The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1525 The “lucky” actress VS the “cold-blooded” snake demon man (11)

This is……

Jun Mo was neither stupid nor stupid. His round, dark snake eyes couldn't help but glance up at Leng Su's white and tender hands.

If you close your snake eyes and feel it carefully, you will find that this huge spiritual power is indeed coming from Leng Su's palm.

"..." Jun Mo said that his mood at the moment was a little complicated.

Being in the spiritual power, Jun Mo didn't show any pretense or worry too much about the reasons for these complicated emotions. He just closed his eyes and began to absorb the spiritual power.

But what I have to say is that he is still grateful to Leng Su in his heart.

Well, although this damn woman is a bit hateful, at least as the owner, she still has nothing to say.

[Congratulations, Jun Mo's favorability value has increased by 10 points, and the current total favorability value is 10 points. 】

Leng Su: "..." The road to victory is long.

Just like that, the person and the snake on the big bed closed their eyes and rested.

The difference is that Leng Su is sleeping, while Jun Mo is practicing.

In the middle of the night, Leng Su was in a sweet dream, when the door of the room where she was sitting suddenly beeped, the sound of messy footsteps came, and the sound of slightly heavy breathing sounded in the dark night.



A familiar male voice sounded, a strong and pungent smell of alcohol came, and a tingling sensation came from Leng Su's fingers. She opened her eyes suddenly, and rolled her body in time to avoid someone's fall.


The lights in the room were turned on, and Leng Su glared at a man who was getting up from the bed with a dark face.

"Tong Kai, get out of here!" Leng Su scolded him coldly.

Hearing this, Tong Kai not only did not go out, but looked at her with a hurt face.

"Susu, why do you do this to me? Am I not good enough for you?"

"I helped you get rid of all the men who had evil intentions for you. I helped you accept TV series, movies, and commercials. In order to help you pave the way, I spent tens of millions on you to become famous. Why do you just Can’t you see me?”

"I'm so good to you, why can't you be with me?"

"why why?"

Tong Kai struggled to get up from the bed. He approached her step by step, questioning her.

"Tong Kai, I don't deny that you are kind to me, but don't say anything about tens of millions of dollars."

"In the past year or so, after I became famous, I must have made a lot of money for the company."

"I believe that the tens of millions you invested in me have been earned back."

"Also, Tong Kai, feelings cannot be forced. I don't like you and have no feelings for you at all. You should stop pretending to be a lover in front of me."

"If you really like me and you have to do it with me, how come you get entangled with so many women?"

"Also, please wash yourself well before you come to me next time. Look at the marks on your neck. I'm afraid you just came back from fighting outside."

Tong Kai's face instantly turned ugly after being sneered at by Leng Su.

His dark eyes stared at her in front of him, looking at the undisguised hatred and disgust for him in her eyes.

A rage suddenly rose in Tong Kai's heart.

He was angry, angry, and angry.

Why, why should she reject him?

Without him, she, Leng Su, is nothing!

He is her benefactor and has shown her kindness. Even if he wants her to marry him, sleeping with him is a matter of course!

Isn’t that the rule in this circle?

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