The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2638: The ferocious Shu Tianci

"Shu Min teamed up with Xiao Yuanshan to imprison Xiao Yuanyao. Xiao Yuanshan disguised himself as Xiao Yuanyao, entered the palace, and imprisoned the girl. Later, when Xiao Yuanshan saw that things fell, before he died, he sent a signal flares to let people kill the girl. I set off a fire and burned."

"Ah" Gu Fangxi screamed and fainted. Gu Xiaoyi cried hysterically: "Sister, sister"

Aya plopped outside and knelt on the ground. He had no tears and couldn't cry. However, his heart hurts, and his heart is full of scars. The pain almost kills him, it hurts.

Tan Yexing escorted Shu Hao and Shu Lin into the palace, and directly led people into the imperial study room. When the **** arrived, Grandpa Qi wanted to go forward and kick Shu Hao a few times. He glanced at Shu Hao sternly, and wanted to take him. Thousands of knives and slashes, it is difficult to understand the hatred in my heart.

He tried to suppress the anger in his chest, and said, "General Tan is here."

"Is the emperor here?"

"Yes, I've been waiting for you for a long time!" Qi Gonggong turned around, opened the door of the Imperial Study Room, led Tan Ye in, and went to the desk, waiting to see Shu Tianci sitting there with his back in the armchair, his face dumbfounded , There was another strain in his heart: "The emperor, General Tan has brought the two counter-thiefs here!"

The red rope that Shu Tianci had been holding tightly in his hand suddenly tightened, and his eyes were still dumb, and when he looked at Shu Hao and Shu Lin, he burst into endless anger.

He didn't even think about it, and regardless of his manners, he rushed forward and kicked at Shu Hao with his foot raised. Shu Hao was kicked in the stomach and let out a scream.

However, Shu Tianci still couldn't understand his hatred, and kicked it one foot after another: "Why don't you die, why don't you die!"

He was not at all like an emperor at the moment, but like a person with thousands of hatreds. He stepped heavily on Shu Hao's body, head and stomach, kicking Shu Hao constantly, yelling.

Shu Lin was even more stunned, staring at all this blankly, he had never seen such an emperor, he was completely devoid of dignity and reserved!

Seeing Shu Hao's bruised nose and swollen face, Tan Yexing stepped forward and said, "The emperor, don't kill him, he still has many problems to explain!"

Only then did Shu Tianci stop and fight, but he still couldn't understand his irritation. He didn't want to look at Shu Hao anymore, and returned to his position coldly, trying to suppress his distress and anger, almost shouting: " Say! Tell me all the things you do!"

Shu Hao had several broken bones. He didn't expect that Shu Tianci would pull himself here to interrogate him. Isn't he already convicted of usurping the throne?

Why are you still holding him to say something?

Besides, Shu Lin has also explained Tan Yexing's matter, and this is what Sen is familiar with!

Shu Hao is also a hard-headed man, stubbing his neck and said: "If you want to kill, you have to slash casually. Anyway, the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit, I admit!"

Shu Tianci looked at Shu Hao with a sneer and said, "Want to die? Shu Hao, I won't let you die so easily. Don't worry, every pain she suffers in front of her will be doubled on you. !"

Shu Tianci's voice was cold and bitter, and he stared at Shu Hao as he bit his posterior teeth. If his eyes were like a knife that could kill people, Shu Hao might have been pierced into a human flesh sieve at this moment.

Shu Lin looked at Shu Tianci in horror. Although this speech has always been prestigious, but because of his young age, he was still a kind cousin, and he felt cold for no reason.

They have committed the sin of rebellion, how could Shu Tianci not beheaded to show the public? How would he torture them?

He has already had a leg removed, what else does Shu Tianci want to do?

Shu Hao didn't expect that Shu Tianci would use torture to treat them, and he was a little panicked for a while: "Shu Tianci, what are you going to do? If you want to kill, you must cut it as soon as possible, give it a go!

"Shu Hao, do you want to die? It's not that easy. I want to torture you a little bit, making you worse than death, and you won't die in this lifetime." Shu Tianci leaned on the armchair and looked at Shu Hao, saying every word. Said almost grimly.

Tan Yexing was aside, and told Shu Tianci all the things that came out of yesterday's interrogation. Shu Tianci only listened indifferently, occasionally angry, but occasionally bowed his head and looked at the things in his hands.

Shu Hao and Shu Lin knelt on the glorious jade ground, shaking all over.

Tan Yexing did not say what they said that Gu Xiaowan was a saint. This thing is too shocking, and there are some things that cannot be said here.

In order to survive, Shu Lin also tremblingly added something to the side. Shu Hao didn't care anymore, and then just sat down on the ground.

Shu Tianci didn't say anything, but listened coldly, until Shu Tianci suddenly asked, "What about Princess Anping? How did you smuggle Princess Anping to Nanling!"

Shu Lin said: "It was Xiao Yuanyao who came to us and said that we must choose Princess Anping and let us help. He also used 20,000 taels of gold as bait, saying that as long as he helped, he would give us gold."

"So, you gave away Xiaowan for twenty thousand taels of gold? Okay, okay." Shu Tianci staggered from the chair to stand up, his footsteps were vain, and he seemed to be unable to stand still, staggering. He fell back into the seat again and made a bang. Gong Gong Qi was very distressed, and he saw Shu Tianci standing swayingly on the table again. It took almost all of his energy, and he stared at Shu Lin firmly. , Almost crazy: "You colluded with Xiao Yuanyao to frame her for twenty thousand taels of gold. How are you, you are very good!"

Shu Hao conspired to rebel, and Shu Tianci was not so moved, but when it comes to Gu Xiaowan's affairs, Shu Tianci seemed to be crazy. Shu Hao and Shu Lin looked at each other, and then they realized that Shu Tianci's anger came from. Come.

Shu Hao was overjoyed, thinking that he had grasped Shu Tianci's handle, and said, "Shu Tianci, if you are willing to let us go, we will definitely send Gu Xiaowan back to you in Nanling. What do you think?"

Shu Hao had no respect for Shu Tianci at all, and he didn't need to respect him either. In front of him, he was a yellow-mouthed kid. He respected him. If it weren't for Qin Ziye, he would be sitting on this dragon chair!

Shu Tianci sneered: "Bring it back? You said you want to take her back? Bring her back"

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