shut me up here. Although it restricts my freedom of life, he treats me with delicious food and drinks every day, and never makes me feel wronged. You think, If you beat me, your king will agree? If you beat me to death, will King Nanling let you go?"

Seeing that all the people she had brought back, Shu Min hurriedly shouted, "Hit me, punch, and my palace will give you a silver or two!"

A punch is a silver or two. This amount is a little too much. The guards who stepped back came forward again, seemingly tempted!

Gu Xiaowan stood there alive and pointed at Shu Min and shouted: "Shu Min, you said that I was the one who caused you to have a rift with Nanling King, but what are you doing now? Nanling King kept me here for so long , But I have treated me half badly. If you beat me and nothing else, I don’t know what Nanling King will do to you, but I know very well that he will never let you go! Do you think , A princess from another country and someone who came here in person, and a princess with iron forging technology that can greatly increase the combat power of the country, who do you think Nanling King would favor?"

Gu Xiaowan did not sloppy with Shu Min at all.

If Shu Min hit herself today, Xiao Yuanshan would never let her go!

"Huh, Daqing also has iron smelting and forging technology, I can go to my father and king!" Shu Min said angrily: "Even if you are dead, there is Daqing, Daqing will always give me the technology! "

"Is it true? Will it really be given to you?" Gu Xiaowan laughed mockingly: "Do you think King Nanling thinks so? Do you believe in a big country that suppresses yourself, or believe that a weak woman will come faster? After all, you should know that King Nanling is a suspicious temper. He grabbed me and took information from my mouth, much faster than taking information from your father!"

Gu Xiaowan's words were unceremonious, which made Shu Min hesitate. After hearing Gu Xiaowan's words, the guards looked at each other and did not dare to step forward.

One or two pennies with a punch, although it is a good way to make money, but if it angers the king, then they can make money and spend their lives.

The guards behind him stepped back step by step. Shu Min looked back and saw that those guards were hiding behind each other like a counselor, angrily wanting to swear, but because of his identity, he dared not speak.

I can only stare at Gu Xiaowan bitterly, every word, almost eating Gu Xiaowan: "Gu Xiaowan, you are great, you wait!"

After speaking, she flees with others.

Gu Xiaowan's hanging heart eased when she saw the person leaving.

Fortunately, Shu Min has something to fear, otherwise, she would have to plant it in Shu Min's hands today!

Since Shu Min is still afraid of the things in her hands, then Daqing must be fine now!

Shu Min walked away angrily, returned to her palace, smashed all the porcelain in the palace that could be smashed, and before shedding the anger in her heart, she roared, "Is there news from my brother?"

Jian Yu shook his head: "Not yet!"

"Not yet, not yet, how many days have passed since, why haven't we had any news!" Shu Min said angrily, "Gu Xiaowan has already left, and everyone around her has gone out to find someone. Now it's a mess. When he doesn't do it now, when?"

Jian Yu also frowned, indeed, now is the best time!

Shu Lin looked at the two people shivering in front of him, holding a sharp dagger in his hand, and smiled and said to them: "Do you want to commit crimes and meritorious service? If you do well, the son of this world will satisfy your glory and wealth! "

Gu Chuanlu and Gu Ziwen knelt down on the ground. Hearing these words, they immediately raised their heads, showing their loyalty: "Sir, you say, you can say, we will die."

"Don't, don't die, you only have to complete one thing, great prosperity and wealth, waiting for you!" Shu Lin smiled proudly, and then threw the dagger in his hand to the ground.

"As long as you kill the people in Qingyuan, your future glory and wealth will not miss you!" Shu Lin said.

Gu Chuanlu and Gu Ziwen looked at each other, staring at each other. After a long time, they trembled and asked, "Sir, who do you want us to kill?"

"Clear the garden, don't leave one!" Shu Lin said lightly, as if to say that it is as simple as asking you to kill a chicken and a duck.

"Gu Gu Xiaowan is a lunatic, she, she will definitely kill us!" Gu Ziwen shouted immediately.

"Didn't you just say that you will die forever? Why, now I am afraid that Gu Xiaowan will kill you?" Shu Lin smiled mockingly. Looking at Gu Chuanlu and Gu Ziwen, who were already bloodless, they shook the dagger in their hands!

"Since you don't want to do anything? Then, otherwise, I will kill you now?" The dagger in Shu Lin's hand flickered, and Gu Ziwen clutched his arm and cried out, "It hurts, it hurts. what!"

"It hurts? I just scratched you, so you hurt?" Shu Lin's dagger had a blood bead on it. He wiped Gu Ziwen's body in disgust, and then said wickedly: It's really not possible. You don't want to kill the people who clear the garden. Or, you two, perform once in front of me?"

Gu Chuanlu tremblingly asked, "Sir, what do you want us to perform?"

"Just show what happened that night!" Shu Lin laughed, with a triumphant expression on his face: "I can see clearly in this world? How about? Gu Ziwen, is it good to be treated by his old man? If not? Show me that very good show, do you think I will take you in? If you don't want to kill, then perform it again in front of me!"

"Boom" exploded like a thunderbolt in the blue sky, and Gu Chuanlu realized how it felt so different that night.

Gu Chuanlu’s old face is green. He is a person who has read books. He knows the courtesy, righteousness and shame. Although he is cruel, but he is extremely fond of his reputation. That matter is like a stick in his heart Same as a knife!

He hurriedly said: "Shi Ziye, I will go, I will kill people! I will go!"

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