The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1540 The “lucky” actress VS the “cold-blooded” snake demon man (26)

[Life is full of shit]: The person who can suppress Tong Kai and make him willingly appear to clarify everything and take over all the problems... Could it be that there is a big financial backer behind Leng Su? ? ?

[Drunken Life and Dreams]: The truth should be revealed upstairs.

[Goddess Leng Su Wo]: You are such trolls. Why are your thoughts so evil?

[Soda]: It is precisely because their hearts are polluted that black people everywhere troll people. Believe me, goddess, and resist the black trolls!

[Susu’s loyal fans]: Yes, boycott the trolls, let’s boycott them together! ! !

[High EQ and High IQ]: Let’s break up, let’s break up, the crazy fans are infested, if you don’t break up, you will be bombarded and attacked by the group.

Just when these people were speculating and quarreling, Leng Nie, the number one bully in the business world of Country Z, appeared with a golden aura of rich people! ! !

[Leng Nie]: More than 20 years ago, due to the negligence of all of us, your newborn child was stolen from the incubator by that crazy nurse.

For more than twenty years, you have suffered so much heartache and pain. It is your brothers and parents who are sorry for you @Leng Su.

[Drunken life, dreaming and dying]: F*ck, Fuck, F*ck, F*ck! ! !

[Drunken Life, Dreaming and Death]: Am I really not dreaming? ? ?

[Everything in life is bloody]: Another bloody incident, another annual drama, and another secret about a wealthy family.

[High EQ and High IQ]: No wonder, no wonder, this Leng Su is actually the rich eldest daughter of the Leng family who has been missing for many years.

[High IQ and high IQ]: The Tong family and the Leng family are not on the same level and in the same world. Coupled with the Leng family's awesome family background and the Leng family's reputation for protecting their shortcomings... it's no wonder that Tong Kai jumped out. Clarify and acknowledge everything.

[Drunk Life, Dreams and Death]: Listening to the tone of voice upstairs, it seems that he is also a big shot, and he knows the Leng family and the Tong family so well.

Leng Su did not continue reading the remaining comments and defenses, but silently turned off his phone, thinking about how to attack Jun Mo next.

As for Tong Kai, she and he were no longer in the same world. She believed that her younger brother would not let him go without her stepping forward or taking action.

Just from today's meeting, Leng Su could see clearly that the Leng family was quite reliable.

After thinking wildly, Leng Su felt a little sleepy for no reason. She turned over and reached out her hand to silently grab a corner.

"Suddenly", a chubby little white snake was caught in her hand.

Jun Mo: "..." So angry! ! !

This woman is so abominable. She bullied him just because her cultivation was higher than his. It was so shameless!

"Okay, don't be angry and practice quickly. Heal your injuries as soon as possible so that you can beat me and pin me down at the same time, right?"

"You, you, you, you!" Jun Mo gritted his teeth and said, "You have no shame!"

Hearing this, Leng Su said disapprovingly: "Your snake skin is already thin enough. If even I are thin-skinned, then we will have to go around for hundreds or thousands of years if we want to be together."

"You are a snake demon and can indeed live for thousands or tens of thousands of years, but I can't. I'm just an ordinary human being. I'm already in my twenties now. It's pretty good to live for another fifty years or so."

"So for the sake of our happy (sexual) life, I must shamelessly pester you."

Jun Mo: "..."


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