While Jun Mo was recovering from his injuries, Leng Su took him back to the hotel.

As soon as I arrived at the hotel entrance, I noticed a group of bodyguards in black running around in a hurry, as if they were looking for something.

Leng Su: "..." I have an uncomfortable feeling for no reason.

While Leng Su was speechless, the bodyguards apparently noticed her. Almost instantly, all of them ran towards her and surrounded her.

Leng Su: "..." Is this a plan to beat her up in a group?

"Susu, Susu." The man's urgent voice came from the front.

As the man appeared, the bodyguards around him quickly dispersed to both sides, making way for the visitor.

Tong Kai ran to her with a worried look on his face and subconsciously wanted to hold her hand, but Leng Su avoided him.

His eyes flashed, and he retracted his hand silently, looking at her affectionately: "Where have you been? You scared me to death just now. Even if you want to go out next time, remember to bring a bodyguard."

Tong Kai knew about Leng Su's special characteristics because he had investigated Leng Su and knew her experiences and encounters from childhood to adulthood.

Although it feels a bit fantasy, Tong Kai knows that Leng Su is particularly attractive to men...the reason is unknown.

"I'm fine." Leng Su said calmly.

"I'm just a little bored, so I went out for a walk. By the way, it's getting late, so I'll go back first."

With that said, Leng Su tried to walk past Tong Kai.

Unexpectedly, she was stopped by Tong Kai, who looked at the bowl in her hand and the little white snake in the bowl with an unhappy expression.

"Susu, what is this? Why did you catch a snake?"

"Get rid of this snake quickly, it will hurt you."

With that said, Tong Kai opened his hands and wanted to grab the bowl in Leng Su's hand, but Leng Su snatched it away again.

Tong Kai looked at her with a hurt expression: "Su Su, even if you don't like me, you have to take your own safety seriously."

"Whether you want to keep a pet, or if you want to eat snake meat, snake soup or something, just tell me and I'll ask someone to make it for you."

"This live snake is too dangerous, you can't take it back."

Facing Tong Kai's incessant behavior, Leng Su also became angry.

She stared at Tong Kai expressionlessly and said in a cold and stiff tone: "Tong Kai, you are just my agent, you have no right to control what I do."

"And when I signed the contract, it was clearly stated in the contract that I have the greatest freedom."

"I know you are doing it for good, but the good you want to give me is not what I want."

After saying that, Leng Su stopped looking at Tong Kai's hurt expression, passed him directly, and walked into the hotel.

Behind her, Tong Kai's fiery gaze never left her.

Leng Su didn't look back to take care of it, but accelerated his pace of leaving, quickly entered the hotel and completely left Tong Kai's sight.

In the evening, Leng Su was observing Jun Mo in the hotel room while playing Weibo on her phone, and posted the two photos that Tong Kai took for her during the day on Weibo.

[Leng Su]: Welfare is coming, please support the drama "The Beauty of the Beauty"/Smiling Face [Picture] [Picture].

As soon as Leng Su posted this post on Weibo, it was quickly forwarded, commented and liked by a large number of fans.

Leng Su didn't care about what happened after that.

Nowadays, the Internet is so developed, and the original owner's biological family is not simple. A daughter like the original owner has been missing for more than 20 years, and she doesn't believe that the Leng family is not looking for her everywhere.

It was only a matter of time before these two photos containing birthmarks were discovered...

PS: [Daily request for votes, there will be an update later, I am writing, okay]

Thank you [Siamond] [f Little Orange] [Shisan Niang] [Colored and Tasteful Liquid Poison] and other four little fairies for their reward support, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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