Then I stayed under a big tree in the village for a night. When I woke up, I found a small white snake on my body...

Thinking of this, Leng Su changed into long sleeves and long trousers. After getting dressed, he left the hotel and walked towards the big tree in his mind.

At this time, it was not dark yet. Leng Su walked around under the big tree, but did not see the legendary little white snake hero.


Could it be that she had to feed the mosquitoes here all night?

No, no, no, she doesn't want it, she refuses to do such a stupid thing.

Leng Su frowned slightly and her brain began to work. Soon her frown relaxed and a faint smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

She flipped her hands and took out a bunch of grapes from the space, then sat down on the grass, eating the grapes leisurely and playing with her mobile phone boredly.

The moment the grapes were taken out of the space by Leng Su, a sweet and attractive scent spread around...

In the grass not far away, a plump little white snake suddenly opened its green eyes.

"Aura!" A cold male voice came from the snake's mouth.

Then, a faint light flashed in the little white snake's eyes, and he quickly headed towards the source of this rich spiritual energy.

Snake demon Jun Mo, he is not an ordinary wild snake demon, but the snake king of the snake world.

Jun Mo was obsessed with cultivation and basically ignored all the big and small things in the snake world. It was okay for a short time, but some people's hearts changed over time.

No, when Jun Mo was in seclusion, both his cronies and his relatives betrayed him.

While he was in seclusion, he took control of the entire Snake World, and even used the Snake World's treasure to send him to another time and space.

While traveling through time and space, Jun Mo's body was injured, and his training was interrupted. As a result, he was unable to maintain his human form and could only transform into the most primitive snake body.

However, this time and space has very little spiritual energy, no cultivators, and no demonic beasts that have become spirits. This is why Jun Mo ended up becoming the pet of his original owner.

Because this time and space is so terrifying, even poisonous snakes will become food on these human tables...

Jun Mo was injured and was accidentally caught while out hunting.

Originally, they wanted to kill him for making soup, but unfortunately his prototype was too small. Although he had a lot of chubby meat, he really couldn't eat more than a few bites.

The snake catcher thought it looked cute, so he simply pulled out its fangs and sold it as a pet, thinking that he would get a good price.


There was a faint sound of a snake spitting out a message, and Leng Su's eyes flashed. He looked calm on his face, but in fact, the moment Jun Mo climbed onto the grape, he grabbed him tightly with quick eyes and quick hands. In the palm of your hand.

"..." Jun Mo was confused.

His snake eyes widened, and the snake's mouth was opened to bite the grape full of rich aura, but he was unexpectedly caught by Leng Su.

The plump little white snake was staring at her with a pair of round snake eyes, its mouth slightly open, looking at her in surprise.

Leng Su: "..." What should I do? I want to laugh so much! ! !

Before Jun Mo could react, Leng Su put the grape in his hand to his mouth and asked, "Want to eat it?"

Jun Mo's snake head nodded subconsciously.

Seeing this, Leng Su smiled, reached out and poked the little white snake on the head, and said, "I have a lot of these fragrant, sweet and delicious fruits. Do you want to eat them every day?"

This time Jun Mo didn't nod anymore, but stared at Leng Su with his green eyes, a look of caution on his face.

PS: [There is still an update, which is being written. The new plane card is particularly ecstatic, and I feel tired]

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