The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2640: Her only thing

Shu Tianci looked at Shu Hao stunnedly, without even thinking about it. Just when he wanted to speak, he saw Tan Yexing on the side hurriedly saying: "The emperor, Shu Hao committed the crime of conspiracy against the Nine Clan. You can't let it go!"

He also knows about the saint, but with so many people, this is not the time to talk!

Shu Tianci looked at Shu Hao and suddenly said, "If you dare to hide me, I want you to be broken into pieces!"

This is just opening up. A smile flashed across Shu Hao's face: "Thank you, the emperor!"

"The emperor, I want to start from the beginning about the saint woman. More than ten years ago, when you were not born, there were rumors in the rivers and lakes." Shu Hao wanted to speak, but found himself in the end. He couldn't say anything. The head in his throat was like being grilled by fire, and he couldn't make any sound!

He covered his throat in shock. In addition to the fire, there was a smell of rust coming up. The jade ground in front of "Puff" was splattered with blood, and Shu Hao was covering his throat, unable to say a word, before he died. His fear made him hardly struggle, as soon as he crooked to the ground, he died!

That's not even counted, Shu Lin on the side suddenly let out a scream, and then, just like Shu Hao, he vomited blood and died without closing his eyes!

Everyone watched in horror as Shu Hao and Shu Lin died one after another. There was no sign. Everyone took a breath, and Father Qi went to touch the snorts of the two, and then said in horror: "The emperor, these two are dead. !"


Died without saying anything?

Shu Tianci looked at the two dead in disbelief, and shouted: "Go and teach the emperor, save these two for me, and save them!"

Now, I am afraid that only Shu Hao and Shu Lin would know the whereabouts of Gu Xiaowan, what saint? As long as Shu Tianci heard the news of Gu Xiaowan, he would be excited, but now, the only person who knew the news died?

Madam Hao Lian came soon, checked the two of them, and then replied: "The emperor, these two have died, they seem to be poisoned."

"Poisoning?" When he was suspicious, a stalwart man in red walked in. Shu Tianci recovered from his madness: "Midnight"

Before Xiao Yuanyao got up, there was a sharp pain on his back. He vomited a mouthful of blood and lay down on the ground. Qin Yizhi stepped him on the ground with a cold voice like ice: "You still Have a face back?"

"Sorry, Regent, I'm sorry"

No one knew that he came to the Qing Dynasty, and Xiao Yuanyao also knew that when he came to Nanling, there was only a dead end. However, he still came and did not bring anyone. He only brought Xu Chengze, a few guards, and came secretly. Up.

If he really died in the Qing Dynasty, he would go to accompany her. He always felt that he was arbitrary and handsome enough, but after he really saw the death of a person, he turned into a charred corpse. At that time, there was only deep regret and grief left in his heart.

He really knew it was wrong!

But what is the use of knowing that it is wrong? "She is dead!" Qin Yizhi shouted hysterically: "You killed her!"

"I know, so, if you want to beat or scold you today, do whatever you want, or kill me, I have no regrets, I will pay her my life!" Xiao Yuanyao smiled helplessly, he wanted to try to squeeze a touch. Laugh, but it's worse than crying.

"Pay her your life? If your life can replace her, I hate to cut you a thousand times!" Qin Yizhi retracted his foot, unable to hold it anymore, and slumped in a large armchair.

After a few days of absence, Qin Yizhi was quite old, his face was pale, and he wore a red shirt, but still could not stop the grief and paleness on his face.

He was in a coma for a few days, and he was tormented in his dreams day and night. He would dream every time, from the first time he saw her, until they settled in love, and then later, they went with life and death, every night , Are such good dreams, he can't bear to wake up.

As long as he wakes up, he will discover the fact that she is dead. How can he be willing to wake up?

However, he still has to wake up, Wan'er is still waiting for her revenge! He can't just watch her tragically die!

"Midnight, what are you going to do with this person?" Shu Tianci pointed at Xiao Yuanyao and asked.

He really wants to cut this person a thousand times, but he still has to ask Qin Ziye, after all, he is the person who has the most right to deal with this person!

Qin Yizhi didn't even look at Xiao Yuanyao, his voice was like ice: "Let him go back!"

Shu Tianci was taken aback: "Midnight!"

Tan Yexing also looked at Qin Mozhi in surprise. Although he knew that it was the most reasonable to deal with the matter in this way, he still had some doubts when he said it from Qin Mozhi.

Xiao Yuanyao also looked at Qin Mozhi in surprise.

Qin Yizhi raised his eyes to look at him at this moment: "I let you go back, not because I will let you go. Xiao Yuanyao, you are the king of Nanling, and I will not let you die in the Qing Dynasty. However, I will not let go either. After you, I, Qin Yizhi, solemnly tell you here, in the near future, I will lead an iron cavalry to pierce through your Nanling, personally behead you, and avenge my Waner!"

Xiao Yuanyao sat slumped on the ground and smiled.

He knew that Qin Yizhi would not let him go so easily.

However, he never thought that he would live with this guilt for the rest of his life. He also solemnly said: "Okay, the regent, I am Xiao Yuanyao to fight. I only have one request. I can be killed, but please let it go. Those people of mine in Nanling, they are all innocent!"

Qin Yizhi nodded: "I won't hurt the innocent. The person I want to kill is you!"

Xiao Yuanyao stood up at this moment, took out something from his arms, and handed it to Qin Yizhi: "Originally, when I came to Daqing this time, I never thought about going back alive, but since you let me go back, things, I I'll return it to you first, this is her thing!"

Xiao Yuanyao took out a veil from his arms, opened the three layers inside and outside three layers, and saw a verdant plum blossom in it. Qin Yi saw it and stretched out his hand to grab it.

Xiao Yuanyao saw his shocked look, and said helplessly: "This is what she wears on her head. I have never seen it before. When did she have this green hairpin, but then I thought about her I've always loved a hairpin made of wood. Xu is that the hairpin has this jade hairpin inside, and the outside is wrapped in wood. Carve another one!"

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