As soon as Leng Su posted his Weibo message, he suddenly heard the noisy noise coming from downstairs...

"Lengsu Lengsu I love you!"

"Lengsu Lengsu, marry me!"

"Leng Su, I have a net worth of 100 million. My family is very rich. We have a villa and a Ferrari. As long as you marry me, I can give you all my things."

A loud horn sound suddenly came from the window. Leng Su was stunned for a moment, and then black lines filled his face.

She immediately got up and walked towards the balcony, and saw a short man wearing a suit below the hotel, holding a loudspeaker and shouting at the hotel where she was.

Leng Su: "..." The halo of hot chicken is very harmful to people! ! !

"Su Su, Leng Su, I am sincere to you, so just marry me."

"Susu, I love you."

"Susu, I like you."

"Susu, I will treat you well all my life."

Leng Su: "..." So desperate.

"Are these men blind?" A cold male voice suddenly sounded beside Leng Su.

She turned around and saw a small white snake landing on her shoulder, looking at her with disgust.

Leng Su: "..." Xian dislikes her? Hahaha!

Leng Su, with sharp eyes and quick hands, once again grabbed the little white snake in his hand. Without saying a word, he held Jun Mo's head and quickly kissed her soft and warm lips.

In order to prevent a certain man from biting her to death, Leng Su quickly threw him onto the bed before he could react.

Jun Mo: "!!!"

"You shameless..." shameless woman.

Before Jun Mo finished speaking, Leng Su flew over with a dagger and threatened: "Do you believe it or not, I will turn you into a human form right now and rape you!"

Jun Mo: "!!!"

Faced with Leng Su's shamelessness, Jun Mo gave up. He glared at Leng Su fiercely, then closed his eyes, tilted his head, and lay down on the soft big bed, pretending to be dead.

He who knows the current affairs is a hero.

Although he really wanted to be tough and show off his kingly demeanor in a domineering manner.

But helplessly, since he was forced to live in this strange time and space, his kingly demeanor has long been gone.

In order to survive, he hid around every day and tried every means to avoid the snake catcher in this village.

Now, although this woman is a bit hateful, at least there is meat to eat with her! ! !

"Leng Su, Su Su, just come out!"

"Susu, I gave this song to you."

"You asked me how deeply I love you, how much I love you.

My feelings are true and my love is true.

the moon represents my heart……"

Leng Su: "..." She has a saying about MMP that she doesn't know whether to take seriously or not! ! !

"You asked me how deeply I love you, how much I love you.

My affection is unwavering, my love remains unchanged.

the moon represents my heart. "

Singing and roaring sounds like ghosts crying and wolves howling kept coming from downstairs, and Leng Su walked into the bathroom nearby with a dark face.

When passing by the big bed, she clearly saw the body of a certain little white snake trembling constantly, looking like it was holding back a smile.

Seeing this, Leng Su couldn't help but glared at the little white snake fiercely, and said slyly: "If you dare to laugh out loud, I will definitely kill you and cook you into a snake meat hot pot!"


As soon as Leng Su said these words, Little White Snake's trembling body instantly froze.

Seeing this, Leng Su walked into the bathroom with satisfaction, took out a water pipe inserted in the apocalyptic world from the space, connected it to the faucet, and returned to the balcony.

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