Leng Su: "..." Don't ask her why she saw a wary look on the face of a thumb-sized snake, because she is an old monster who has lived for countless thousands of years, so she is awesome, and awesomeness is not needed Explained! ! !

"It seems you don't want to eat it." After saying that, Leng Su directly stuffed the grape that had reached the snake's mouth into her own mouth.

Jun Mo: "..."

Immediately afterwards, Leng Su took another grape and put it on Jun Mo's mouth, and asked again: "Does it smell good?"

Jun Mo: "..." That's not true! ! !

"It's a pity that you can't eat it." After saying that, Leng Su stuffed the grapes into his mouth again.

Jun Mo just watched helplessly as Leng Su finished the grapes full of aura one after another.

"..." Looking at the grape seeds on the ground, Jun Mo's snake face was still tense. Although the snake's body was already trembling with anger, it could not break free from Leng Su's hand.

Seeing that the grapes had been eaten, Jun Mo thought that his suffering should be over, but Leng Su suddenly caught him in front of her mobile phone.

A food show was playing on the phone screen... the chef inside was showing how to cook a snake.

Jun Mo: "..." He wants to kill this woman! ! !

Fried snake meat, snake soup, stewed snake soup, snake meat hot pot, grilled snake meat, stir-fried snake meat with chili...

Jun Mo watched as the snake's body kept trembling, spitting out snake letters and clamoring to take care of Leng Su.

But helplessly, Leng Su's hand seemed to have magic power, grabbing him tightly, no matter how hard he struggled, it was useless.

After struggling for a long time, Jun Mo gave up.

He closed his snake eyes, tilted his head to the side, and pretended to be dead.

Leng Su: "..." My snake is awesome.

Just when Jun Mo was pretending to be dead, Leng Su produced a bowl of water with a fragrant fragrance from nowhere.

Jun Mo suddenly opened his eyes wide, raised his head, and stared straight at the bowl of spiritual spring water in Leng Su's hand.

"Hey, why don't you pretend to be dead?"

Jun Mo: "..." Damn humans!

"Your purpose!" Jun Mo said coldly.

"I can raise you for free, and give you these spiritual fruits and spiritual spring water for free to help you heal. In the same way, you need to stay by my side and protect me throughout your life."

"You do..." Before the word Meng could be uttered, Jun Mo watched helplessly as Leng Su drank the spiritual spring water into his stomach.

Jun Mo: "..."

When Leng Su once again created a bowl of richer spiritual spring water, Jun Mo closed his eyes with a look of despair and said, "I promise you."

Anyway, human beings only have a lifespan of less than a hundred years. At worst, he will stay with her to recuperate and protect her.

After a hundred years, his injuries will probably be healed, and he may be able to use her spiritual fruits and spiritual spring water to further enhance his strength. Then he will find a way to fight his way back to the snake world.

As soon as Jun Mo agreed, he felt his body suddenly suspended in the air, and the next second he successfully fell into a water source that was so comfortable that it was explosive.

"Take good care of yourself, otherwise with your current virtue, let alone protecting me, it will be difficult for you to survive."

"..." Jun Mo couldn't help grinding his teeth after hearing this.

As the snake king of the snake world, he has never been so humiliated since he was a child. This woman is so abominable!

I really want to bite her to death! ! !

But... as soon as this thought came into Jun Mo's mind, he felt something was wrong.

Before he could think about it, the tingling sensation coming from his body made him forget all these messy things for the time being, and he began to practice absorbing spiritual power to heal his injuries wholeheartedly.

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