The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2639: Make a deal

Shu Tianci approached Shu Hao step by step. Shu Hao was proud of himself. When he was about to say something, suddenly, there was a sharp pain in the shoulder blade: "Ah."

With an inconspicuous dagger in his hand, Shu Tianci directly inserted it into Shu Hao's scapula, then took it out a little bit, then re-inserted it in the wound just now, took it out, and inserted it again.

Shu Hao was so painful that he lost the strength of his backhand. He curled up hideously and wanted to kick Shu Tianci. Where did he know, Shu Tianci quickly got up and stepped on his leg bones with one foot. "With a sound, the leg bone broke.

Shu Hao let out a tragic cry again in pain, and Shu Tianci seemed to be more excited, stepped up again, and directly broke Shu Hao's wrist. Shu Lin watched in horror at Shu Tianci's violence, terrified.

Tan Yexing didn't know why Shu Tianci was so angry, so he hurriedly said, "The emperor, please calm down. Princess Anping is in Nanling. The minister is willing to take someone to defeat Nanling, and she must bring Princess Anping back."

Shu Tianci's foot had already stepped on Shu Hao's other wrist. After listening to Tan Yexing's words, Shu Tianci did not hesitate and stepped on it.

Shu Hao almost passed out in pain!

Tan Yexing looked at Shu Tianci's irritable movements, but also a little surprised, what happened to the emperor?

As he was thinking about the effort, Father Qi came in from the outside and said: "The emperor, Nanling King Xiao Yuanyao is now five miles away from the capital, saying that he is going to enter the palace to meet the Holy Master!"

"He's here?" Xiao Yuanyao said, almost gritted: "Well, if he doesn't come, I will go to him too! Let him come to see me quickly!"

Five miles away, saying that it is not long or short, there is no sound from the Imperial Study Room. Only the upper person is sitting and the lower person is kneeling. Tan Yexing stands there, watching his nose, his nose, his heart, and no one speaks. .

Shu Hao lay on the ground and made ouch sounds from time to time. As long as he called out, the **** immediately came forward, kicked here, punched there, and in the end, where did Shu Hao dare to scream, even if it hurts again. Can only endure.

Xiao Yuanyao entered the Imperial Study Room an hour later. As soon as he entered the Imperial Study Room, all his eyes looked at him.

Especially Shu Tianci, his eyes are almost shining with poison, which can poison him to death!

Xiao Yuanyao's face was gloomy, with pain and perseverance. He walked over step by step, came to the center, bent over and bowed, "Nanling King Xiao Yuanyao pays homage to the Qing emperor!"

Shu Tianci didn't move, he was not as polite as before, just staring at Xiao Yuanyao fiercely.

Tan Yexing was a little surprised. It was just now that they were married. How come these two are so arrogant?

Shu Tianci looked at Xiao Yuanyao steadily. He clenched his hands under the table, his knuckles were white, and he seemed to crush his palms with such force, but even so, the palms were already painful, but he still couldn't. Control the crazy hatred of the person in front of you.

"Xiao Yuanyao" Shu Tianci couldn't help it anymore. He stood up and came to Xiao Yuanyao's side in a flash. The short but gleaming dagger was placed on Xiao Yuanyao's neck like this, Xiao Yuanyao did not hide, Shu Godsend sternly said: "You still dare to come"

Xiao Yuanyao looked at the dagger on his neck. It was the dagger forged by Princess Anping at the time. Seeing it again, he really hated it! Upon seeing this, Tan Yexing hurried forward to La Shu Tianci: "The emperor, don't do it, this is King Nanling, don't!"

Shu Tianci pushed Tan Yexing away and looked at Xiao Yuanyao again: "Xiao Yuanyao, if you don't come to the Qing Dynasty, I will level down your Nanling in a few days."

"I know!" Xiao Yuanyao finally moved his gaze away from the dagger. He grinned bitterly, his eyes filled with endless regrets: "So, I regret it."

"Regret?" The dagger approached Xiao Yuanyao's neck for another point. The sharp dagger had cut through Xiao Yuanyao's skin, oozing traces of blood: "You regret it? What's the use of regretting it? She can still get it back. Are you coming?"

No one understood the inexplicable dialogue between the two, except Father Qi. Shu Lin and Shu Hao glanced at each other, not knowing what they were talking about, while Tan Yexing frowned, foreseeing another particularly bad thing.

"I'm sorry Xiaowan"

"You don't deserve to call her name!"

Shu Tianci roared.

Tan Yexing looked up in shock, and the bad premonition slowly surfaced.

I saw Xiao Yuanyao kneeling on the ground and crying bitterly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for her, I blame me, if it weren't for me, she would not die, she would not die."

Tan Yexing looked at Shu Tianci and saw that his face was pale, although he was in pain and despair, but he was not shocked.

It should have been known about this for a long time, and Shu Hao and Shu Lin, after looking at each other, were extremely surprised: "How is it possible? How could she die? How did she die? I didn't send two secret letters in a row. Go to Nanling, let Min'er protect Gu Xiaowan well? How could she die?"

Shu Tianci looked at Shu Hao, he would let Shu Min protect her?

This is no different from the best joke he heard today!

"Let Shu Min protect her? Uncle Emperor, it's impossible for you to forget why Xiaowan went to Nanling, isn't it you controlled it alone?" Shu Tianci roared.

Shu Hao endured the severe pain and said, "Yes, I controlled it with one hand, but later, I also wanted to protect, protect her!"

"Protect her? Stop meddling with rats! If you didn't count her, she is now in Daqing and is living well. You bunch of messengers, messengers." Shu Tianci seemed crazy. , Pointed at Xiao Yuanyao and Shu Hao who were kneeling on the ground and shouted.

Shu Hao obviously couldn't believe it, and said something in his mouth: "How is it possible? How could she die? No, no! She won't die, she is a saint."


The people in the Yushufang heard these words and looked at Shu Hao one after another: "What did you say? What did you say she was?"

"The emperor" Shu Hao swallowed, and then cautiously said: "Shall we make a deal? You let me go, I will tell you her story! Don't worry, she won't die!"

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